The internet is a wild and wonderful place, full of fascinating people from all walks of life.
However, let’s be real — it’s also home to some serious weirdos. From the oversharing exhibitionists to the tinfoil hat conspiracy theorists, these online oddballs are impossible to ignore. Here are 15 types of internet weirdos you’ve probably encountered in your digital travels. Gotta love ’em!
1. The Oversharer

You know the type — they post every detail of their life online, from what they had for breakfast to their latest relationship drama. They seem to have no filter and no concept of TMI. It’s like they’re trying to turn their entire existence into a reality show for an audience of people who mostly couldn’t care less. At best, it’s cringeworthy; at worst, it’s a cry for help.
2. The Conspiracy Theorist

These people see nefarious plots and hidden agendas everywhere they look. They’re convinced that the government, the media, and the illuminati are all out to get them. They post long, rambling screeds about chemtrails, flat earth, and lizard people. Any attempt to debunk their theories is met with accusations of being a “sheep” or a “shill.” It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
3. The Troll

Trolls live to stir up drama and get a rise out of people. They post inflammatory comments and memes just to watch the world burn. They’ll argue any point, no matter how absurd, just for the sake of arguing. They’re the online equivalent of that kid who used to pull pigtails on the playground. The best way to deal with them is to not engage at all.
4. The Humble-Bragger

These people have mastered the art of the subtle (or not-so-subtle) brag. They’ll post about their amazing holiday, their genius kid, or their latest career achievement — but they’ll couch it in terms of gratitude or self-deprecation. “Feeling so blessed to have such a successful business and a perfect family, even though I’m just a hot mess!” Yeah, right. We see through you.
5. The Woke Activist

These people are always on the lookout for something to be offended by. They’ll call out every microaggression, every problematic tweet, every cultural appropriation. They’re the self-appointed morality police of the internet. While it’s important to be aware of social justice issues, these people take it to an extreme that’s more about virtue signalling than actual activism.
6. The MLM Boss Babe

These women (and they’re almost always women) are convinced that their essential oils/diet shakes/leggings are the key to financial freedom. They’re constantly posting about their “amazing opportunity” and trying to recruit new members to their downline. They use a lot of emojis and talk about empowerment, but it’s really just a pyramid scheme with a pretty Instagram filter.
7. The Fitness Obsessive

For these people, the gym is life. They post endless selfies of their abs, their protein shakes, and their #legday workouts. They’re always trying to sell you on their latest supplement or workout plan. While there’s nothing wrong with being dedicated to fitness, these people take it to a level that’s more about vanity than health.
8. The Political Ranter

These people have never met a political opinion they didn’t want to share — loudly and aggressively. They post long, angry rants about the latest outrage from the other side. They use a lot of ALL CAPS and !!!!!! to make their point. They’re not interested in dialogue or nuance; they just want to shout into the echo chamber.
9. The Thirst Trapper

These people post a never-ending stream of sexy selfies and suggestive captions, fishing for compliments and attention. They know exactly what angles and filters make them look hot, and they’re not afraid to use them. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with feeling yourself, it can come across as a bit desperate and try-hard.
10. The Food Photographer

For these people, every meal is an opportunity for a photo shoot. They post close-up shots of their açai bowls, their gourmet burgers, their artisanal lattes. They use hashtags like #foodie and #nomnomnom. While we can all appreciate a good food pic now and then, these people take it to an extreme that’s more about the ‘gram than the grub.
11. The Clickbait Chaser

These people will post anything for clicks and likes, no matter how misleading or sensationalised. They’ll share fake news stories, outrage-bait articles, and “you won’t BELIEVE what happened next” videos. They’re the reason our newsfeeds are clogged with so much rubbish. It’s like they’ve forgotten that the internet is supposed to be for information, not just attention.
12. The Grammar Nerd

These people take it upon themselves to police everyone’s spelling and grammar online. They’ll point out every typo, every misused apostrophe, every split infinitive. They seem to get a smug sense of satisfaction from proving that they’re smarter than everyone else. While good grammar is important, these people take it to a level that’s more annoying than helpful.
13. The Emoji Abuser

For these people, a picture is worth a thousand words — and by picture, we mean emoji. They use so many emojis in their posts and comments that it’s like trying to decipher hieroglyphics. A smiley face here, a heart eyes there, a random aubergine for good measure. We get it, you’re expressive — but sometimes, words are just fine on their own.
14. The Vaguebooker

These people love to post cryptic, attention-seeking statuses like “Ugh, I can’t believe this is happening” or “Some people are just the worst.” They want you to ask what’s wrong, but when you do, they’ll just say, “I don’t want to talk about it.” It’s like they’re trying to create their own personal soap opera, but nobody’s biting.
15. The Stalker

These people take internet creeping to a whole new level. They’ll like posts from 5 years ago, leave thirsty comments on every selfie, and slide into the DMs with unsolicited “compliments.” They seem to have no concept of boundaries or social norms. It’s not cute, it’s not flattering — it’s just plain creepy. PSA: don’t be a stalker, on the internet or IRL.