15 Ways To Defend Your Choice Not To Have Kids


Choosing not to have kids is a personal decision, and it’s entirely valid.

However, you might find yourself fielding questions, comments, or even unsolicited advice from well-meaning friends, family, or strangers. Defending your choice doesn’t have to be a battle. Here are some things you can say about it the next time someone is on your case.

1. “I’ve given this a lot of thought, and it’s the right decision for me.”


This lets people know that your choice is not impulsive or uninformed. You’ve considered the pros and cons, weighed your options, and arrived at a conclusion that aligns with your values and lifestyle. It shuts down any assumptions that you haven’t thought it through and points out the personal nature of your decision.

2. “My life is fulfilling and happy without children. I have other priorities and passions.”


This response highlights the positive aspects of your childfree life. It makes it clear that you’re not lacking anything by not having children, and that you find joy and fulfilment in other areas of your life. It also shows that you’re confident in your choices and not seeking validation from anyone else.

3. “I respect your decision to have children, and I ask that you respect mine not to.”


This is a respectful way to set a boundary and remind people that their choices are not universal. It points out the importance of mutual respect and understanding, even when opinions differ. By acknowledging their right to choose parenthood, you’re also asserting your own right to choose a different path.

4. “I believe that having children is a significant responsibility, and I’m not ready to take that on.”


This response acknowledges the seriousness of parenthood and your personal readiness. It shows that you’re not taking the decision lightly and that you understand the commitment involved in raising children. It also implies that you’re prioritising your own personal growth and development before potentially becoming a parent.

5. “I have other ways of contributing to society and making a positive impact.”


This response challenges the notion that having children is the only way to contribute to the world. You can highlight your career, volunteer work, creative pursuits, or other endeavours that bring meaning and purpose to your life. It shows that you’re making a difference in your own way and that your value extends beyond parenthood.

6. “I’m not interested in debating the pros and cons of parenthood. It’s a personal choice, and I’m happy with mine.”

Envato Elements

This politely but firmly shuts down any attempts to engage in a debate about the merits of having children. It reiterates the personal nature of your decision and your unwillingness to justify it to anyone else. By setting this boundary, you’re protecting your mental and emotional well-being and avoiding unnecessary conflict.

7. “I enjoy my freedom and flexibility, and I wouldn’t want to sacrifice that.”


This highlights the benefits of a childfree lifestyle, such as the ability to travel spontaneously, pursue personal interests, and prioritise your own needs. It’s a way to celebrate your freedom and show that you value the flexibility and autonomy that comes with not having children.

8. “I’m not willing to compromise my career and personal goals for parenthood.”

Envato Elements

This shows that you have ambitions and aspirations beyond having children. It emphasises that you’re focused on your own personal growth and development and that you’re not willing to sacrifice your dreams for the sake of parenthood. It also highlights the potential challenges of balancing career and family, and your decision to prioritise your own goals at this stage in your life.

9. “I don’t believe in having children just because it’s expected of me. I’m making my own choices.”


This challenges societal norms and expectations around parenthood. It emphasises that you’re not conforming to societal pressures and that you’re making choices based on your own values and desires. It’s a way to reclaim your autonomy and show that you’re not living your life according to someone else’s script.

10. “I’m not sure if I’d be a good parent, and I don’t want to bring a child into the world if I can’t give them the best.”

Envato Elements

This honest and vulnerable response acknowledges the challenges and responsibilities of parenthood. It shows that you’re considering the well-being of a potential child and prioritising their needs over your own desires. It also highlights your self-awareness and commitment to making responsible choices.

11. “I’m focused on my own personal growth and development right now. Having children would be a distraction from that.”

Envato Elements

This emphasises your commitment to self-improvement and personal goals. It shows that you’re prioritising your own journey of self-discovery, and that you’re not willing to put that on hold for parenthood. It also implies that you believe in being the best version of yourself before potentially bringing another life into the world.

12. “I believe there are already enough children in the world who need love and care. I’d rather focus on helping those who are already here.”

Envato Elements

This highlights your compassion and concern for children in need. It suggests that you’re channelling your energy and resources towards helping existing children rather than creating more. It’s a way to show that you care deeply about children and that you’re making a positive impact in your own way.

13. “My partner and I have discussed this thoroughly, and we’re both on the same page about not having children.”

Liubomyr Vorona

This shows that your decision is not unilateral and that you’ve had open and honest conversations with your partner about your shared goals and values. It emphasises that you’re a united front and that you’re both happy and fulfilled with your choice to be childfree.

14. “I’m not interested in explaining or justifying my decision to anyone. It’s my body, my life, and my choice.”

Envato Elements

This is a firm and assertive response that sets a clear boundary. It shows that you’re not willing to engage in debates or defend your choices to those who don’t respect them. It’s a way to reclaim your autonomy and emphasise that your body and your life are your own to decide.

15. “I appreciate your concern, but my decision is final. I’m happy and fulfilled with my life as it is.”

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

This validates the other person’s concern while reiterating the finality of your decision. It emphasises your happiness and contentment with your current life, leaving no room for further debate or persuasion. It’s a polite but firm way to end the conversation and move on.