15 Ugly Behvaviours Of Jealous People Who Can’t Stand To See You Win

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Jealousy can bring out the worst in people, making them act in ways that are hurtful and destructive.

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This behaviour might come from friends or even family members, or it might be colleagues or even casual acquaintances who can’t stand to see you doing so well. So, how do you know that the green-eyed monster has got the better of someone? Chances are, they’ll give themselves away by doing these things.

1. They constantly downplay your achievements.

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When you share good news or accomplishments, jealous people tend to minimise your success. They might say things like “It’s not that big a deal” or “Anyone could do that”. They can’t bear to celebrate your wins because they’re insecure about their own lack of success, and they erroneously think that there’s not enough good stuff to go around.

2. They spread rumours or gossip about you.

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Jealous people often resort to spreading false information or exaggerating your flaws behind your back. It’s clearly an attempt to tarnish your reputation and make others see you in a negative light. It’s their way of trying to level the playing field by bringing you down.

3. They try to one-up you in conversations.

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Whenever you share an experience or achievement, jealous people immediately try to top it with their own story. Their constant need to outdo you shows their insecurity and inability to let you have your moment. It can make conversations feel like a competition rather than a genuine exchange.

4. They give backhanded compliments.

Milan Markovic

Jealous people often struggle to give sincere praise. Instead, they offer compliments that have a hidden sting, like “You look great for your age” or “I wish I could be as carefree about my career as you are”. These backhanded compliments are meant to make you feel insecure while maintaining a facade of friendliness.

5. They exclude you from social situations or opportunities.

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In an attempt to limit your success or happiness, jealous people will deliberately leave you out of social events or professional opportunities. Excluding you is their way of trying to isolate you and keep you from forming connections that could lead to more success or enjoyment.

6. They copy your ideas or style.

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While imitation can be flattering, jealous people take it to an extreme. They mimic your fashion choices, adopt your mannerisms, or even steal your ideas at work. That’s because they want what you have, so they copy you rather than developing their own unique qualities.

7. They make snide remarks about your appearance or choices.

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Jealous people often make subtle digs about your appearance, lifestyle, or decisions. They hope that in doing so, they’ll gnaw away at your confidence and make you doubt yourself. They might question your fashion choices, criticise your diet, or make snide remarks about your relationships, but it’s just because they’re haters.

8. They try to sabotage your relationships or work.

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In more extreme cases, jealous people might actively try to undermine your success, which could involve spreading lies to your partner, giving you bad advice, or interfering with your work projects. Their goal is to create problems for you, hoping it will diminish your happiness or success.

9. They constantly compare themselves to you.

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Jealous people have a habit of making everything a comparison, so they constantly bring up ways in which they believe they’re better than you, or conversely, whinge about how they fall short. Their insistence on constant comparison reveals their deep-seated insecurity and inability to be happy with their own path.

10. They dismiss your problems or challenges.

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When you face tough times, jealous people often show a lack of empathy. They might say things like “You have nothing to complain about” or “I wish I had your problems”. Their dismissive attitude stems from their belief that your life is perfect, and they struggle to acknowledge that you, too, deal with challenges.

11. They take pleasure in your setbacks.

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Jealous people love a bit of schadenfreude — taking joy in your misfortunes. While they might not openly celebrate your failures, you might notice a hint of satisfaction when things don’t go your way. Their reaction reveals their belief that your loss somehow evens the score.

12. They try to make you feel guilty for your success.

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Jealous people often attempt to make you feel bad about your achievements. They might say things like “It must be nice to have everything handed to you” or “Some of us have to work for what we have”. Don’t listen to them — this is an attempt to bring you down and make you question whether you deserve your success.

13. They refuse to acknowledge your hard work.

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Jealous people will attribute your success to luck, connections, or unfair advantages, and they refuse to recognise the effort and dedication you’ve put into achieving your goals. Living in denial allows them to maintain their belief that your success is undeserved, or that they could easily achieve the same if given the same “advantages”.

14. They try to create division between you and other people.

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In an attempt to isolate you, jealous people try to sow seeds of discord in your relationships. They exaggerate conflicts, share private information, or try to turn other people against you. They hope that by doing this, they’ll weaken your support system and isolate you so that you’re miserable.

15. They constantly seek validation and attention.

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Jealous people often have an insatiable need for approval and recognition. As a result, they tend to monopolise conversations, fishing for compliments or sympathy. They seem to believe that any praise you get is praise that’s being taken from them, and they just can’t handle it.