It’s not that introverts hate socialising, we just… don’t want to do it all the time.

However, we don’t want to seem like we’re weird loners or that we don’t want to spend time with our friends, so we tend to come up with some pretty random (and admittedly kind of hilarious) excuses to get out of parties, get-togethers, and other social events when we really can’t be bothered. If you’ve heard any of these explanations for a friend’s “no” RSVP (or if you’ve used them yourself), you know you’re dealing with an introvert!
1. “I’ve got laundry to do.”

Laundry is the ultimate go-to excuse — it’s mundane, unavoidable, and no one questions it. For introverts, the idea of folding clothes in peace trumps a crowded party any day. Who knew socks and shirts could be the heroes of a quiet night in?
2. “I’m having a night of self-care.”

“Self-care” is the introvert’s magic word to gracefully escape plans without further questioning. It could mean anything from a face mask to binge-watching a series under a blanket. No one argues with self-care. It’s practically untouchable.
3. “I’ve got an early morning tomorrow.”

This classic excuse works like a charm, even if their early morning involves nothing more than making tea and staring out the window. It implies responsibility and leaves no room for negotiation. Introverts know there’s nothing more sacred than a well-planned morning routine.
4. “I’m not feeling 100%.”

Feeling “off” is vague enough to avoid follow-up questions, but specific enough to sound legitimate. Whether it’s a headache or mysterious fatigue, this excuse lets introverts bow out gracefully. Plus, no one wants to risk being around someone who might be “coming down with something.”
5. “The weather doesn’t look great.”

Rain, snow, or even a light drizzle is all the reason an introvert needs to stay home. Bad weather gives them the perfect excuse to avoid getting dressed, going outside, or risking a wet sock situation. Blame it on the forecast and settle back into the cosiness of home.
6. “I’ve got so much work to catch up on.”

Even if their to-do list consists of reorganising their bookshelf or writing a pretend email draft, “work” is a foolproof way to get out of plans. Everyone respects a busy schedule, even if the work in question is highly self-imposed. Productivity always sounds more virtuous than avoiding social interaction.
7. “I already have plans with my pet.”

Pets make the perfect alibi for introverts looking to dodge a night out. Whether it’s “taking the dog for a long walk” or “spending time with the cat,” this excuse is both adorable and unimpeachable. After all, pets are family, and family comes first.
8. “I forgot I promised myself a quiet evening.”

Introverts can even make commitments to themselves sound like solid plans. Who’s going to argue with someone honouring a personal promise to recharge? It’s a beautifully self-respecting way to dodge unwanted invitations without offending anyone.
9. “I’m saving money right now.”

Claiming financial responsibility is a savvy excuse that few will challenge. Introverts can avoid expensive outings while staying curled up at home with a good book or their favourite TV show. Bonus points if they dramatically add, “I just can’t justify it right now.”
10. “I didn’t realise it was tonight!”

Feigning forgetfulness is a classic way to escape last-minute plans without appearing rude. A quick “I’m so sorry, I thought it was next week!” gets them off the hook effortlessly. The added apology softens the blow and makes it seem like an honest mistake.
11. “I’m waiting for a package delivery.”

Who can argue with someone waiting for an important parcel? Introverts can cite a vague “sometime between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.” delivery window as their reason for staying in. Even if the package is just a new pair of socks, it’s worth the excuse.
12. “Traffic is going to be terrible.”

Blaming traffic for skipping plans is a move of genius, especially in urban areas. Introverts know few people will suggest they brave gridlock for a casual meet-up. It’s an airtight excuse that lets them stay home guilt-free.
13. “I have to be home for maintenance.”

Whether it’s a plumber, electrician, or some imaginary handyman, “waiting for maintenance” is a gold-standard excuse. It’s oddly specific but believable, ensuring no one presses further. The best part? No one can verify if it’s actually happening.
14. “I need to catch up on sleep.”

Introverts know there’s no arguing with the need for rest. Sleep is universally respected as essential, making it the perfect way to opt out of social plans. Plus, even if they don’t actually sleep, a night of peace and quiet is just as rejuvenating.
15. “I’m in the middle of a project I can’t stop.”

Whether it’s a DIY home improvement task or a deep dive into their latest creative hobby, this excuse buys introverts precious time alone. They can easily make it sound like they’re prioritising something productive over socialising. It’s a way to exit plans while maintaining a sense of purpose.
16. “I’m just not feeling up to it tonight.”

Sometimes, honesty is the best policy, and introverts might simply admit they’re not in the mood. Being more upfront works best with people who understand and respect their need for space. It’s refreshing, direct, and saves everyone the song and dance of elaborate excuses. After all, who wouldn’t want to spend a little extra time in their comfort zone?