Your intuition is there to warn you against harm and guide you in the right direction.

Whether or not you listen to it, of course, is another matter. And while your gut isn’t infallible and can still get things wrong, nine times out of 10, there are certain things it tells you that you should never ignore. When these sinking feelings creep in, pay attention, for goodness’ sake!
1. Something feels off about a person.

If you get an uneasy feeling about someone, even if you can’t explain why, it’s worth paying attention to. Our subconscious often picks up on subtle cues that our conscious mind skims past. This doesn’t mean the person is necessarily bad, but it might be a sign to be more cautious or observant in their presence.
2. A situation feels unsafe.

When you’re in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe, trust that feeling. Whether it’s a dark alley, a party that’s getting out of hand, or even a professional setting that feels wrong, it’s better to remove yourself and be safe. Your instincts for self-preservation are often spot-on.
3. A deal seems too good to be true.

If an offer or opportunity seems unrealistically beneficial, your gut might be telling you there’s a catch. While not all great deals are scams, it’s wise to be extra cautious and do thorough research when your instincts are raising red flags about a seemingly perfect situation.
4. You feel like you’re being lied to.

Even if you can’t pinpoint why, when you feel someone isn’t being truthful, it’s worth considering. Our minds often pick up on inconsistencies in body language, tone, or story details that we might not consciously recognise. While you shouldn’t accuse someone without evidence, you might want to verify information if possible.
5. A relationship feels toxic.

If you consistently feel drained, anxious, or unhappy in a relationship, whether romantic, friendly, or professional, your gut might be telling you it’s unhealthy. Even if you can’t immediately identify specific problems, these feelings are worth exploring and may indicate that changes or boundaries are needed.
6. A decision doesn’t feel right, despite looking good on paper.

Sometimes, a choice might seem logical but still feels wrong. Whether it’s a job offer, a house purchase, or a life decision, if you have a persistent feeling of unease, it’s worth reconsidering. Your intuition might be picking up on factors your rational mind hasn’t fully processed yet.
7. You feel like you’re in the wrong career.

If you consistently feel unfulfilled or out of place in your job, even if it’s successful by external standards, your gut might be telling you it’s not the right path. This doesn’t mean you should quit immediately, but it might be worth exploring other options or considering what’s missing in your current role.
8. Something feels off about your health.

When you have a persistent feeling that something isn’t right with your health, it’s important to listen. Even if symptoms seem minor, if your intuition is telling you to get checked out, it’s better to be safe. Many serious health issues are caught early because someone listened to their gut feeling.
9. You feel like you’re being taken advantage of.

If you often feel like you’re giving more than you’re getting in a relationship or situation, your instincts might be alerting you to an imbalance. This could be in personal relationships, at work, or in business dealings. It’s worth examining the dynamics to ensure you’re being treated fairly.
10. A big purchase feels wrong.

When you’re about to make a significant purchase but feel uneasy about it, pause and reconsider. This could be your intuition picking up on potential issues or recognising that it’s not the right choice for you, even if it seems good in theory. Big financial decisions should feel right, not just look good on paper.
11. You feel like you need to check on someone.

If you get a sudden urge to call or visit someone, especially if it’s out of the ordinary, it might be worth acting on. Sometimes we pick up on subtle cues that someone we care about needs support, even if we’re not consciously aware of why.
12. A shortcut feels risky.

Whether it’s a physical route or a metaphorical shortcut in a process, if it feels unsafe or wrong, it’s often best to take the longer, more established path. Your instincts might be picking up on potential dangers or pitfalls that aren’t immediately obvious.
13. You feel like you’re compromising your values.

If you’re in a situation where you feel uncomfortable with what you’re being asked to do, even if it’s not explicitly unethical, listen to that feeling. Our values are a core part of who we are, and compromising them often leads to regret and internal conflict.
14. A commitment feels forced.

When you’re about to commit to something — a relationship, a job, a project — and it feels like you’re forcing yourself, take a step back. Commitments should generally feel positive, even if they’re challenging. If you feel dread or reluctance, your instincts might be telling you it’s not the right fit.
15. You feel like you need to stand up for yourself or someone else.

If you have a strong urge to speak up in a situation, whether for yourself or other people, it’s often worth listening to. Our sense of justice and fairness is usually quite accurate, and standing up for what’s right, even when it’s uncomfortable, is important.
16. You feel like you need a break.

When you have a persistent feeling that you need to slow down or take a break, it’s important to listen. This instinct often kicks in before we reach complete burnout. Having a rest when your gut tells you to can prevent more serious physical or mental health issues down the line.