There are certain people who leave you feeling like you need a year-long kip after being around them for even just a few minutes.

They’re totally draining, not just because their general vibe screams “energy vampire” but because they’re guilty of these 17 behaviours. If you possibly can, avoid them at all costs and protect yourself!
1. All they do is complain and focus on the negative.

It’s one thing to vent about a bad day, but it’s another to be perpetually stuck in a cycle of negativity. These people seem to find the cloud in every silver lining, leaving you feeling deflated and emotionally drained after spending time with them. A little bit of optimism and gratitude can go a long way in making someone more pleasant to be around.
2. They always need to be the centre of attention.

Conversations with them often turn into monologues about their own lives, achievements, or problems. They interrupt, talk over people, and are oblivious to the fact that other people have something to contribute. It’s exhausting trying to get a word in edgewise or feeling like your own experiences are constantly being overshadowed.
3. They’re emotionally draining vampires.

These people seem to feed off your energy, leaving you feeling emotionally depleted after even five minutes in their presence. They’re desperate for external validation, they unload their problems onto you without offering any reciprocity, and they’re obsessed with drama that leaves you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Healthy relationships involve a give-and-take of emotional support, not a one-sided drain.
4. They’re constantly chasing other people’s approval.

They need constant reassurance and compliments to feel good about themselves. They fish for compliments, need other people’s approval for every decision, or become overly sensitive to any perceived criticism. It’s exhausting to constantly prop up someone else’s self-esteem, especially when they don’t seem to make any effort to build their own inner confidence.
5. They’re never happy when good things happen to other people.

Instead of being happy when you achieve something, they downplay your accomplishments, change the subject, or even try to one-up you with their own stories. Their inability to genuinely share in your joy can make you feel unsupported and undervalued. True friends lift each other up and celebrate each other’s successes, not compete or diminish them.
6. They’re always talking about themselves and their problems.

Conversations with them feel one-sided, as they dominate the discussion with their own stories, worries, and complaints. They rarely ask about your life or show genuine interest in your experiences. It’s exhausting to feel like you’re constantly playing the role of therapist or sounding board without any reciprocity.
7. They’re constantly criticising and judging people.

They seem to have an opinion on everything and everyone, and it’s rarely positive. They gossip, put people down, or make snide remarks about people’s appearance, choices, or lifestyles. Their negativity can be contagious and leave you feeling drained and uncomfortable.
8. They manage to turn every conversation into a debate or argument.

They love to play devil’s advocate, challenge your opinions, and argue for the sake of arguing. Even relaxed conversations can turn into heated debates, leaving you feeling frustrated and mentally exhausted. Sometimes, it’s okay to agree to disagree and move on.
9. They’re always late and unreliable.

They consistently show up late for appointments, cancel plans at the last minute, and bail on commitments. Their lack of reliability can be frustrating and disrespectful of your time. It’s exhausting to constantly adjust your schedule or wait around for someone who doesn’t value your time.
10. They’re overly dramatic and create unnecessary chaos.

They thrive on drama and seem to attract chaos wherever they go. They blow small issues out of proportion, create unnecessary conflicts, and do whatever they can to get attention. Their constant drama can be emotionally draining and leave you feeling like you’re walking on eggshells around them.
11. They lack self-awareness and refuse to take responsibility for their actions.

They’re always the victim, never the problem. They blame everyone else for their mistakes, refuse to acknowledge their own shortcomings, and rarely apologise for their hurtful behaviour. Their lack of self-awareness and accountability can be infuriating and make it difficult to have a healthy and balanced relationship with them.
12. They’re energy vampires who leave you feeling drained and depleted.

After spending time with them, you feel like you’ve been run over by a truck. They suck the energy out of the room, leaving you feeling emotionally exhausted and mentally drained. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what it is, but their presence just seems to zap every last ounce of energy you have.
13. They’re constantly looking for pity or sympathy.

They always seem to be going through some kind of crisis or hardship, and they expect you to offer endless sympathy and support. While it’s important to be compassionate, their constant need for attention and validation can become emotionally draining and overwhelming.
14. They’re extremely judgemental of everyone they meet.

They’re quick to point out flaws, make negative comments, or judge people based on their appearance, choices, and lifestyle. Their constant criticism can create a toxic and uncomfortable atmosphere, leaving you feeling self-conscious and on edge.
15. They’re always trying to one-up you or compete with you.

They can’t seem to be genuinely happy for your successes or achievements. Instead, they try to one-up you, share their own “better” stories, and downplay your accomplishments. Their competitive nature can make you feel like you’re constantly being evaluated and compared, which can be exhausting and discouraging.
16. They’re manipulative and controlling.

They use guilt, emotional blackmail, and passive-aggressive tactics to get their way. They try to control your decisions, isolate you from friends and family, and make you feel bad for setting boundaries. Their manipulative behaviour can be emotionally draining and damaging to your self-esteem.
17. They lack empathy and don’t care about anyone else’s feelings.

They seem oblivious to the impact their words and actions have on those around them. They make insensitive comments, disregard your feelings, and put their own needs first without considering yours. Their lack of empathy can make you feel unseen, unheard, and unvalued.