15 Cool Things Confident Introverts Do That Other People Find Weird


Introverts get a bad rap sometimes, and they’re often mistaken for being shy or antisocial. However, confident introverts are a whole different breed!

They’re comfortable in their own skin, embrace their quiet nature, and possess a unique set of strengths that might baffle the more extroverted among us. If you’re an introvert who exudes confidence, you might find that certain things you do leave some people scratching their heads. But hey, that’s what makes you awesome! Here are some of the more quirky introvert behaviours that other people might find a little weird, but are actually perfectly normal for them.

1. They recharge by spending time alone.


While extroverts gain energy from social interactions, introverts need solo time to recharge. Don’t be surprised if your introverted friend cancels plans last minute for a night in with a good book or a bubble bath. It’s not personal, it’s just how they refuel their social battery.

2. They prefer deep conversations over small talk.

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Chit-chat about the weather or the latest celebrity gossip? No, thank you. Confident introverts crave meaningful conversations that delve into deeper topics and explore different perspectives. They’d rather have one profound discussion than a dozen superficial ones.

3. They’re excellent listeners.


Confident introverts are often the best listeners in the room. They give you their undivided attention, really absorb what you’re saying, and ask thoughtful questions. This doesn’t mean they don’t have anything to say; they just prefer to listen and process information before sharing their own thoughts.

4. They don’t feel the need to be the centre of attention.

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You won’t find them hogging the spotlight or vying for attention. Confident introverts are content to observe and participate in social gatherings at their own pace. They might enjoy a quiet corner with a few close friends rather than being the life of the party.

5. They think before they speak.

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Confident introverts are thoughtful and deliberate in their communication. They don’t feel the need to fill every silence with chatter. Instead, they take time to process information and formulate their thoughts before speaking. This can be seen as a sign of wisdom and maturity, even if it sometimes means longer pauses in conversations.

6. They have a rich inner world.

Javier Sánchez Mingorance

Confident introverts often have vivid imaginations and a deep well of creativity. They might spend hours lost in thought, daydreaming, or exploring their own inner landscapes. This rich inner world is a source of strength and inspiration, even if it might seem a bit mysterious to some people.

7. They’re selective about their friendships.

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Confident introverts value quality over quantity when it comes to relationships. They’d rather have a few close, meaningful friendships than a large circle of acquaintances. They’re not afraid to be alone and are perfectly content with their own company.

8. They’re not afraid to say no.


Confident introverts know their limits and aren’t afraid to set boundaries. They don’t feel obligated to say yes to every invitation or request, and they prioritise their own needs and well-being. This assertive nature might surprise some people, but it’s a sign of self-respect and healthy boundaries.

9. They enjoy their own company.


Confident introverts don’t rely on anyone else for entertainment or validation. They are perfectly content spending time alone, pursuing their hobbies, reading, or simply reflecting on their thoughts and feelings. They understand that solitude can be a source of creativity, relaxation, and personal growth.

10. They are comfortable with silence.


Unlike some people who feel the need to fill every silence with chatter, confident introverts are comfortable with pauses in conversation. They don’t feel the need to force conversation or make small talk. This can be unsettling for some people, but it’s a sign of a secure and grounded personality.

11. They’re not afraid to be different.

Liubomyr Vorona

Confident introverts don’t feel the need to conform to societal norms or expectations. They embrace their unique quirks, interests, and perspectives. They’re not afraid to stand out from the crowd or express their individuality. This authenticity can be refreshing and inspiring to a lot of people.

12. They’re highly observant and intuitive.


Confident introverts are often keen observers of the world around them. They notice details that most people might miss and have a deep understanding of human behaviour. This intuition allows them to connect with people on a deeper level and navigate social situations with ease, even if they don’t always participate actively.

13. They have a strong sense of self.


Confident introverts know who they are and what they value. They’re not easily swayed by other people’s opinions and are comfortable making decisions based on their own values and beliefs. This strong sense of self allows them to stay true to themselves and live authentically, even if it means going against the grain.

14. They’re independent and self-reliant.

Avelino Calvar Martinez

Confident introverts are not afraid to take the initiative and do things on their own. They’re resourceful, self-sufficient, and capable of handling challenges independently. They don’t need constant reassurance or validation from other people, and they’re comfortable forging their own path in life.

15. They’re not afraid to speak their mind.


While they might not be the loudest voice in the room, confident introverts are not afraid to express their opinions and ideas when they feel strongly about something. They might not speak up in every situation, but when they do, their words carry weight and are often well-considered and insightful.