16 Phrases Overly Dramatic People Tend To Overuse

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Some people seem to pride themselves on bringing BAFTA-worthy drama to everyday life.

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They make mountains out of molehills, overreact to everything, and are generally incredibly over-the-top in everything they do. They even use exaggerated language to express their overblown emotions. Here are just a few of the phrases you’ll hear come out of their mouths on a regular basis. Needless to say, it’s usually just a bit of hyperbole (whether they recognise that or not).

1. “This is literally the worst thing ever!”

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Whether they’ve missed a bus or their coffee order was wrong, everything is suddenly the worst thing ever. The word “literally” adds to the drama, even when it’s far from the end of the world. You can’t help but wonder how they’ll handle an actual crisis.

2. “I can’t handle this right now!”

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Even the slightest inconvenience can push them to the brink of emotional collapse. A long queue or a minor inconvenience suddenly becomes unbearable. The phrase is their go-to way to declare that they’re emotionally tapped out, even when other people seem perfectly fine.

3. “I’m done. I just can’t anymore.”


They say this with such finality, you’d think they’re resigning from life itself. In reality, they’re usually referring to something minor, like a slow internet connection or an annoying email. It’s their dramatic way of saying they’re frustrated, but you know they’ll rally soon enough.

4. “Why does this always happen to me?”

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Any inconvenience becomes part of a larger, tragic narrative about their life. A missed appointment or a dropped phone becomes proof that the universe is against them. They frame themselves as a victim of cosmic misfortune, no matter how random the event.

5. “This is a total disaster!”

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A small mistake or unexpected turn of events is suddenly a full-blown catastrophe. Whether it’s a burnt dinner or a scheduling conflict, everything gets elevated to the level of a natural disaster. It’s hard not to chuckle when they use this phrase for the smallest hiccup.

6. “I’m absolutely dying right now!”

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They use this phrase to express discomfort or embarrassment, even if it’s just mild awkwardness. A funny meme or a slightly cringey moment becomes a life-or-death scenario. You know they’re fine, but their dramatic flair makes everything sound fatal.

7. “I’ve had literally the worst day ever.”

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Their definition of “worst day” might include spilling coffee, getting stuck in traffic, or forgetting a password. It’s hard to take the phrase seriously when every day seems to be “the worst.” You start wondering what they’ll say when something genuinely bad happens.

8. “Everything is ruined!”

couple fightSource: Unsplash

One tiny setback, and the whole plan is apparently destroyed. The restaurant being out of their favourite dish or a change in weather can ruin everything in their eyes. Their all-or-nothing thinking makes minor bumps feel like total derailments.

9. “You don’t understand how hard this is!”

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No matter how common the challenge, they believe their struggle is uniquely unbearable. Even if other people have faced the same issue, they insist that their experience is on another level. It’s as if they’ve cornered the market on hardship.

10. “I’m seriously about to lose it.”

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They drop this phrase whenever they’re mildly annoyed or inconvenienced. You brace yourself for an epic meltdown, but it usually ends with a sigh or an eye roll. The build-up rarely matches the actual reaction, but the drama is always there.

11. “This is killing me!”

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Whether it’s a long workday or waiting for a text back, they describe their struggle as if it’s physically ending them. The exaggeration adds flair to their complaints, making you wonder how they survive everyday life. It’s rarely that serious, but they make it sound dire.

12. “I swear, I can’t catch a break!”

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One or two minor inconveniences become evidence that life is relentlessly unfair to them. They use this phrase to paint themselves as perpetually unlucky, even if things are going relatively well. It’s their way of making sure you know just how hard things are.

13. “I’m so over it.”

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Whether it’s a person, task, or situation, they declare they’re done long before they actually are. They say it with conviction, but you know they’ll be back complaining about the same thing tomorrow. It’s a dramatic way to express temporary frustration.

14. “This always happens to me!”

serious manSource: Unsplash

They take a single bad moment and turn it into a life pattern. A flat tyre or a cancelled plan becomes yet another chapter in their ongoing saga of misfortune. They’re convinced the universe has a personal vendetta against them, and they want you to know it.

15. “I’m literally about to explode!”

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Minor stressors are described as if they’re pressure cookers about to blow. Whether it’s a delayed email or a miscommunication, they make it sound like they’re on the verge of combustion. The intensity of their words rarely matches the situation.

16. “It’s the end of the world.”

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They say this when plans fall apart or things don’t go their way. In reality, the “world-ending” event is usually a minor inconvenience. Their flair for the dramatic makes every hiccup feel like an apocalypse, even if it’s just a lost set of keys.