17 Behaviors That Show Just How Classless Someone Really Is

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Some people just don’t know how to act with class — and no, this has nothing to do with money or social status.

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They engage in tasteless, tacky behaviours that make everyone around them cringe. If you want to avoid being “that person” who no one respects, make sure you steer clear of these 17 classless habits. But then again, you wouldn’t dare do these things anyway, would you?

1. Talking with your mouth full

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We learned this rule in primary school, yet some people still haven’t mastered the basics of dining etiquette. Chewing with your mouth open or trying to talk through a mouthful of food is revolting to witness. It’s not that hard — just chew, swallow, then speak. If you’re so desperate to comment that you can’t wait those extra seconds to swallow, then maybe re-examine your priorities.

2. Littering and failing to clean up after yourself

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Tossing rubbish on the ground or leaving your mess for other people to deal with doesn’t make you look cool or edgy — it just makes you an inconsiderate slob. Have some respect for shared spaces and the people around you, who shouldn’t have to pick up after a grown adult. Take those extra steps to put your rubbish in the bin where it belongs. It’s really not that difficult.

3. Interrupting people constantly

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We get it, you have a lot of really critical things to say and can’t bear to let someone else finish their thought. But constantly cutting people off mid-sentence doesn’t make you seem important, it makes you obnoxious. Learn to control your impulse to interject and actually let other people speak. You might be surprised what you learn when you close your mouth and open your ears for once.

4. Getting belligerently drunk in public

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There’s enjoying a pint or two, and then there’s getting absolutely trollied to the point of making a drunken spectacle of yourself. Slurring, stumbling, getting sick in public — it’s not a good look once you’re past uni age. Know your limits and pace yourself so you can still hold yourself together, even when letting loose. Acting like a sloppy mess is the opposite of classy.

5. Oversharing personal details inappropriately

two women talking at workSource: Unsplash

Newsflash: not everyone wants or needs to hear all the gory details of your recent medical procedure, messy breakup, or bathroom habits. There’s a time and place for personal discussions, and it’s not in the queue at Tesco or in a staff meeting. Learn to filter yourself and recognise what topics are inappropriate to broach in certain settings. Subjecting unwilling audiences to TMI is hugely uncouth.

6. Picking fights and flying off the handle over minor things


So the barista accidentally put regular milk in your flat white instead of oat milk — is it really worth throwing a tantrum over? Overreacting to small slights and mistakes doesn’t command respect, it just makes you seem unhinged. Take a deep breath, put minor inconveniences in perspective, and respond calmly. Flying off the handle at the drop of a hat is unlikely to get you the resolution you want.

7. Flaking out on plans last minute

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Cancelling on someone in short notice, especially if it’s a regular habit, demonstrates a lack of respect for other people’s time. Aside from legitimate emergencies, there’s rarely an excuse for leaving someone in the lurch right before established plans. If you said you’d be there, follow through and show up. And if you know you’re not reliable, don’t make promises you can’t keep in the first place.

8. Showing up empty-handed when you’re a guest

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Sure, the host said not to bring anything, but turning up to a dinner party without so much as a bottle of wine or bunch of flowers is just bad manners. Bringing a small gift for the host demonstrates thoughtfulness and an understanding of basic social graces. It doesn’t have to be lavish, just a token item to show your appreciation. Don’t be the guest who shows up expecting to be waited on hand and foot without giving anything in return.

9. Letting your kids run wild in public with no discipline

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No one expects children to be perfectly silent and still 24/7. But letting your little darlings wreak havoc in restaurants, shops, and on public transport without any attempt to correct them is downright rude. It’s a parent’s job to teach kids how to behave in shared spaces. Ignoring your child’s disruptive antics doesn’t make you a cool, chill parent — it makes you inconsiderate of everyone else who has to deal with the fallout.

10. Humblebragging and fishing for compliments

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“Ugh, I look so fat and hideous in this dress that I just bought from a designer sample sale!” Remarks like this don’t garner you the sympathy and validation you’re so obviously seeking — they just make you seem insecure and irritating. Couching your brags in faux self-deprecation isn’t fooling anyone. Just own your achievements without the false modesty or wheedling for compliments. Confident people don’t need to resort to such transparent tactics.

11. Giving backhanded compliments

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“You’re so brave for wearing such a bold outfit choice!” Compliments laced with thinly veiled criticism are the worst. It’s a classic frenemy move to disguise an insult as praise. Just say what you really mean, or keep your snide remarks to yourself. Passive-aggressive jabs masquerading as flattery are cowardly and petty. Have the guts to share your real opinion directly, or bite your tongue.

12. Asking intrusive questions

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Here are some topics that are generally off-limits unless the other person brings it up first: relationship status, pregnancy plans, weight, salary, and medical issues. Probing into sensitive personal matters when you don’t have that level of intimacy with someone is invasive and rude. Stick to neutral topics and let people volunteer private information at their own discretion. Being nosy under the guise of friendly conversation is a huge turn-off.

13. Hogging shared resources or taking more than your fair share

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Whether it’s taking the last biscuit without checking if anyone else wants it, or snagging the best seat and refusing to budge, monopolising communal assets is a classless move. In shared spaces, you have to be mindful of the needs of the group, not just out for yourself. Don’t be that selfish person who always takes more than they need without considering how it impacts other people. Learn to share and take turns.

14. Refusing to admit when you’re wrong


No one is right 100% of the time, yet some people will twist themselves into knots to avoid admitting fault. Doubling down when you’ve been corrected or proven wrong doesn’t make you steadfast, it makes you foolish. A gracious person can acknowledge their error, apologise if needed, and move on. Clinging stubbornly to a flawed position is childish and unproductive. A little humility goes a long way.

15. Failing to RSVP and just not showing up

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The host of an event deserves the basic courtesy of knowing who to expect. Failing to respond either way is thoughtless, but accepting an invite and then being a no-show is downright rude. Barring a true last-minute emergency, you need to honour your commitments. And if you do have to cancel at the eleventh hour, a sheepish phone call to explain is the bare minimum. Only flakes leave people hanging with no explanation.

16. Rescinding an offer after it’s been accepted

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There are few moves tackier than extending an invitation or offer and then trying to backtrack once the other party has said yes. Whether it’s reneging on a job offer or trying to wriggle out of hosting duties you volunteered for, going back on your word is a huge breach of social contract. Don’t make offers you can’t follow through on — it’s a huge reflection on your character and reliability. Uphold your commitments unless you want to be labelled untrustworthy.

17. Being a sore loser

Guillermo Spelucin R.

No one enjoys losing, but how you handle defeat says a lot about you. Sulking, making excuses, or lashing out when things don’t go your way is immature and ungracious. A classy person can take an L with their head held high, congratulate the victor, and reflect on how they can improve next time. Throwing a strop when you don’t get the outcome you want is a guaranteed way to look like a big baby. Learn to lose with dignity.