17 Dead Giveaways Of A Terrible Person

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We all encounter people who make us wonder, “What were they thinking?” or “Are they even aware of how they’re acting?” While everyone has flaws, some behaviours are particularly telling signs of a terrible person. Here are some red flags that might reveal a less-than-stellar character.

1. They take credit for other people’s work.

TRAIMAK.BY,[email protected]

This is a classic sign of a terrible person. It doesn’t matter if it’s a joint project, a work presentation, or a creative endeavour – stealing someone else’s thunder is a huge no-no. Not only does it show a lack of originality, but it also reveals a disregard for the hard work and effort put in by other people.

2. They lack empathy and compassion.

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If they find it difficult to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and understand their feelings, it’s a major red flag. Empathy and compassion are a must for building healthy relationships and contributing to a kind and supportive society. A lack of these qualities can lead to hurtful behaviour and a general disregard for other people’s well-being.

3. They’re always the victim.

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Life throws curveballs at everyone, but if they constantly blame external circumstances or other people for their problems, it’s a sign they need to take responsibility for their actions. Playing the victim card prevents them from learning from their mistakes and growing as a person. It can also be incredibly draining for those around them who have to constantly offer support and reassurance.

4. They lie and manipulate.

Yuri Arcurs

Honesty and integrity are the foundation of trust. If they frequently lie or manipulate people to get what they want, it reveals a lack of respect for everyone around them. It can also lead to a web of deceit that can be difficult to untangle, causing harm to themselves and other people in the process.

5. They never apologise.

Liubomyr Vorona

Everyone makes mistakes. Owning up to them and offering a sincere apology is a sign of maturity and accountability. If they refuse to apologise or always pass the buck, it points to a lack of humility and a refusal to acknowledge their own shortcomings. This can make it tough to build trust and maintain healthy relationships.

6. They enjoy hurting people.

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This is perhaps the most disturbing sign of a terrible person. Whether it’s through physical violence, emotional abuse, or spreading rumours, getting pleasure from causing pain to other people is a sign of deep-seated cruelty. It’s really important to distance yourself from anyone who exhibits this behaviour and seek help if you’re experiencing abuse.

7. They never offer help or support.

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Life is a team sport, and we all need a helping hand from time to time. If they’re always focused on their own needs and never offer to help anyone else, it reveals a selfish and self-centred nature. Contributing to the well-being of those around you is an important part of being a good person and building strong communities.

8. They’re always late.

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While occasional tardiness is understandable, consistently showing up late for appointments, meetings, or social gatherings shows a lack of respect for other people’s time. It can also disrupt schedules and cause unnecessary stress and frustration. Trying to be punctual is a simple way to show consideration for other people.

9. They gossip and spread rumours.

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A terrible person thrives on drama and negativity. They love to talk behind people’s backs, spread rumours, and create conflict. This behaviour hurts the people they gossip about and reveals their own insecurities and lack of self-worth. Engaging in positive and uplifting conversations is a much better use of time and energy.

10. They’re constantly judgmental.

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Everyone has different opinions and preferences, and that’s okay. A terrible person, however, feels the need to criticise and judge everyone who doesn’t conform to their narrow world view. This behaviour is not only hurtful, but also reveals their own lack of open-mindedness and acceptance. Embracing diversity and respecting differences is key to building a harmonious and inclusive society.

11. They don’t respect boundaries.

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Whether it’s physical, emotional, or personal boundaries, a terrible person has no qualms about overstepping them. They might invade your personal space, pry into your private life, or disregard your feelings and opinions. Respecting boundaries is crucial for building healthy relationships and maintaining a sense of autonomy. Setting clear boundaries and enforcing them is essential when dealing with someone who doesn’t respect them.

12. They’re emotionally unavailable.

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A terrible person might seem charming and engaging on the surface, but when it comes to deeper emotional connection, they’re nowhere to be found. They might avoid discussing their feelings, deflect emotional intimacy, or simply disappear when things get too real. This emotional unavailability can leave you feeling frustrated, lonely, and unfulfilled. Building a healthy relationship requires both partners to be emotionally present and invested.

13. They refuse to compromise.

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In any relationship or interaction, compromise is key. A terrible person, however, sees compromise as a sign of weakness and refuses to budge on their demands. They might insist on always getting their way, even if it means sacrificing other people’s needs and desires. This rigid and inflexible behaviour can lead to conflict, resentment, and ultimately, the breakdown of relationships.

14. They don’t keep their promises.

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Trust is built on reliability and follow-through. A terrible person might make promises they have no intention of keeping, whether it’s showing up on time, completing a task, or simply being there for you when you need them. This unreliability can erode trust and leave you feeling disappointed and let down. It’s important to surround yourself with people who value their word and follow through on their commitments.

15. They’re materialistic and superficial.

Uwe Umstätter

A terrible person might place a high value on material possessions, status, and appearances, while neglecting the deeper aspects of life like personal growth, meaningful relationships, and contributing to society. They might judge people based on their wealth, social standing, or physical attractiveness. This superficiality can lead to shallow relationships and a lack of fulfilment in life. Focusing on inner values and authentic connections is a much more rewarding path.

16. They’re quick to anger and aggression.

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A terrible person might have a short fuse and resort to anger or aggression when things don’t go their way. They might lash out verbally or physically, intimidate people, or create a hostile environment. This behaviour is not only destructive, but also reveals a lack of emotional regulation and maturity. Learning to manage anger in a healthy way is essential for building positive relationships and resolving conflicts peacefully.

17. They lack self-awareness and refuse to change.


Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of a terrible person is their inability to recognise their own flaws and destructive patterns. They might blame people for their problems, refuse to take responsibility for their actions, or simply deny that anything is wrong. This lack of self-awareness prevents them from growing and evolving as a person. If someone is unwilling to acknowledge their shortcomings and make positive changes, it’s best to distance yourself from them and focus on your own well-being.