Some people have the natural ability to charm and captivate with nothing more than a few simple words.

Whether it’s their storytelling ability, wit, or genuine interest in the people they’re chatting with, charming people know how to make a lasting impression. If you’ve ever wondered what makes these people so good at conversation, here are some of the phrases they use to keep everyone engaged and entertained. You might want to pepper them into your own conversations — naturally, of course.
1. “That’s a great question, I’ve never thought of it like that!”

They know how to make everyone feel valued. By showing genuine interest in the questions people ask and responding with enthusiasm, they create a sense of importance and open the door for deeper conversation. It validates the person asking and makes them feel like they’ve contributed something meaningful to the dialogue.
2. “You’ve got me thinking now…”

Rather than quickly jumping to an answer, they take time to reflect on what’s been said. This shows they appreciate the point made and are invested in the discussion, which encourages other people to continue sharing their thoughts. It also invites further exploration, making the conversation feel more like a collaborative exchange of ideas.
3. “Let me tell you a story about that…”

These people are masters at weaving stories that bring life to any conversation. By using this phrase, they show that they’re about to share a memorable experience, making the interaction feel more personal and engaging. Stories also help to build rapport, as they make the conversation feel less like a transaction and more like a shared experience.
4. “I know exactly how you feel…”

This helps them connect emotionally with other people by showing empathy and understanding. It makes the conversation feel like a shared experience, which helps deepen connections and encourages more open dialogue. Additionally, it allows the other person to feel safe and supported, knowing their emotions are understood without judgment.
5. “That’s an interesting way of looking at it.”

People who are great conversationalists know how to acknowledge different perspectives. This shows respect for the other person’s view without dismissing it, which creates a sense of validation and encourages further discussion. It also signals that the conversation is a two-way exchange, where every opinion is valued equally.
6. “I was just thinking the same thing!”

By saying this, they make people feel like they’re on the same wavelength. It shows that they’re actively engaged and listening, which helps to build a sense of connection. This also creates a bond of shared understanding, reinforcing the idea that both people are collaborating on the same thought process.
7. “What’s your opinion on this?”

They don’t just speak to be heard; they actively involve other people in the conversation. This invites the other person to share their views, making them feel valued and creating a more inclusive dialogue. It also shows that the speaker respects the other person’s insights and is open to hearing different perspectives.
8. “I could listen to you talk about this all day.”

When someone is particularly passionate or knowledgeable about a subject, the gift of the gab person knows how to make them feel good about their expertise. This is flattering and encourages the other person to continue sharing. It also boosts the speaker’s confidence, making them feel that their thoughts and words are worthy of attention.
9. “I’m so glad we’re talking about this.”

This communicates genuine interest and enthusiasm, making everyone feel that their thoughts and opinions are appreciated. It builds a positive, engaging atmosphere and keeps the conversation going smoothly. Moreover, it helps create a sense of excitement around the topic, showing that both parties are eager to explore the subject further.
10. “You’ve got a point there.”

Charming conversationalists know how to validate people without necessarily agreeing with them. This acknowledges the validity of the other person’s input, making them feel heard and respected. It also keeps the dialogue open and encourages a more balanced exchange of ideas, where both sides feel their views are valued.
11. “I’ve been meaning to ask you about that!”

By expressing curiosity, they show that they value the other person’s experiences or opinions. This invites further discussion and signals that they are genuinely interested in the other person’s perspective. It also acts as an ice-breaker, making the conversation feel more relaxed and less formal.
12. “That’s a brilliant way to look at it.”

Flattery, when genuine, can be a powerful tool. By using this phrase, they make the other person feel intelligent and respected, which helps build a strong connection. It also encourages the person to continue contributing ideas, knowing that their input is appreciated and celebrated.
13. “You always know how to put things into words.”

Complimenting someone’s communication style not only makes them feel appreciated but also encourages them to continue sharing their thoughts. This highlights the value of clear, thoughtful communication, and makes the speaker feel validated in their ability to express themselves effectively.