16 Behaviours That Prove What A Coward Someone Really Is

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Cowardly behaviour isn’t a result of being afraid — it’s often down to a lack of integrity.

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Everyone gets scared sometimes, but cowardly people hide behind their fears in ways that are limiting at best and often reprehensible at worst. Here are some of the most cowardly behaviours out there.

1. They avoid confrontation at all costs, even when it’s necessary.

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While picking your battles is wise, a true coward will consistently shy away from any form of confrontation, even when it’s crucial to address an issue or stand up for themselves or other people. They’d rather sweep problems under the rug than face them head-on, leading to resentment and unresolved conflicts.

2. They bully or intimidate people they see as weak.

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A coward often derives a false sense of power from picking on those they see as vulnerable or less powerful. This could involve verbal abuse, spreading rumours, or even physical intimidation. It’s a classic sign of insecurity and a lack of true strength.

3. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions.

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A coward will always find someone or something else to blame for their mistakes. They’ll deflect responsibility, make excuses, or even lie to avoid facing the consequences of their actions. This lack of accountability reveals a deep-seated fear of owning up to their shortcomings.

4. They backstab and betray people they claim to care about.

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A coward might smile to your face, but then talk behind your back, spreading gossip or undermining your efforts. They lack the courage to address issues directly and resort to sneaky tactics to get what they want or avoid conflict.

5. They abandon people when they need them the most.

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True colours shine through in tough times. A coward will disappear when their friends or loved ones are going through a difficult period, unwilling to offer support or face the emotional challenges. They’re only there for the good times, not the tough ones.

6. They make empty threats and promises they never intend to keep.

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A coward often tries to intimidate or manipulate people with empty threats or grandiose promises. They lack the courage to follow through on their words and rely on bluster and bravado to get their way.

7. They hide behind anonymity to express their negativity or hatred.


Online trolls and anonymous bullies are the epitome of cowardice. They spew hate and negativity from behind a screen, unwilling to face the consequences of their words or take responsibility for their actions.

8. They let other people fight their battles for them.

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A coward will gladly let everyone else take the risks and face the consequences while they sit on the sidelines. They may encourage other people to confront a bully or challenge an injustice, but they’ll never step up themselves.

9. They prioritise their own comfort and safety over doing what’s right.

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A coward will always choose the path of least resistance, even if it means compromising their values or turning a blind eye to injustice. They’ll prioritise their own comfort and safety over doing what they know is right, revealing a lack of moral courage.

10. They avoid taking risks or stepping outside their comfort zone.

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Growth and progress often require taking risks and facing the unknown. A coward, however, will cling to familiarity and avoid anything that challenges them or pushes them beyond their perceived limits. This fear of the unknown can lead to stagnation and missed opportunities.

11. They give in to peer pressure easily, even when it goes against their values.

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A coward lacks the inner strength to stand up for what they believe in, especially when faced with social pressure. They’ll readily conform to the group, even if it means compromising their own values or doing something they know is wrong.

12. They’re happy to judge and criticise people but can’t handle any criticism themselves.

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Cowards often project their own insecurities onto other people, tearing people down to feel better about themselves. However, when faced with even the slightest criticism, they become defensive and crumble, unable to handle any scrutiny of their own actions or character.

13. They want constant validation and approval from the people around them.

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A coward’s self-worth is often tied to other people’s opinions. They crave external validation and will go to great lengths to please people, even if it means sacrificing their own happiness or authenticity.

14. They lack empathy and compassion for people.


A coward is often so consumed by their own fears and insecurities that they’re unable to truly understand or connect with other people’s feelings. They may dismiss people’s struggles or even take pleasure in their misfortunes.

15. They avoid difficult conversations and emotional vulnerability.

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True intimacy and connection require vulnerability and the willingness to have difficult conversations. A coward, however, will shy away from emotional depth, preferring to keep things surface-level and avoid any potential discomfort or conflict.

16. They never truly stand up for what they believe in or fight for what’s important.


At the core of cowardice is a lack of conviction and the unwillingness to fight for what truly matters. A coward has opinions and beliefs, of course, but they’ll never risk putting themselves on the line to defend them. They’ll choose the easy path, even if it means sacrificing their integrity and living a life of quiet desperation.