Marriage is supposed to be a partnership of equals, but sometimes the lines can get blurry.

It’s easy to slip into caretaker mode, especially when your husband seems to need a little extra TLC. But if you feel like you’re morphing into his mom more than his wife, it might be time for a reality check. Here are subtle signs that might indicate your husband sees you more as a maternal figure than a romantic partner. Nip these in the bud the minute you spot them!
1. He expects you to pick up after him constantly.

Sure, everyone leaves a sock on the floor now and then. But if your husband consistently treats your shared living space like a hotel room, expecting you to clean up after him without a second thought, it could be a sign he’s seeing you as a caregiver rather than an equal partner. A healthy relationship involves shared responsibilities, not a parent-child dynamic.
2. He relies on you to make all the decisions.

From what to have for dinner to where to go on holiday, if your husband always defers to you for every decision, big or small, it might suggest he’s looking for a maternal figure to guide him rather than a partner to collaborate with. While it’s nice to be valued for your opinion, it’s not healthy to be the sole decision-maker in a relationship.
3. He asks for your approval for everything.

Does your husband constantly need your validation for his choices, achievements, or even his outfits? While a little encouragement is always appreciated, an excessive need for approval can be a sign he’s looking for a mother figure to praise and reassure him rather than a partner to challenge and support him.
4. He throws tantrums when he doesn’t get his way.

We all get frustrated sometimes, but if your husband resorts to childish tantrums, sulking, or emotional outbursts when things don’t go his way, it could be a sign of an immature mindset that sees you as a parental figure who should always cater to his needs. Adults should be able to handle disappointment and communicate their feelings constructively.
5. He expects you to take care of his emotional needs constantly.

While emotional support is a key component of any healthy relationship, it should be a two-way street. If your husband relies solely on you to soothe his anxieties, boost his ego, or solve his problems, it might indicate he’s looking for a mother figure to nurture him rather than a partner to share life’s ups and downs with.
6. He acts helpless and expects you to do everything for him.

From cooking and cleaning to managing finances and making appointments, if your husband acts like he’s incapable of handling basic adult responsibilities and expects you to take care of everything, it’s a major red flag. A healthy partnership involves mutual support and shared responsibilities, not a dependent-caretaker dynamic.
7. He doesn’t respect your boundaries or personal space.

If your husband disregards your need for alone time, constantly interrupts your work or hobbies, or expects you to be available for him 24/7, it could be a sign he doesn’t see you as an individual with your own needs and desires. Healthy relationships respect boundaries and allow each partner to maintain their own identity.
8. He treats you like a child or talks down to you.

Does your husband use a condescending tone, explain things to you as if you’re a child, or dismiss your opinions and feelings? If so, it’s a clear sign of disrespect and a lack of equality in the relationship. A healthy partner treats you with respect and values your input.
9. He expects you to be his personal cheerleader.

Every partner appreciates a little encouragement and support. But if your husband constantly demands praise, attention, and validation for every little thing he does, it can feel like you’re his biggest fan instead of his partner. Remember, a healthy relationship involves mutual admiration and support, not a one-sided cheerleading squad.
10. He throws a fit when you don’t cater to his every whim.

Sometimes you just want to order pizza and watch a film, but your husband insists on a home-cooked meal and a night out. If he throws a fit or acts disappointed when you don’t cater to his every preference, it could be a sign he sees you as a caretaker whose sole purpose is to please him, rather than a partner with her own needs and desires.
11. He compares you to his mother, whether in a good or bad way.

Whether he’s saying, “You remind me of my mom, she always made the best lasagna,” or “You’re nothing like my mom, she would never nag me like this,” any comparison to his mother can be a red flag. It suggests he’s viewing you through a maternal lens, rather than seeing you as a unique individual with your own personality and strengths.
12. He expects you to anticipate his needs without him having to ask.

While it’s nice to anticipate your partner’s needs sometimes, expecting you to read his mind and cater to his every whim without him having to communicate is unrealistic and unfair. A healthy relationship involves open communication and mutual understanding, not mind-reading and assumptions.
13. He acts like you’re responsible for his happiness.

Your partner’s happiness is their responsibility, not yours. If your husband acts like it’s your job to make him happy, entertain him, or fix his problems, it’s a sign of an unhealthy dynamic. A supportive partner will encourage you to pursue your own happiness and won’t burden you with the responsibility of theirs.
14. He relies on you to solve all his problems.

Everyone faces challenges in life, but if your husband consistently runs to you to solve his problems, whether it’s a conflict at work or a financial issue, it might indicate he sees you as a parental figure who can swoop in and save the day, rather than a partner who can offer support and brainstorm solutions together.
15. He doesn’t take your advice or opinions seriously.

If your husband consistently dismisses your advice, opinions, or suggestions, it can be incredibly frustrating and hurtful. It suggests he doesn’t value your input or see you as an equal partner. A healthy relationship involves mutual respect and a willingness to consider each other’s perspectives.
16. He treats you like a maid or a personal assistant.

While division of household chores is normal, if your husband constantly delegates tasks to you, expects you to manage his schedule, or treats you like his personal assistant, it’s a sign of a power imbalance and a lack of respect for your time and energy. A true partner values your contributions and appreciates your efforts, not takes them for granted.