16 Signs You’re In A Healthy Relationship — Even If You’ve Been Fighting

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Relationships aren’t always sunshine and rainbows, and disagreements are bound to happen.

If you’ve been going through a rough patch with your partner, it’s easy to start questioning the health of your connection. However, fights don’t necessarily spell doom for your relationship. In fact, some arguments can be a sign of a strong bond. So, if you’re wondering whether your relationship is still on solid ground, here are some signs that might indicate you’re still in a healthy relationship, even if you’ve been fighting lately.

1. You argue respectfully, without resorting to insults or personal attacks.

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Disagreements are a normal part of any relationship, but how you handle them matters. If you can argue constructively, focusing on the issue at hand rather than resorting to name-calling or bringing up past grievances, it’s a sign of mutual respect and a willingness to work through challenges together.

2. You apologise when you’re wrong and take responsibility for your actions.

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No one is perfect, and owning up to your mistakes is a crucial aspect of a healthy relationship. If you and your partner are willing to admit when you’re wrong, apologise sincerely, and take steps to make amends, it shows a level of maturity and accountability that strengthens your bond.

3. You’re willing to compromise and find solutions that work for both of you.

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Relationships require give-and-take. If you and your partner can find a middle ground and make compromises that benefit both of you, it’s a sign of a healthy balance of power and a willingness to work together as a team.

4. You don’t hold grudges and can forgive each other after a fight.


Clinging to resentment and anger after an argument can poison a relationship. If you and your partner can forgive each other, let go of the past, and move forward, it’s a sign of emotional maturity and a commitment to building a positive future together.

5. You still feel safe and secure in the relationship, even after a disagreement.


Fights shouldn’t make you feel unsafe or threatened. If you still feel loved, respected, and supported by your partner, even after a heated argument, it’s a sign of a solid foundation of trust and security in your relationship.

6. You can laugh together and find humour even in difficult situations.


Laughter is a powerful tool for connection and healing. If you and your partner can still find humour in your disagreements, it’s a sign that you haven’t lost sight of the joy and fun in your relationship, even during tough times.

7. You still prioritise quality time together and make an effort to connect.


Even when you’re going through a rough patch, making time for each other and engaging in activities you both enjoy is crucial. If you’re still making an effort to connect, communicate, and have fun together, it’s a sign that your relationship is still a priority.

8. You’re willing to get help and work on your relationship together.


If you’re both committed to making the relationship work, you’ll be open to getting help from a therapist or counsellor. Recognising that you might need outside support is a sign of strength, not weakness. It shows that you’re both invested in finding solutions and growing together as a couple.

9. You still express affection and appreciation for each other.

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Even amidst the disagreements, if you still find yourselves saying “I love you,” offering compliments, or showing affection through small gestures, it’s a sign that the core of your love is still strong. These expressions of affection are the glue that holds relationships together, even when things get tough.

10. You’re willing to learn and grow from your disagreements.


Every fight is an opportunity to learn something new about yourself, your partner, and your relationship. If you can reflect on your arguments and identify patterns or triggers, you can work together to improve your communication and resolve conflicts more effectively in the future. A willingness to learn and grow together is a hallmark of a healthy relationship.

11. You’re still interested in each other’s lives and well-being.

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Do you still ask about your partner’s day? Do you still want to know how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking? If you’re still genuinely interested in each other’s lives and well-being, it’s a sign that you haven’t lost sight of the connection that brought you together in the first place.

12. You still make time for intimacy, both physical and emotional.

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Intimacy is a vital component of any romantic relationship. It’s not just about physical closeness, but also about emotional connection and vulnerability. If you’re still making time for intimacy, even in the midst of disagreements, it’s a sign that you’re still invested in the relationship and want to keep the spark alive.

13. You still trust and respect each other, even when you disagree.

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Trust and respect are the cornerstones of any healthy relationship. Even when you’re fighting, you should never feel like your partner is attacking your character or belittling your feelings. If you still trust and respect each other, it’s a sign that your disagreements are just a bump in the road, not a relationship-ending catastrophe.

14. You still see a future together and are willing to work towards it.

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Despite the challenges you’ve faced, if you can still envision a future together and are willing to put in the effort to make it happen, it’s a sign that your relationship has the potential to thrive. A shared vision for the future, combined with a commitment to growth and communication, can help you overcome any obstacles that come your way.

15. You still find comfort and support in each other’s presence.

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At the end of the day, your partner should be your safe haven, the person you turn to for comfort and support. Even if you’ve been fighting, if you still find solace in each other’s arms and feel a sense of belonging together, it’s a sign that your bond is stronger than any temporary disagreement.

16. You’re both committed to making the relationship work.

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Relationships take work, and both partners need to be willing to put in the effort. If you and your partner are both committed to overcoming challenges, communicating openly, and growing together, your relationship can not only survive but thrive. Remember, every couple fights, but it’s how you fight and how you make up that truly defines the strength of your bond.