15 Things People Say When They’re Trying To Get Under Your Skin (And How To Not Let Them)


People can be cruel, and sometimes they say things just to get under your skin. Whether it’s a backhanded compliment, a guilt trip, or a straight-up insult, these comments can leave you feeling hurt, angry, or confused. But you don’t have to let them get to you. By recognising these manipulative tactics for what they are and having a few comebacks in your arsenal, you can shut down the haters and keep your peace of mind.

1. “You’re just too sensitive.”


When someone accuses you of being too sensitive, they’re invalidating your feelings and making you question your own reactions. Don’t fall for it. Your emotions are valid, and you have every right to feel the way you do. Remind yourself that sensitivity is a strength, not a weakness. It means you’re in touch with your feelings and have a strong sense of empathy. Don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

2. “I was just joking, geez.”


People who make hurtful comments and then try to pass them off as jokes are gaslighting you. They’re trying to make you doubt your own perceptions and feel like you’re overreacting. Don’t take the bait. Trust your gut and call them out on their behaviour. Say something like, “I don’t find that funny, and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t make jokes at my expense.” Stand your ground and don’t let them off the hook.

3. “You’re just like your mother/father.”

Source: Unsplash

Comparing you to a parent or family member they know you have issues with is a low blow. They’re trying to push your buttons and make you feel small. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Respond with something like, “I’m my own person, and I don’t appreciate the comparison.” Then change the subject or walk away. Don’t engage with their attempt to get a rise out of you.

4. “You’re so boring/uptight/no fun.”

man and woman colleagues at tableSource: Unsplash

When someone calls you boring or uptight, they’re trying to pressure you into doing something you’re not comfortable with. They’re also implying that there’s something wrong with you for having boundaries. Don’t let them shame you. Respond with something like, “I’m happy with who I am, and I don’t need to change to please you.” Surround yourself with people who respect your choices and don’t try to manipulate you.

5. “You’ve changed.”

Envato Elements

This accusation is often used to make you feel guilty for personal growth or lifestyle changes. The person saying it is usually threatened by your evolution and wants to keep you in a box. Don’t let them hold you back. Respond with something like, “Yes, I have changed, and I’m proud of the person I’m becoming.” Embrace your growth and don’t apologise for it.

6. “You’re so lucky to have me.”

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This statement is a red flag for a narcissistic or manipulative person. They’re trying to make you feel indebted to them and like you don’t deserve them. Don’t buy into it. Respond with something like, “I appreciate you, but I don’t need you to validate my worth.” Remember that you are enough on your own and don’t need anyone to complete you.

7. “You’re just jealous/insecure.”

Vladimir Poplavskis

When someone accuses you of being jealous or insecure, they’re trying to dismiss your valid concerns and make you question yourself. Don’t let them gaslight you. Respond with something like, “My feelings have nothing to do with jealousy or insecurity, and everything to do with your behaviour.” Call out their actions and don’t let them shift the blame onto you.

8. “You’re so dramatic.”

David Pereiras

Calling you dramatic is a way for someone to minimise your feelings and make you feel irrational. Don’t let them invalidate your emotions. Respond with something like, “I’m not being dramatic, I’m expressing my feelings, and I’d appreciate it if you took them seriously.” Stand firm in your truth and don’t let anyone tell you how you should feel.

9. “You’re too needy/clingy.”

© Jacob Lund Photography

This accusation is often used by emotionally unavailable people to make you feel like your needs are excessive or unreasonable. Don’t fall for it. Your needs are valid, and you deserve to be in relationships where they’re met. Respond with something like, “I’m not needy, I just value connection and communication in my relationships.” Don’t let anyone shame you for wanting closeness and intimacy.

10. “You can’t take a joke.”


When someone says you can’t take a joke, they’re often trying to excuse their own hurtful behaviour. They’re shifting the blame onto you for not being able to “lighten up.” Don’t accept this. Respond with something like, “It’s not about taking a joke, it’s about respect. If you can’t tell jokes that aren’t at someone else’s expense, that’s on you.” Hold them accountable for their words and actions.

11. “You’re being irrational.”


Calling you irrational is a way for someone to dismiss your thoughts and feelings as invalid or crazy. Don’t let them make you doubt yourself. Respond with something like, “My thoughts and feelings are valid, even if you don’t agree with them.” Trust your own judgment and don’t let anyone convince you that you’re not making sense.

12. “You’re just like everyone else.”

Envato Elements

This statement is designed to make you feel unspecial or replaceable. It’s a manipulation tactic to keep you from asserting yourself or setting boundaries. Don’t buy into it. Respond with something like, “I’m unique, and I don’t need to compare myself to anyone else.” Celebrate your individuality and don’t let anyone devalue you.

13. “You’re so selfish.”

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Accusing you of being selfish is often a way for someone to guilt-trip you into putting their needs before your own. Don’t fall for it. Taking care of yourself and having boundaries isn’t selfish, it’s healthy. Respond with something like, “I’m not selfish for prioritising my own well-being.” Put your own oxygen mask on first and don’t let anyone make you feel bad about it.

14. “You’re overreacting.”

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When someone tells you that you’re overreacting, they’re minimising your feelings and implying that you’re being irrational. Don’t let them gaslight you. Respond with something like, “I’m not overreacting, I’m reacting in a way that’s authentic to me.” Your feelings are valid, no matter how intense they may be. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

15. “You’ll never find anyone better than me.”

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This statement is a classic manipulation tactic designed to make you feel like you’re not worthy of love or respect from anyone else. Don’t believe it for a second. Respond with something like, “My worth isn’t dependent on being with you or anyone else.” Know your value and don’t let anyone use fear or insecurity to control you.