Life’s too short to let other people dictate how you live it.

Sometimes you’ve got to put your foot down and stand your ground, even if it ruffles a few feathers. People aren’t always going to approve of your choices, but it’s your life, and you only get one chance at it. Here’s a list of things you should absolutely insist on, no matter what anyone else thinks.
1. You have a right to say “no” without feeling guilty about it.

Look, you’re not a superhero. You can’t do everything for everyone all the time. It’s okay to turn down invitations, requests, or extra work when you need to. Don’t let anyone make you feel bad for setting boundaries. Your time and energy are precious, so guard them fiercely.
2. Taking care of your mental health is non-negotiable.

Your mental wellbeing isn’t a luxury—it’s essential. Whether it’s therapy, meditation, or just some quiet time alone, make sure you’re giving your mind the TLC it needs. Anyone who says you’re being selfish for prioritising your mental health can jog on.
3. Your dreams and goals matter, even if they seem odd to other people.

Want to start a llama farm? Learn to juggle fire? Write a novel about time-travelling cats? Go for it. Your dreams don’t need to make sense to anyone but you. Don’t let naysayers or raised eyebrows stop you from chasing what lights you up inside.
4. Your body, your rules.

Whether it’s about your appearance, your health choices, or your personal space, you’re the boss of your own body. Don’t let anyone pressure you into anything you’re not comfortable with. Your body is your home, and you get to decide who and what’s allowed in.
5. It’s okay to change your mind.

People might call you fickle or indecisive, but so what? As you grow and learn, it’s natural for your opinions and choices to shift. Insist on your right to evolve. Sticking to outdated ideas just to appear consistent is overrated.
6. Your feelings are valid, full stop.

Don’t let anyone tell you you’re overreacting or being too sensitive. Your feelings are real and they matter. You’re allowed to feel however you feel about a situation, even if people don’t understand it. Acknowledge your emotions without apologising for them.
7. You deserve respect, regardless of your job or status.

Whether you’re a CEO or a cleaner, you’re worthy of respect. Don’t tolerate anyone looking down on you because of your job, your background, or your bank balance. Insist on being treated with dignity, no matter what.
8. Your personal time is sacred.

In a world that’s always “on”, it’s crucial to carve out time for yourself. Whether it’s a quiet cuppa in the morning or a weekend free from work emails, guard your personal time zealously. You’re not being selfish—you’re recharging.
9. It’s fine to ask for help when you need it.

Forget this “I can do it all on my own” nonsense. Everyone needs a hand sometimes. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of self-awareness and strength. Don’t let pride stop you from asking for help and support when you’re struggling.
10. Your personal safety is paramount.

Trust your gut when it comes to your safety. If a situation feels off, get out of there. Don’t worry about seeming rude or paranoid. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Your wellbeing trumps social niceties every single time.
11. You have the right to walk away from toxic relationships.

Family, friends, or partners—if they’re constantly dragging you down, you have every right to step back. Blood might be thicker than water, but it’s not thicker than your mental health. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not those who tear you down.
12. Your time off work should be respected.

When you’re off the clock, you’re off the clock. Don’t let work creep into your personal time unless it’s a genuine emergency. Those emails can wait until Monday morning. Insist on a healthy work-life balance, even if your boss frowns upon it.
13. It’s okay to enjoy things, even if they’re not “cool”.

Love cheesy pop music? Enjoy reading trashy novels? Good for you! Life’s too short to only like things because they’re deemed cool or sophisticated. Embrace your tastes, quirks and all. Anyone who judges you for it isn’t worth your time.
14. Your personal space matters.

Whether it’s physical space or emotional boundaries, you get to decide what you’re comfortable with. Don’t let anyone guilt you into hugs you don’t want or sharing information you’d rather keep private. Your personal bubble is yours to define.
15. You have the right to keep learning and growing.

Never let anyone tell you you’re too old to learn something new or change careers. Life is a constant journey of growth and discovery. Insist on your right to evolve, explore new interests, and reinvent yourself as many times as you like. You’re never too old for a new adventure.