16 Nasty Things People Do That You’re Probably Guilty Of

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We all have those little habits that are kinda gross, but we do them anyway because, well, we’re human.

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No matter how much you want to deny them, you’re probably guilty of doing some of these things. It’s okay, this is a safe space!

1. You pick your nose when you think no one’s looking.

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Whether it’s a quick dig during a boring meeting or a full-on excavation in the privacy of our own homes, picking our noses is a universal human experience. It’s gross, it’s unsanitary, but it’s oddly satisfying. Just try to keep it discreet, or at least have a tissue handy.

2. You sometimes wear the same underwear for two days in a row.


Hey, doing the washing doesn’t always align with your schedule, right? And sometimes, you just don’t have the energy to do an extra load. It’s not the most hygienic habit, but it’s definitely something we’ve all done at least once (or twice, or thrice…). Just make sure you’re not doing it too often, especially during sweaty summer months (not that we get many of those in the UK…).

3. You’ve probably eaten food that you dropped on the floor.

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The five-second rule is a myth, we know, but sometimes that dropped cookie just looks too good to waste. And hey, a little dirt never hurt anyone, right? (Okay, maybe that’s not entirely true, but let’s not dwell on it.) Just make sure you give it a good blow before popping it back in your mouth.

4. You definitely re-wear clothes without washing them.

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That pair of jeans you only wore for a few hours? Totally fine to wear again without washing, right? And that jumper you only put on for a quick coffee run? Good to go for another day! We’re all for saving water and reducing laundry loads, but maybe try to limit this to clothes that haven’t got too sweaty or dirty.

5. You’ve probably used your phone on the toilet.

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Whether it’s to catch up on emails, scroll through social media, or play a quick game, using our phones on the toilet has become second nature. It’s not the most sanitary habit, but hey, sometimes you just need to multitask. Just make sure you wash your hands thoroughly afterwards!

6. You sometimes skip brushing your teeth before bed.


After a long day, crawling into bed without brushing your teeth can be tempting. And hey, who’s going to know besides you (and your dentist, eventually)? But skipping this important hygiene step can lead to bad breath, tooth decay, and other oral health issues. So, try to make it a habit, even if it means brushing in the dark.

7. You occasionally use your sleeve as a napkin.

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In a pinch, a sleeve can double as a makeshift napkin, right? Whether it’s to wipe away a bit of food or dab at a runny nose, we’ve all used our clothes for purposes other than covering our bodies. Just try to avoid this habit in public, or at least use the inside of your sleeve to avoid visible stains.

8. You’ve definitely eaten food that’s past its expiration date.

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That milk that’s a day past its expiration date? Probably still good, right? And those leftovers from last week? They smell a little funky, but they’re probably still edible, right? We’ve all pushed the boundaries of food safety at some point, but it’s important to use your judgment and avoid eating anything that looks or smells truly spoiled.

9. You probably have a drawer full of mismatched socks.

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Where do all the missing socks go? It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries. But one thing’s for sure: most of us have a drawer overflowing with lonely socks that have lost their partners. It’s a testament to our laundry skills (or lack thereof) and a constant source of frustration when trying to get dressed in the morning.

10. You definitely check the toilet roll before sitting down in a public restroom.

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We’ve all been scarred by that one time we sat down on a public toilet only to realise there was no toilet roll left. Now, it’s become a reflex to do a quick check before we commit. It might seem a bit paranoid, but hey, better safe than sorry, right?

11. You’ve probably worn the same pyjamas for several nights in a row.


Who needs to change pyjamas every night? They’re just going to get dirty again anyway, right? While this might be true, it’s not exactly the most hygienic habit. But hey, comfort is key, and sometimes those worn-in PJs just feel too good to part with.

12. You occasionally go a little too long without showering.

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Whether it’s due to a busy schedule, laziness, or simply not feeling particularly dirty, we’ve all skipped a shower or two when we probably shouldn’t have. It’s not something to be proud of, but hey, we’re all human, and sometimes hygiene takes a back seat to other priorities.

13. You might have eaten something off the floor at the cinema.


The darkness of a cinema provides the perfect cover for a stealthy snack retrieval mission. It’s dark, it’s sticky, and there’s a good chance you won’t be able to identify what you’re putting in your mouth. But hey, popcorn is popcorn, right?

14. You’ve definitely used the same towel for multiple days.

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Saving water and laundry detergent is a noble cause, but reusing a towel for days on end is pushing it. Even if you think you’re relatively clean, bacteria can still thrive on damp towels. Do yourself (and your skin) a favour and swap it out for a fresh one every few days.

15. You’ve probably tried to hide a stain on your clothes by strategically positioning yourself.

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Spilled coffee on your shirt right before a meeting? No problem! Just stand at a slight angle, hold your arm just so, and maybe nobody will notice that unsightly stain. It’s a classic move, and we’ve all been guilty of it at some point. But hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

16. You definitely smell your own clothes before deciding whether to wear them again.

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The sniff test: a tried and true method for determining the wearability of your clothes. If it passes the sniff test, it’s good to go for another day, right? While this might not be the most scientific approach, it’s a quick and easy way to avoid doing unnecessary laundry.