You’ve probably had the feeling at some point or another that someone in your life just doesn’t respect you.

You might wonder if you’re overreacting or if there really is something to it, but you’re just not sure. Here are some signs you might be getting the short end of the respect stick, and what you can do to turn things around.
1. They cut you off mid-sentence like it’s their job.

If people are constantly jumping in before you can finish a thought, they’re basically saying your words don’t matter. Next time it happens, try saying, “Hold up, I wasn’t done yet.” It might feel awkward at first, but standing your ground is key.
2. They shoot down your ideas faster than you can say them.

When your suggestions get the instant “Nope” treatment without any real consideration, it’s a respect red flag. Try backing up your ideas with some solid points. If they’re still not listening, it might be time for a chat about why they’re so quick to dismiss you.
3. They make plans like your calendar doesn’t exist.

If people are constantly setting up things without even checking if you’re free, they’re not valuing your time. Start by being clear about when you’re available. If they keep ignoring your schedule, it’s time for a conversation about mutual consideration.
4. In group settings, you might as well be invisible.

Being overlooked in a group is like being picked last for dodgeball — it stings. Try jumping into conversations more actively. If you’re still feeling left out, pull someone aside and let them know how you’re feeling.
5. They’re the kings and queens of the last-minute bail.

Constant eleventh-hour cancellations are like saying, “Anything’s more important than our plans.” Let them know how it makes you feel when they flake. If it keeps happening, it might be time to rethink how much energy you’re putting into that relationship.
6. They talk over you like you’re background noise.

When someone’s constantly steamrolling over your words, it’s super frustrating. Don’t be afraid to speak up: “Hey, I was in the middle of saying something.” If it’s a habit of theirs, have a frank chat about it.
7. Their promises have a shorter shelf life than a ripe avocado.

If their commitments to you are always expiring before they’re fulfilled, that’s not cool. Call them out on it. Let them know that reliability matters to you and set some clear expectations.
8. They treat your interests like they’re a bad joke.

Mocking what you care about is not okay. Stand your ground and explain why these things matter to you. If they can’t respect that, maybe it’s time to find people who will.
9. They’re always “fashionably late” (aka disrespectfully late).

Chronic lateness is like saying their time is more valuable than yours. Express how it affects you and set some ground rules. If they can’t get it together, start making plans that don’t rely on their punctuality.
10. They stomp all over your personal boundaries.

If they’re always pushing you into uncomfortable situations or sharing your private info, that’s a big no-no. Be clear about your boundaries and what happens if they cross them. Then stick to your guns.
11. Their compliments come with a side of insult.

Backhanded compliments are the worst. They’re like a cupcake with a dash of salt instead of sugar. Call it out when it happens: “That felt more like an insult than a compliment. What did you mean by that?”
12. They treat your time like it’s an endless resource.

If they’re always wasting your time or expecting you to be available 24/7, they’re not respecting your life outside of them. Set clear boundaries about your time and don’t be afraid to say no.
13. They’re talking smack behind your back.

Finding out someone’s been gossiping about you is like a punch to the gut. Confront them directly. Let them know it’s not cool and that if they have an issue, they should bring it to you.
14. Your achievements might as well be invisible.

When your successes go unnoticed, it can really take the wind out of your sails. Don’t be shy about celebrating your own wins. If someone’s consistently overlooking your accomplishments, it might be time for a chat about feeling undervalued.
15. They make decisions for you like you’re not even there.

Whether it’s at work or in your personal life, being left out of decisions that affect you is not okay. Speak up and let them know you expect to be involved in things that concern you.
16. “Sorry” seems to be the hardest word for them.

If they can’t apologise when they’ve clearly messed up, that’s a respect issue. Explain how their actions affected you and why an apology matters. If they still can’t own up to their mistakes, it might be time to rethink that relationship.