In a loving partnership, feeling appreciated and valued is crucial.
However, sometimes the signs that your partner is taking you for granted can be subtle and easily overlooked. It’s not always about grand gestures; sometimes, it’s the little things – or lack thereof – that speak volumes. Here are a few unexpected signs that you’re not getting the recognition you deserve in the relationship.
1. Your efforts are met with silence.

You plan a surprise date night, cook a delicious meal, or go out of your way to do something nice for your partner, and…crickets. No enthusiastic thank you, no appreciation, just a nonchalant acceptance of your efforts. This lack of acknowledgment can make you feel invisible and undervalued.
2. They stop asking about your day.

Remember when they used to be genuinely interested in your work, your hobbies, your thoughts and feelings? Now, it feels like they’re just going through the motions, asking out of obligation rather than genuine curiosity. This lack of interest can make you feel like your life outside of the relationship doesn’t matter to them.
3. They prioritise their needs over yours.

It’s natural for needs to ebb and flow in a relationship, but if your partner consistently puts their wants and desires before yours, it can create an imbalance. Maybe they always choose the film or restaurant, or they expect you to always be available for them, even when it’s inconvenient for you.
4. They dismiss your feelings or concerns.

When you try to express how you feel or voice your concerns, they brush you off, minimise your emotions, or tell you you’re being too sensitive. This invalidation can be incredibly hurtful and make you feel like your feelings don’t matter to them.
5. They stop making an effort to impress you.

Remember those early days of the relationship when they would dress up for dates, surprise you with small gifts, or go out of their way to make you laugh? Now, it feels like they’ve stopped trying. They’ve become complacent, taking your affection for granted.
6. They forget important dates or anniversaries.

Birthdays, holidays, milestones… these special occasions are meant to be celebrated and cherished. But if your partner consistently forgets or downplays them, it can make you feel like your relationship isn’t a priority in their life.
7. They don’t make time for quality time.

Life gets busy, but making time for each other is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship. If your partner is always too busy to spend quality time with you, it can create distance and resentment. It’s important to prioritise connection and make time for activities you both enjoy.
8. They compare you to other people.

No one likes to be compared, especially not to an ex or a friend’s seemingly perfect partner. When your partner starts making comparisons, it can make you feel inadequate and insecure. It’s important to communicate that this behaviour is hurtful and ask them to focus on your unique strengths and qualities.
9. They rarely initiate contact or conversation.

Remember when they couldn’t wait to text you or call you throughout the day? Now, you’re the one initiating most of the conversations. This shift can feel like a lack of interest or excitement on their part, leaving you wondering if they still value your connection.
10. They don’t seem to notice (or care) when you’re upset.

Whether you’re having a bad day at work or feeling down about something personal, your partner seems oblivious or unfazed. They might offer a quick “That sucks,” but there’s no genuine empathy or attempt to comfort you. This lack of emotional support can make you feel isolated and unimportant.
11. They don’t make you feel special anymore.

In the beginning, they made you feel like the only person in the world. They showered you with compliments, surprised you with thoughtful gestures, and made you feel cherished. Now, those romantic sparks seem to have fizzled out. You feel more like a roommate than a lover.
12. They take your help for granted.

Whether it’s picking up their dry cleaning, doing their laundry, or running errands for them, they expect your help without a second thought. They never offer to reciprocate, and they rarely express gratitude for your efforts. This can leave you feeling like a servant rather than a partner.
13. They don’t include you in their future plans.

When they talk about their dreams, goals, or even weekend plans, you’re noticeably absent from the picture. This can be a painful realisation that you’re not a significant part of their vision for the future.
14. They criticise you more than they compliment you.

Constructive criticism is healthy in a relationship, but if your partner focuses more on your flaws than your strengths, it can eat away at your self-esteem. Constant criticism can make you feel unappreciated and unworthy of their love.
15. They don’t celebrate your successes.

When you achieve something significant – a promotion at work, a personal goal reached, or simply a good day – your partner reacts with indifference or minimal enthusiasm. This lack of support can make you feel like your accomplishments don’t matter to them.
16. You feel like you’re giving more than you’re receiving.

This is the ultimate sign of being taken for granted. You feel like you’re constantly putting in effort, making sacrifices, and going above and beyond, while your partner coasts along. This imbalance can lead to resentment, exhaustion, and a growing sense of disconnect in the relationship.