Even if it’s been decades since you were a child, that younger version of you is still buried deep within, and they still need a bit of reassurance every now and again.

If your inner child is struggling and needs a bit of extra love and care, it’s up to you to provide it. By giving yourself these all-important reminders, you just might start feeling stronger, more capable, and more connected to the people and the world around you.
1. It’s okay to make mistakes — they’re how you learn and grow.

Nobody’s perfect, and that includes you. Making mistakes is just part of being human. Each misstep is a chance to learn something new about yourself and the world around you. So don’t beat yourself up when things go wrong — it’s all part of the journey.
2. Your feelings are valid, no matter what anyone else says.

Whatever you’re feeling, it’s real and it matters. Don’t let anyone tell you that you shouldn’t feel a certain way. Your emotions are your own, and they’re an important part of who you are. It’s okay to feel sad, angry, or scared sometimes — that’s just being human.
3. You don’t have to be the best at everything.

It’s great to try your hardest, but you don’t need to excel at everything you do. Some things you’ll be good at, others not so much, and that’s perfectly fine. What matters is that you give things a go and enjoy the process. Life isn’t a competition, it’s an experience.
4. It’s alright to ask for help when you need it.

Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re weak or incapable. In fact, it takes strength to admit when you need a hand. Everyone needs help sometimes, even grown-ups. Reaching out when you’re struggling shows wisdom and self-awareness, not weakness.
5. You are loved, even when you don’t feel lovable.

There are people who care about you, even on the days when you don’t feel very likeable. Your worth isn’t determined by your achievements or behaviour. You’re lovable simply because you exist, and nothing can change that fundamental truth.
6. It’s okay to take up space and be seen.

You have just as much right to be here as anyone else. Don’t try to make yourself smaller or invisible. Your presence matters, your voice deserves to be heard, and your needs are important. You don’t need to apologise for existing or for having needs.
7. You don’t have to have it all figured out right now.

Life is a long journey, and it’s okay not to know everything yet. You don’t need to have all the answers or a perfect plan for your future. It’s alright to be unsure, to change your mind, or to take a different path. Growing and learning is a lifelong process.
8. Your body is your own, and it’s worthy of respect.

Your body is amazing just as it is. It doesn’t need to look a certain way to be valuable or lovable. You have the right to set boundaries about your body, and no one should make you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. Treat your body with kindness — it’s the only one you’ve got.
9. It’s okay to say no and set boundaries.

You don’t have to say yes to everything or everyone, you know. Setting boundaries is a healthy way to take care of yourself. It’s not mean or selfish to say no when something doesn’t feel right for you. Your needs and comfort matter, and it’s okay to protect them.
10. You are not responsible for other people’s happiness.

While it’s nice to make other people happy, you’re not in charge of anyone else’s emotions. You can’t control how other people feel or react. It’s not your job to fix everything or make everyone around you happy all the time. Focus on your own happiness first.
11. It’s alright to enjoy things, even if other people think they’re silly.

Your interests and joys are valid, no matter what anyone else thinks. If something makes you happy, it’s worth doing, whether it’s collecting stickers or watching cartoons. Don’t let anyone shame you for the things that bring you joy. Your happiness doesn’t need anyone else’s approval.
12. You are more than your achievements or mistakes.

Your worth isn’t measured by your grades, your job, or your accomplishments. Equally, you’re not defined by your mistakes or failures. You’re a complex, valuable person with intrinsic worth, regardless of what you do or don’t achieve. You matter, simply because you are you.
13. It’s okay to need time alone sometimes.

Needing time to yourself doesn’t make you weird or antisocial. Everyone needs space to recharge and reflect. It’s healthy to enjoy your own company and to have quiet time. Don’t feel guilty for needing solitude — it’s an important part of self-care.
14. Your thoughts and ideas are important.

What you think and believe matters. Your perspective is unique and valuable. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas or speak your mind. Even if other people disagree, your thoughts are still valid and worthy of consideration. Your voice deserves to be heard.
15. You are enough, just as you are.

You don’t need to change who you are to be worthy of love and respect. You’re not too much or too little — you’re just right. You don’t have to prove your worth to anyone. You are enough, exactly as you are, right now. And you always will be.