16 Time-Wasting Habits Of People Who Never Get Anywhere In Life


Procrastinating isn’t the end of the world when done in moderation — some of us even work better under pressure!


However, some people take time-wasting to an extreme, and as a result, they literally never get anything done. All of their lofty goals and ambitions (if they ever bothered to set any, that is) fall by the wayside as they just sit around and do… well, nothing. Here are some of the ways they waste valuable time.

1. Making endless Spotify playlists for activities you never start

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Your “Morning Workout 2024” playlist has 200 perfectly curated songs. The running trainers still have their tags on from last January’s optimism. That gym membership card sits unused in your wallet while you add more motivational tracks. The yoga mat serves as an excellent clothes hanger. Meanwhile, your “Productive Work Hours” playlist gets updated during another procrastination session.

2. Organising your online shopping cart without hitting checkout


The ASOS basket holds enough clothes to open a small boutique. Your Amazon wishlist could stock a department store by now. Three different sites have the same item waiting for a decision. The abandoned cart emails flood your inbox daily. The money saved on purchases gets spent on takeaways anyway.

3. Downloading productivity apps that never get opened

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Your phone screen looks ready for a TED talk about efficiency. Each app promises to revolutionise your daily routine. The notification badges pile up unnoticed and ignored. The free trial periods expire without a single task completed. Meanwhile, your screen time report shows six hours on TikTok.

4. Rearranging your room instead of tackling actual tasks

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The furniture’s been in seven different positions this month. Your colour-coded bookshelf looks Instagram-worthy now. The wardrobe’s organised by colour, season, and emotional attachment. Your desk setup rivals a NASA control centre. The work that needs doing still sits untouched in your inbox.

5. Starting new series when deadlines loom

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That presentation’s due tomorrow but this new Netflix show looks crucial. Your watchlist grows faster than your completed tasks. Each episode ends with “just one more” until sunrise. The morning alarm becomes more of a suggestion than a command. Your browser history shows more streaming sites than work-related searches.

6. Deep cleaning the kitchen to avoid actual responsibilities

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The oven’s never been cleaner during exam season. Every mug in the cupboard suddenly needs reorganising. The spice rack gets alphabetised during work hours. Your kitchen sides shine bright enough to signal planes. The important emails remain unread while you descale the kettle.

7. Researching hobbies you’ll never actually start

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Your YouTube history reads “beginner’s guide” to everything imaginable. The equipment for six different potential hobbies sits in various Amazon baskets. Each new interest gets thoroughly researched but never attempted. The bookmarks folder labelled “Future Projects” grows weekly. Pinterest boards showcase skills you’ve yet to acquire.

8. Creating elaborate morning routines you’ll never follow

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The schedule looks worthy of a wellness influencer’s Instagram. Your journal contains detailed plans for 5am meditation sessions. The green smoothie ingredients expire in the fridge untouched. The gratitude journal remains blank but beautifully decorated. Meanwhile, the snooze button gets more action than your yoga mat.

9. Perfecting your desk setup without doing any work

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The stationery collection rivals Ryman’s entire inventory. Each pen has its designated purpose and perfect position. The laptop stand arrived with next-day delivery but the work’s still not started. Your workspace looks ready for an architectural magazine photoshoot. The actual laptop remains closed while you adjust the lighting.

10. Planning future holidays instead of current projects

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Your browser tabs show flights to places you can’t afford. The currency converter’s become your most-used app. Multiple hotel comparison sites run simultaneously in the background. The actual work deadline creeps closer while you research beach restaurants. Your saved locations on Google Maps span three continents.

11. Scrolling job sites while avoiding current work

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LinkedIn’s become your primary source of entertainment. The job alerts flood your inbox more than your actual work emails. Your CV gets updated more often than your current projects. The salary calculator sees more action than your timesheet. Every role looks better than the work waiting on your desk.

12. Developing elaborate budgets you never stick to

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The spreadsheet formulas would impress an accountant. Your categories cover every possible spending scenario. The charts and graphs tell beautiful stories about future savings. The takeaway receipts pile up next to your meal planning notebook. The budget app sends more notifications than your bank’s fraud department.

13. Creating new email folders without clearing the inbox

man using laptopSource: Unsplash

The folder system could organise a small country’s bureaucracy. Each category has perfectly nested subcategories. The colour-coding system rivals the rainbow. The actual emails still sit bold and unread in your inbox. The “to-do” folder grows while the “done” folder collects dust.

14. Writing lists about writing lists

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Your to-do list has its own to-do list. The bullet journal method changes weekly with new innovations. The sticky notes form a wallpaper of good intentions. The task management system needs its own management system. The lists multiply faster than the tasks get done.

15. Downloading recipes you’ll never attempt

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Your recipe folder could publish its own cookbook. The ingredients lists get more exotic by the day. The kitchen gadgets wait patiently in their boxes. The takeaway driver knows your address by heart. Meanwhile, the microwave meal selection grows in your freezer.

16. Organising photos while deadlines pass

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Your phone’s storage stays full despite hours of “organising.” The albums have albums within albums. The editing apps could start their own folder. The actual task remains untouched on your desktop. The photo organization system becomes more complex than your actual work.