16 Things That Are Normal To Men But Wild To Women

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Have you ever looked at something a man does and thought, “What the actual heck?”

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Well, you’re not alone. Men and women may be from the same planet, but sometimes it feels like we’re from different galaxies. There are things that guys do on the regular that leave us ladies scratching our heads in bewilderment. From their bizarre bathroom habits to their selective hearing, men have a way of making the mundane seem absolutely wild. Here are 16 things that are totally normal to men but completely baffling to women.

1. Adjusting their bits in public

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Guys, we get it. Your bits and pieces need some rearranging from time to time. But must you do it in the middle of the grocery store? Women are masters of discretion when it comes to adjusting underwear. We’ll do the subtle shimmy, the covert tug, the sly waistband snap. But men? They’ll reach right down there and give it a good ol’ honk, regardless of who’s watching.

2. Weeing with the door open

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In the world of men, bathrooms have no boundaries. They’ll leave the door wide open while they take a leak, inviting the whole house to join in on the fun. Meanwhile, women treat bathroom time like a sacred ritual. We lock the door, run the water, and perform a series of acrobatic manoeuvres to ensure no one hears a single tinkle.

3. Wearing the same underwear multiple days in a row

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Women treat underwear like a one-and-done situation. Wear them once, toss them in the laundry, repeat. But men? They’ll rock the same pair of boxers for days on end, like they’re trying to set a world record. They’ll do the sniff test, deem them passable, and go about their day. The concept of “laundry day” is lost on them.

4. Not noticing a new haircut

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Women will spot a half-inch trim from a mile away. We’ll gush over how fab our friend’s new ‘do looks, asking for all the details. But men? You could shave your head bald and they’d barely bat an eye. They’ll glance up from their phone, mutter “looks nice,” and go back to scrolling. The subtleties of hair transformations are completely lost on them.

5. Having a favourite toilet stall

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Men have a weird attachment to their preferred porcelain throne. They’ll scope out the bathroom, bypass perfectly good stalls, and beeline for their favourite spot. It’s like they’ve formed a special bond with that particular commode. Meanwhile, women just want to get in and out as quickly as possible, regardless of which stall they land in.

6. Eating the same meal every day

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Women crave variety in their meals. We’ll scour recipe blogs, try new restaurants, and mix up our lunch options. But men? They’ll eat the same turkey sandwich every day for a month straight, no complaints. They find comfort in the familiar and don’t see the need to branch out. Adventurous eating is not in their vocabulary.

7. Using any nearby object as a makeshift drumstick

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Men have a way of turning everyday objects into impromptu musical instruments. Pens, pencils, chopsticks — you name it, they’ll drum with it. They’ll tap out a beat on any available surface, lost in their own little world. Women, on the other hand, prefer to keep our office supplies and utensils in their designated roles.

8. Not understanding the difference between “fine” and fine

Valerii Honcharuk

When a woman says she’s “fine,” it’s a red alert. It means things are decidedly not fine, and you better start grovelling. But when a man says he’s “fine,” he actually means it. He’s good, no worries, carry on. This linguistic disconnect has caused many a heated argument between the sexes.

9. Turning every chore into a competition

Alex Papin

Men will turn the most mundane tasks into a chance to one-up each other. Who can mow the lawn the fastest? Who can stack the most dishes in the dishwasher? Who can fold laundry with the most precision? It’s like they’re constantly auditioning for some imaginary ESPN highlight reel. Women, meanwhile, just want to get the job done and move on with their lives.

10. Not understanding the importance of throw pillows

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To women, throw pillows are a crucial component of home decor. They tie the room together, add a pop of colour, and make the couch look inviting. But to men? They’re just obstacles to be tossed aside when it’s time to sit down. They don’t understand the aesthetic appeal and view them as a waste of precious lounging space.

11. Having a signature dance move

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Every man has his go-to dance move. Whether it’s the “lawnmower,” the “shopping cart,” or the classic “white guy shuffle,” they’ll bust it out at every wedding, bar mitzvah, and office party. They’re not afraid to look a little silly in the name of having a good time. Women, on the other hand, prefer to blend in with the crowd and avoid drawing attention to their questionable rhythm.

12. Not knowing how to pack a suitcase properly

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Men approach packing like they’re playing a game of Tetris. They’ll cram as much as humanly possible into their suitcase, without any regard for organization or wrinkle prevention. Socks mixed with dress shirts? No problem. Toiletries thrown in haphazardly? Sure, why not. Women, meanwhile, have packing down to a science. We’ll use packing cubes, roll our clothes, and have a designated spot for everything.

13. Thinking a single compliment will last for months

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Men seem to think that one well-timed compliment will carry them through for the foreseeable future. They’ll tell you your hair looks nice in January, and then wonder why you’re getting upset when they don’t notice your new dress in June. Women thrive on regular positive reinforcement. We need those compliments coming on a steady drip, not just once in a blue moon.

14. Not understanding the concept of “girl talk”


When women get together, we have a unique way of communicating. We’ll dissect every detail of our lives, from the man who ghosted us to the coworker who stole our lunch. We’ll laugh, cry, and bond over shared experiences. But to men? It sounds like a foreign language. They don’t understand the therapeutic value of a good gab session and would rather talk about sports or cars.

15. Thinking that “just one more” anything is a good idea

Photographer: Dragos Condrea

Men have a hard time knowing when to call it quits. Whether it’s one more drink, one more episode, or one more turn at the craps table, they’ll always push for an encore. They don’t think about the consequences of staying out too late or blowing through their budget. Women, on the other hand, are masters of moderation. We know when to say “enough is enough” and head home before things get sloppy.

16. Not realizing that silence doesn’t always need to be filled


Men have a knack for filling every moment of silence with noise. They’ll make idle chit-chat, crack jokes, or whistle aimlessly, just to avoid a lull in the conversation. But sometimes, silence is golden. Women appreciate the value of a comfortable quiet, whether it’s during a long car ride or a peaceful morning coffee. We don’t feel the need to fill every void with meaningless babble.