16 Signs You’re the Office Slacker Everyone Dislikes

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Every workplace has one – the person who seems to do the bare minimum while everyone else is swamped.

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The worst part is, they don’t seem to care that their colleagues are working hard while they’re hardly working. Instead, it’s almost as if they think it’s their right to slack off and let everyone else carry the load. If you’re wondering whether you might be that person, here’s how you know you are.

1. You’re always the last to arrive and first to leave.

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Punctuality isn’t your strong suit. You consistently stroll in after everyone else has settled into their work day, and you’re always poised to bolt as soon as the clock hits quitting time. Don’t fool yourself into thinking this behaviour goes unnoticed by your colleagues, who are left picking up the slack during the times you’re absent.

2. You spend more time on social media than on actual work.

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Your browser history is a testament to your productivity – or lack thereof. While your coworkers are deep in spreadsheets and reports, you’re scrolling through endless social media feeds. The occasional quick check is one thing, but when it becomes your primary occupation during work hours, it’s a problem.

3. You’re a master of looking busy without accomplishing much.

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You’ve perfected the art of appearing productive without actually getting much done. Your desk is strewn with papers, you always have multiple tabs open on your computer, and you’re quick to pick up the phone when the boss walks by. However, at the end of the day, your output doesn’t match your apparent busyness.

4. You frequently miss deadlines.

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Deadlines seem more like suggestions to you. You often end up scrambling at the last minute to complete tasks, or worse, letting them slip by entirely. This habit not only affects your work but also creates a ripple effect, causing delays and frustration for your team members who depend on your input.

5. You’re always “too busy” to help others.

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Despite your lacklustre productivity, you’re quick to claim you’re swamped whenever a colleague asks for assistance. Your constant unavailability when it comes to teamwork is noticed and resented by your coworkers, who are left to shoulder additional burdens while you remain aloof.

6. Your inbox is overflowing with unread messages.


Communication isn’t your strong suit. Your email inbox is a disaster zone of unread messages and unanswered queries. This neglect leads to missed information, delayed projects, and frustrated colleagues who are left wondering if their messages have disappeared into a black hole.

7. You’re the office gossip central.

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While you might not be productive with work tasks, you’re incredibly efficient at spreading office gossip. You’re always up to date on the latest workplace drama and spend considerable time sharing and discussing it with anyone who’ll listen. This behaviour wastes time and creates a toxic work environment.

8. You take excessive “breaks”.

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Your work day is punctuated by numerous coffee runs, extended lunch breaks, and frequent trips to the break room. While everyone needs a breather now and then, your breaks seem to occupy more of your day than actual work. Your colleagues notice your absence and resent having to cover for you during your frequent disappearing acts.

9. You’re constantly making excuses.

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You have a ready arsenal of excuses for why tasks aren’t completed or why you can’t take on additional responsibilities. From technology issues to personal problems, you always have a reason why things didn’t get done. Over time, these excuses wear thin, and your colleagues stop believing them altogether.

10. You rarely contribute in meetings.

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During team meetings, you’re more likely to be found doodling or checking your phone than actively participating. When asked for input, you often have nothing substantial to offer. This lack of engagement not only reflects poorly on you, but also hinders the team’s progress and decision-making processes.

11. Your work quality is consistently subpar.

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When you do complete tasks, the results are often mediocre at best. Your work frequently requires extensive revisions or needs to be redone entirely by other people. This pattern of poor quality not only creates more work for your colleagues but also damages the team’s overall performance and reputation.

12. You’re always looking for shortcuts.

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While efficiency is valuable, your quest for shortcuts often compromises the quality and thoroughness of your work. You’re known for finding the quickest way to tick boxes rather than putting in the effort to produce genuinely good results. This approach may save you time, but it often creates headaches for your colleagues down the line.

13. You frequently “forget” about tasks or meetings.

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Your selective memory when it comes to work responsibilities is notorious. You often claim to have forgotten about important tasks, deadlines, or meetings. Your habitual forgetfulness is seen by other people as a thinly veiled attempt to avoid work and shirk responsibilities.

14. You’re resistant to new responsibilities or learning opportunities.

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When new projects or learning opportunities arise, you’re quick to find reasons why you can’t participate. Your reluctance to take on new challenges or expand your skills is frustrating to both management and colleagues who are trying to grow and improve the team’s capabilities.

15. You’re often caught doing personal tasks during work hours.

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Whether it’s online shopping, planning your social life, or handling personal admin tasks, you frequently use work time for non-work activities. While everyone occasionally needs to take care of personal matters, your habit of prioritising these over your job responsibilities is both noticeable and problematic.

16. You rely heavily on other people to complete your work.

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You have a knack for delegating your responsibilities to other people or asking for extensive help on tasks you should be able to handle independently. While collaboration is important, your tendency to offload your work onto colleagues creates resentment and frustration within the team. Your reliance on everyone else to pick up your slack is a clear sign that you’re not pulling your weight in the office.