17 Confident Ways To Say What You Really Think


Lots of people hold back from expressing their true feelings.

It’s not uncommon to feel hesitant about expressing ourselves, especially when we’re nervous about judgment or drama. However, it’s important to speak your mind so that you can build some solid connections and feel empowered in life. Here’s how to build up the courage to do just that.

1. Practice self-awareness: Understand your values and beliefs.

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The first step to speaking your mind confidently is to know what you truly believe in. Take some time to reflect on your values, opinions, and the things that are important to you. When you clearly understand your own beliefs, it becomes easier to express them with conviction.

2. Be clear and concise.


When you’re ready to speak your mind, choose your words carefully. Avoid rambling or beating around the bush. Be direct and to the point, expressing your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. This will help ensure that your message is understood and avoid any confusion or misinterpretations.

3. Use “I” statements: Own your perspective.

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

Instead of saying “you’re wrong,” try using “I” statements to express your perspective. For example, instead of saying “You’re being unreasonable,” you could say “I feel like my opinion isn’t being heard.” This takes ownership of your feelings and avoids placing blame on anyone else, which can be a more constructive way to communicate.

4. Be mindful of your body language: Project confidence.

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Your body language plays a significant role in how your message is received. Stand tall, make eye contact, and speak in a clear, steady voice. These non-verbal cues can convey confidence and make your words more impactful.

5. Listen well so you can understand other people’s perspectives.

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Speaking your mind confidently doesn’t mean ignoring other viewpoints. Actively listen to what people have to say, even if you disagree. This shows respect for their opinions and can help you find common ground or areas for compromise.

6. Be prepared for different reactions: Not everyone will agree.

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It’s important to remember that not everyone will agree with you, and that’s okay. Be prepared for different reactions and try to remain calm and respectful, even in the face of disagreement. Focus on expressing your thoughts clearly and respectfully, rather than trying to convince everyone to agree with you.

7. Practice assertiveness: Stand up for yourself.


Assertiveness is the ability to express your needs and opinions in a direct and respectful way. It means standing up for yourself without being aggressive or passive. Practising assertiveness can help you feel more confident in speaking your mind and ensuring that your voice is heard.

8. Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know”: It’s okay to admit uncertainty.

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Sometimes, you might not have a clear answer or opinion on a topic. In those situations, don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know.” It’s better to admit uncertainty than to pretend to know something you don’t. This shows honesty and humility, which can build trust and credibility.

9. Choose the right time and place.

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Timing is everything. While it’s important to speak your mind, choosing the right time and place can make a big difference in how your message is received. Avoid sensitive conversations in public or when emotions are running high. Instead, find a private setting and a time when both you and the other person are calm and receptive.

10. Use humour.

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Humour can be a powerful tool for defusing tension and making your message more palatable. If appropriate, try injecting a bit of humour into your conversation. This can help break the ice and make it easier to express your thoughts and feelings.

11. Be open to feedback.

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When you share your opinions, be open to feedback. Listen to their perspectives, even if you don’t agree with them. This can help you refine your own thinking and learn from different viewpoints.

12. Don’t take it personally.

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Sometimes, people might disagree with your opinions or even criticise them. Remember that it’s not a personal attack. Try to separate the message from the messenger and focus on the content of the disagreement, rather than taking it as a personal insult.

13. Practice makes perfect.

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If you’re not used to speaking your mind, start small. Practice expressing your opinions in low-stakes situations, such as with close friends or family. As you gain confidence, you can gradually start speaking up in more challenging situations.

14. Set boundaries.

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It’s important to set boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. If someone consistently dismisses your opinions or makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s okay to distance yourself from that person. You deserve to be respected and heard.

15. Celebrate your wins.

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As you become more confident in speaking your mind, take the time to celebrate your wins. Acknowledge the progress you’ve made and give yourself credit for stepping outside your comfort zone. This positive reinforcement can help you continue building your confidence.

16. Remember, your voice matters.

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Your thoughts, opinions, and ideas are valuable. Don’t underestimate the power of your voice. By speaking your mind confidently and respectfully, you can contribute to meaningful conversations, inspire people, and make a positive impact on the world around you.

17. Embrace vulnerability.

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It’s okay to be vulnerable and show your true self. People connect with authenticity, so don’t be afraid to share your feelings and experiences. When you’re open and honest, you create opportunities for deeper connections and more meaningful conversations.