Some people just seem to radiate negativity.
Their words and actions can drain the energy out of a room, leaving everyone around them feeling exhausted and discouraged. While a little negativity is normal from time to time, being around someone who’s a constant pessimist can affect your mood and your relationships. Here’s how to tell you’re dealing with someone who’s a total drag (if it wasn’t already obvious).
1. They complain constantly.

A hallmark of a negative person is their tendency to complain about everything under the sun. The weather, traffic, their job, their relationships – nothing seems to be good enough. Their complaints often lack any constructive solutions and seem to be fuelled by a general sense of dissatisfaction with life.
2. They focus on the negative aspects of every situation.

Even in positive situations, a negative person will find something to complain about. They might focus on the one thing that went wrong instead of acknowledging the many things that went right. This tendency to fixate on the negative can be incredibly draining for those around them and can create a self-fulfilling prophecy of negativity.
3. They constantly criticise people.

Negative people often feel better about themselves by putting other people down. They might criticise other people’s appearance, choices, or achievements. This behaviour can be hurtful and damaging to relationships, creating an atmosphere of negativity and resentment.
4. They rarely offer compliments or positive feedback.

Even when someone does something well, a negative person might struggle to offer genuine praise or encouragement. They might downplay other people’s achievements or find fault in their successes. This lack of positive reinforcement can be demoralising and can make it difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with them.
5. They blame other people for their problems.

Negative people often refuse to take responsibility for their own actions and instead blame other people for their problems. They might see themselves as victims of circumstance and fail to recognise their own role in creating their own challenges. This victim mentality can be a major roadblock to personal growth and happiness.
6. They have a pessimistic outlook on the future.

Instead of looking forward to the future with hope and optimism, a negative person might dwell on potential problems and worst-case scenarios. They might constantly worry about what could go wrong, which can lead to anxiety and stress for both themselves and those around them.
7. They resist change and new experiences.

Negative people often cling to the familiar and resist change, even when it could be beneficial. They might be afraid of the unknown or simply unwilling to step outside their comfort zone. This resistance to change can stifle personal growth and limit opportunities for happiness and fulfilment.
8. They drain your energy.

Spending time with a negative person can leave you feeling emotionally exhausted. Their constant complaining, criticism, and pessimistic outlook can be contagious and can dampen your own mood and energy levels. It’s important to protect your own well-being and limit your exposure to their negativity.
9. They refuse to take criticism and feedback.

Negative people often believe they’re always right and can become defensive when offered feedback or suggestions, even if it’s well-intentioned. They might interpret any form of criticism as a personal attack, making it difficult to have constructive conversations or help them see things from a different perspective.
10. They lack enthusiasm for anyone else’s success.

Instead of celebrating other people’s achievements, negative people might downplay them or express envy. They might struggle to be genuinely happy for someone else’s good fortune, which can create tension and distance in relationships.
11. They dwell on past mistakes and failures.

Negative people tend to ruminate on past mistakes and failures, often replaying them in their minds and feeling regret or shame. They might struggle to move on and learn from their experiences, which can keep them stuck in a cycle of negativity.
12. They have difficulty finding joy in everyday life.

Simple pleasures like a beautiful sunset, a delicious meal, or a good conversation might not register with a negative person. They might be so focused on what’s wrong with their lives that they overlook the good things that are happening around them.
13. Everything is a catastrophe to them.

A small setback can quickly snowball into a major disaster in the mind of a negative person. They might imagine worst-case scenarios and exaggerate the potential consequences of their problems, leading to unnecessary stress and anxiety.
14. They often feel misunderstood and unappreciated.

Negative people might feel like they’re misunderstood by people and that their struggles are not taken seriously. This can lead to feelings of isolation and resentment, further fuelling their negativity.
15. They spread negativity to everyone they meet.

One of the most damaging aspects of negativity is its contagious nature. A negative person can easily bring down the mood of those around them, spreading their pessimism and discontent. It’s important to be mindful of the impact your own negativity can have on other people, and strive to cultivate a more positive outlook.