15 Signs You’re Manipulating Your Loved Ones And It Needs To Stop

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We all want to feel heard and understood in our relationships, but sometimes our desire to get our way can lead us down a slippery slope.

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Manipulation, even when unintentional, can destroy trust and damage the bonds that matter most to us in life. Here are some subtle signs that you might be manipulating your loved ones and how you can break the cycle.

1. You twist words to suit your narrative.

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Do you find yourself rephrasing events or conversations to make yourself look better or to gain sympathy? Maybe you omit crucial details or exaggerate certain aspects to influence how other people see a situation. While everyone has their own perspective, deliberately distorting information to manipulate people’s feelings or opinions is a form of dishonesty that can destroy trust over time.

2. You guilt-trip your way to getting what you want.

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Guilt-tripping is a classic manipulation tactic that relies on making people feel responsible for your emotions or well-being. Phrases like “If you really loved me, you would…” or “I always do everything for you, and this is how you repay me?” are common examples. While expressing your needs and feelings is important, using guilt to control or manipulate people is harmful and unfair.

3. You play the victim to avoid responsibility.

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Taking responsibility for your actions can be difficult, but it’s an essential part of healthy relationships. When you constantly play the victim, blaming other people for your problems or portraying yourself as helpless, you’re avoiding accountability and manipulating people into feeling sorry for you or taking on your burdens. This behaviour can foster resentment and hinder personal growth.

4. You use passive-aggressive tactics to express displeasure.

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Passive aggression is a sneaky form of manipulation that involves expressing anger or frustration indirectly. Instead of openly addressing an issue, you might give someone the silent treatment, make sarcastic remarks, or engage in subtle sabotage. While it might feel safer than confrontation, passive aggression can be just as hurtful and damaging to relationships. It creates an atmosphere of tension and confusion, making it difficult to resolve conflicts in a healthy way.

5. You withhold affection or attention as a form of punishment.

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Love and affection should never be used as bargaining chips. When you withdraw your love or attention to punish someone for not meeting your expectations, you’re manipulating their emotions and creating an unhealthy power dynamic in the relationship. This can leave your loved ones feeling insecure, anxious, and desperate to get back on your good side, even if it means compromising their own needs and boundaries.

6. You make promises you don’t intend to keep.

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Making promises you have no intention of fulfilling is a manipulative tactic that can create feelings of disappointment and betrayal. Whether it’s promising to change your behaviour, offering help you don’t intend to provide, or making grandiose gestures that never materialise, this is dishonest and hurtful. It can leave your loved ones feeling like they can’t rely on you or take your words seriously.

7. You use flattery and compliments to get your way.


While genuine compliments can be a wonderful way to express appreciation, using flattery as a tool to manipulate people is disingenuous and can backfire. When your compliments are insincere or excessive, they can feel like a ploy to gain favour or influence someone’s decisions. This can create an environment of distrust and resentment, as your loved ones may feel like you’re not genuinely interested in their well-being, but rather in what you can get from them.

8. You downplay your loved ones’ feelings or concerns.

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Invalidating someone’s emotions is a subtle form of manipulation that can undermine their self-worth and confidence. When you dismiss their concerns, minimise their feelings, or tell them they’re overreacting, you’re essentially telling them that their experiences aren’t valid. This behaviour can leave your loved ones feeling unheard, misunderstood, and unimportant.

9. You give backhanded compliments.


A backhanded compliment is a seemingly positive remark with an insult hidden within. For example, you might say, “You look great for your age,” or “That dress actually looks good on you.” These types of compliments can be incredibly hurtful, as they undermine the recipient’s confidence and leave them feeling unsure of your true intentions. If you find yourself giving backhanded compliments, try to be more mindful of your words and focus on offering genuine praise.

10. You use silence as a weapon.

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The silent treatment is a manipulative tactic that can be emotionally draining for the recipient. When you refuse to communicate or acknowledge someone, you’re essentially punishing them and controlling the flow of information. This can create an atmosphere of tension and anxiety, leaving your loved ones feeling isolated and confused. Instead of resorting to silence, try to communicate openly and honestly, even if it’s difficult.

11. You play your loved ones against each other.

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Pitting loved ones against each other is a divisive tactic that can create conflict and mistrust within relationships. Whether it’s gossiping about one person to another, creating competition between siblings, or playing favourites, this is manipulative and harmful. It can damage the bonds between family members and friends, leaving lasting emotional scars.

12. You make your loved ones feel responsible for your happiness.

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While it’s natural to want your loved ones to be happy, it’s not their responsibility to ensure your happiness at the expense of their own. When you make them feel like they need to cater to your every whim or constantly sacrifice their own needs to please you, you’re creating an unhealthy dynamic in the relationship. Remember, happiness is an inside job, and it’s up to you to find ways to cultivate it.

13. You use ultimatums to get your way.

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Ultimatums are a manipulative tactic that involves threatening to withdraw love, affection, or support if someone doesn’t comply with your demands. This can be incredibly damaging to relationships, as it creates an environment of fear and coercion. Instead of resorting to ultimatums, try to communicate your needs and concerns in a respectful and constructive way.

14. You compare your loved ones to other people.

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Comparing your loved ones to anyone else is a guaranteed way to make them feel inadequate and insecure. Whether it’s comparing your partner to an ex, your child to a friend’s child, or your sibling to a successful colleague, this is hurtful and unproductive. It can undermine their self-esteem and create resentment within the relationship. Instead of focusing on how they measure up to other people, celebrate their unique qualities and strengths.

15. You refuse to apologise or admit when you’re wrong.

Ekaterina Pereslavtseva

Everyone makes mistakes, but refusing to apologise or admit when you’re wrong is a sign of immaturity and a lack of accountability. When you’re unable to take responsibility for your actions, it can create resentment and mistrust in your relationships. A sincere apology can go a long way towards healing wounds and rebuilding trust. Don’t let your ego get in the way of making amends.