15 Tiny Signs Your Relationship Is Doomed To Fail

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It’s no secret that relationships take work.

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However, sometimes, the signs that trouble is brewing are more subtle than fiery arguments or obvious betrayals. Little things we often overlook can sometimes be the loudest indicators that a relationship is on shaky ground. Ignoring them won’t make them disappear – in fact, they might just fester and lead to a bigger mess down the road.

1. You find yourselves constantly bickering over the smallest things.

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Remember when you used to laugh about your partner’s quirks? Now, those same little habits seem to set you off. It’s like a switch has flipped, and everything they do grates on your nerves. Maybe it’s their loud chewing, the way they leave their socks on the floor, or the fact that they always seem to run late. If these minor annoyances have become major points of contention, it could be a sign that deeper issues are lurking beneath the surface.

2. You no longer make an effort to look nice for each other.

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In the early days of your relationship, you probably went out of your way to dress up and impress your partner. But now, you’re more likely to lounge around in your sweatpants and old t-shirts. While it’s normal to feel comfortable around your partner, it’s important to still put in some effort to maintain attraction and keep the spark alive. If you’ve both stopped caring about your appearance, it might be a sign that you’ve lost interest in each other.

3. You’ve stopped communicating openly and honestly.

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Communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship. But if you’ve started keeping secrets, avoiding difficult conversations, or simply not sharing your thoughts and feelings as openly as you used to, it’s a red flag. Maybe you’re afraid of hurting your partner’s feelings, or perhaps you’ve just lost the desire to talk. Either way, a lack of open communication can quickly lead to resentment and misunderstandings.

4. Your future plans and dreams no longer align.

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When you first got together, you probably had a lot in common, including your hopes and dreams for the future. But as time goes on, people change, and so do their aspirations. If you find that your paths are diverging, and you no longer share the same vision for your lives together, it might be time to re-evaluate the relationship. Trying to force a future together that doesn’t feel right for both of you is a recipe for unhappiness.

5. You can’t remember the last time you had a meaningful conversation.

unhappy couple fightSource: Unsplash

Sure, you might chat about your day or discuss the latest episode of your favourite show. But when was the last time you had a deep, meaningful conversation with your partner? The kind where you talked about your fears, your dreams, your hopes for the future, or simply shared something personal and vulnerable? If these conversations have become rare or non-existent, it’s a sign that you’re no longer connecting on a deeper level.

6. You avoid spending quality time together.

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In a healthy relationship, partners actively seek out opportunities to spend quality time together. They might plan date nights, go on weekend getaways, or simply cuddle up on the couch and watch a film. But if you find yourselves constantly making excuses to avoid each other’s company, it could be a sign that you’re no longer interested in spending time together. This lack of quality time can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnect.

7. You no longer feel appreciated or valued.

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Everyone wants to feel appreciated and valued by their partner. Whether it’s a simple “thank you” for doing the dishes or a heartfelt compliment on your outfit, these small gestures show that your partner sees and appreciates you. If you’re not feeling the love, it could be a sign that your partner has taken you for granted or lost sight of how important you are to them. This can lead to feelings of resentment and dissatisfaction.

8. You often fantasise about being single or with someone else.

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It’s natural to have occasional thoughts about what life would be like if you were single or with a different partner. But if these thoughts have become frequent or persistent, it could be a sign that you’re not truly happy in your current relationship. It might be time to have an honest conversation with yourself and your partner about whether the relationship is still fulfilling your needs and desires.

9. You feel like you’re walking on eggshells around each other.

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Remember when you used to be able to say anything to each other without fear of repercussions? Now, it feels like every word you say has to be carefully chosen to avoid a fight or hurt feelings. You’re constantly second-guessing yourself, worried about saying the wrong thing. This kind of tension can be exhausting and create a sense of unease in the relationship.

10. You’re no longer each other’s biggest supporters.

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In a healthy relationship, partners are each other’s cheerleaders. They celebrate each other’s successes, offer support during challenges, and encourage each other to pursue their dreams. But if you find yourselves constantly criticising, belittling, or undermining each other, it’s a major red flag. A lack of support can erode your confidence and make you feel like you’re not good enough.

11. You keep score and hold grudges.

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Do you find yourself keeping track of who did what last, who owes whom an apology, or who’s been neglecting their share of the chores? If so, it’s a sign that you’re not letting go of past hurts and resentments. This kind of scorekeeping can create a toxic dynamic where you’re constantly competing with each other instead of working together as a team.

12. You feel like you’ve lost your individual identity.

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When you’re in a relationship, it’s natural to become intertwined with your partner. You share experiences, develop common interests, and create a shared identity. But it’s important to maintain your own sense of self, your own hobbies and passions, and your own group of friends. If you feel like you’ve lost yourself in the relationship and can no longer recognise the person you were before, it’s a sign that something is off balance.

13. Intimacy has become a chore or an afterthought.

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Physical intimacy is an important part of many relationships, but it should never feel like an obligation or a chore. If you find yourselves going through the motions without any real passion or connection, it could be a sign that you’ve lost that spark. It’s important to communicate openly about your needs and desires, and to make an effort to keep things fresh and exciting in the bedroom.

14. You dread the thought of coming home to each other.

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Home should be a sanctuary, a place where you feel safe, loved, and supported. But if the thought of returning to your partner fills you with dread or anxiety, it’s a major red flag. This could be a sign that the relationship has become toxic, abusive, or simply unfulfilling. If you don’t feel happy and comfortable in your own home, it’s time to reassess the situation.

15. You’ve stopped making plans for the future together.

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Healthy couples make plans together, whether it’s booking a holiday, discussing a potential move, or simply deciding what to have for dinner. But if you’ve stopped talking about the future altogether, it could be a sign that you don’t see a future together. It’s important to have shared goals and aspirations, and to make a conscious effort to build a life together that you both feel excited about.