17 Common Regrets People Have Before Dying

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We’re all going to die someday.

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It’s a hard truth, but facing it now can save you a world of regret later. Too many people get to the end of their lives only to realise they missed out on what really mattered. They played it safe, put things off, and let fear call the shots. Don’t be one of them. Here are 17 common regrets you don’t want to have when your time is up.

1. Not travelling more

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You always said you’d see the world “someday,” but someday never came. You let money, work, or fear of the unknown keep you stuck in your bubble. Now your passport is empty, and your bucket list is full. Travel isn’t just about sightseeing — it expands your perspective, tests your comfort zone, and creates irreplaceable memories. Don’t wait until retirement to start exploring. Start small if you need to, but start now.

2. Working too much


You devoted years to climbing the corporate ladder or building your business, sacrificing family time, health, and hobbies along the way. You thought you’d have time for all that later, but later came and went. No one on their deathbed wishes they’d put in more hours at the office. Work to live, don’t live to work. Set boundaries, delegate, and prioritise the people and experiences that truly enrich your life.

3. Not expressing feelings

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You bit your tongue instead of saying I love you, I’m sorry, or I’m hurt. Maybe it was pride, maybe it was fear of rocking the boat. But now unspoken words haunt you, and it’s too late to clear the air. Don’t assume people know how you feel — tell them directly, even when it’s scary. Have tough conversations when needed. Express gratitude and affection openly. Your relationships will be deeper for it.

4. Neglecting health

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You took your body for granted, fuelling it with junk food, skimping on sleep, and putting off checkups. Now you’re paying the price with chronic illness or reduced mobility. You can’t turn back the clock, but you can start making healthier choices today. Prioritise nutritious meals, regular exercise, and preventative care. Treat your body like the irreplaceable gift it is.

5. Staying in toxic relationships

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You kept giving toxic people chances they didn’t deserve. Maybe it was a bad romance, a backstabbing friend, or a manipulative family member. You made excuses for their behaviour, convinced yourself you could fix them, or were too afraid to be alone. But toxic relationships aren’t worth a minute of your time. Set firm boundaries, communicate directly, and if nothing changes, find the courage to walk away.

6. Not starting that business

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You had a brilliant idea for a business, but never pursued it. You let fear of failure, lack of knowledge, or naysayers hold you back. But regrets over untaken risks are some of the heaviest to carry. Starting a business is daunting, but it’s also an incredible opportunity for growth, both financially and personally. Educate yourself, find mentors, and take one small step forward today.

7. Caring too much about other people’s opinions

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You crafted your life to meet others’ expectations rather than your own. Maybe it was your career, your relationships, or even your hobbies. But when you live for external approval, you betray your authentic self. At the end of your life, you’ll answer to your own heart, not the peanut gallery. Start practising the fine art of not giving a damn what anyone else thinks.

8. Not learning another language

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You always wanted to be bilingual, but you told yourself you weren’t good at languages or didn’t have time. Now you feel like you missed out on richer travel experiences, business opportunities, and mental benefits. But it’s never too late to learn. Download a language app, find a tutor, or join a conversation group. Becoming fluent takes time, but you can start reaping the cognitive and social benefits right away.

9. Never living in another country

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You were always curious about life overseas, but never took the leap. Now you feel like you missed out on adventure, personal growth, and multicultural perspectives. But it’s not too late to become an expat, even part-time. Consider retiring abroad, going on an extended work trip, or volunteering with an international organisation. Immersing yourself in a foreign culture will change you forever.

10. Not volunteering enough

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You were so busy looking out for number one that you forgot to lend a hand to others. Now you wish you’d made more of an impact. But volunteering isn’t just about doing good — it’s also a powerful way to find meaning, expand your network, and develop new skills. Start small by helping at a local event or donating to a cause you care about. Then build from there.

11. Neglecting friendships

Zelma Brezinska

You let time and distance erode precious friendships. You got busy with work, family, and daily life while your social bonds withered. But friends are the family you choose, and they need nurturing. Make a list of people you’ve lost touch with and start reconnecting. Meet for coffee, schedule regular calls, or plan a reunion trip. The love and laughter of old friends is irreplaceable.

12. Not enjoying more physical intimacy

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You were too shy, too prude, or too busy for bedroom adventures. But physical intimacy isn’t just about pleasure — it’s also a powerful way to connect with your partner, boost your health, and express your desires. If your life in the bedroom is lacklustre, start by talking honestly with your partner about what you want. Experiment a bit and have more fun! Treat intimacy like a priority, not an afterthought.

13. Never playing an instrument

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You always dreamed of playing guitar, piano, or drums, but never got around to taking lessons. Now you feel like you missed out on a creative outlet and social connector. But it’s never too late to learn an instrument, even if you’re starting from scratch. Rent or buy a beginner instrument, find instructional videos online, and practice a little each day. Playing music is a joyful way to express yourself and bond with others.

14. Not taking more risks

Diego Cervo

You played it safe your whole life, sticking to the familiar and predictable. But growth and fulfilment lie outside your comfort zone. You’ll never know what you’re capable of until you take a leap of faith. Start small by doing one thing each day that scares you, whether it’s public speaking, trying a new hobby, or asking someone out. Embracing risk will make you more resilient and adaptable in every area of life.

15. Chasing money over passion

Leonardo Borges

You chose a lucrative career over your true calling, thinking money would buy happiness. But no pay cheque is worth sacrificing your soul. If you’re not excited to go to work most days, it’s time for a change. Identify your passions and start pursuing them, even if it means taking a pay cut. You may have to start at the bottom, but you’ll be climbing a ladder you actually care about.

16. Not being more forgiving

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You held grudges for years, nursing anger and resentment over old wounds. But unforgiveness is like swallowing poison and waiting for the other person to die. It only hurts you. If you’re holding on to a grievance, write a letter to the person who hurt you (you don’t have to send it). Acknowledge the pain they caused, then choose to release it. Forgiveness isn’t saying what they did was okay — it’s choosing to free yourself and move on.

17. Working for a cause

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You always wanted to dedicate yourself to an important cause, whether it was environmental protection, social justice, or animal welfare. But life got busy and you never quite found the time. Don’t wait until retirement to make a difference. Find an organisation that aligns with your values and start volunteering or donating regularly. Consider making activism your full-time gig. You’ll never regret fighting for something bigger than yourself.