15 Sad Reasons People Try To Be Someone They’re Not

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Authenticity is the way to go in life, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy to be yourself.

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In fact, sometimes it’s so hard to march to the beat of your own drum that people avoid it altogether. Instead, they pretend to be the type of person they think everyone wants them to be instead of staying true to themselves. While they’d be much happier if they just embraced their real selves, here’s why they feel the need to put on a facade.

1. They’re desperate for acceptance.

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Some people adapt themselves to fit in, especially if they think their true self might be judged. They might change interests or opinions just to feel included. It can create a temporary sense of belonging, but often it doesn’t feel fully genuine. Over time, it can lead to feeling lost. The need for acceptance sometimes gets in the way of self-acceptance.

2. They’re terrified of being judged.

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Many people hold back parts of themselves to avoid negative opinions. They might hide their quirks, hoping not to stand out too much. As a result, they end up acting in ways that feel less natural. Avoiding judgment can end up feeling like hiding. The worry over how other people see them keeps them from being fully themselves.

3. They need a lot of external validation.


Sometimes, people change their behaviour or interests to get approval. They may focus on traits or actions that other people admire, even if it feels forced. Their search for validation can leave them feeling empty once the praise fades. Living for everyone else’s approval makes it hard to know what they actually value. Constantly seeking validation can lead to a shaky sense of self-worth.

4. They’re insecure about who they are.


Insecurity can drive people to create a “better” version of themselves. They might believe that their real self isn’t enough, leading to behaviours that feel unnatural. This can bring a bit of confidence, but it rarely feels genuine. Underneath, the insecurities often remain. It becomes more of a temporary fix than a real solution.

5. They’re always comparing themselves to other people.


When people feel they don’t measure up, they sometimes mimic traits or habits they see in other people. They might think, “If I act more like them, I’ll feel better or more successful.” But copying everyone else often leaves them feeling more frustrated. They overlook their own strengths and focus too much on what they lack. Trying to live someone else’s life rarely fills the gaps they’re trying to fix.

6. They feel under pressure to seem successful.

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For some, success feels like something they have to show, even if it’s not real. They might exaggerate achievements or lifestyle to fit an image they think is expected. It just creates pressure to keep up appearances, which can be exhausting. Real success looks different for everyone, but pretending makes it feel like a race. The pressure to appear successful can end up being more stressful than just being themselves.

7. They’re trying to distance themselves from past mistakes.

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People who regret past choices may create a new version of themselves to avoid old flaws. They might act differently, hoping to feel like they’ve moved on. Their “new” persona can help in the short term, but it often doesn’t fully address what they’re trying to escape. Leaving old mistakes behind doesn’t always mean pretending to be someone else. Real growth often comes from facing the past, not hiding it.

8. They feel pressured to appear perfect.


The need to seem perfect can make people feel like they need to hide any flaws. They might only show the polished parts of themselves, hoping it makes them more likeable or worthy. Over time, it can feel like a performance instead of a real connection. Striving for perfection makes it harder to just be honest. The need to look perfect can often end up isolating them more.

9. They worry they’re “boring” or uninteresting.


Some people feel their true personality isn’t exciting enough, so they create a different image. They might exaggerate interests or play up certain traits to seem more engaging. Doing this might attract attention, but it usually doesn’t satisfy for long. The effort to be interesting often overshadows being genuine. Real connections usually come from being themselves, not from trying to impress.

10. They’re under pressure from family expectations.

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Family expectations can lead people to act in ways that don’t feel quite right for them. They may follow certain values or behaviours, hoping to keep the peace. The pressure can make them feel like they’re living someone else’s life. While family approval matters, staying true to themselves matters too. The weight of expectations can feel heavy over time.

11. They want to fit into a specific group.

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People often adjust themselves to feel like they belong to a certain social circle. They may change behaviours or even interests to match the group. Doing so can create a sense of belonging, but it’s often based on a version of themselves that isn’t fully honest. Fitting in doesn’t always feel as rewarding when it’s based on pretending. Real connection is hard to find without being genuine.

12. They’re trying to avoid vulnerability.

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For some, showing their real self feels too exposed, so they hide behind a different persona. Vulnerability can be uncomfortable, and pretending to be someone else feels safer. But over time, it just creates distance in relationships, as they’re not letting people in fully. The mask protects them, but it also isolates them. Real connections are difficult to build when they’re holding back.

13. They feel like they “should” be different.

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Social expectations can make people feel they should act a certain way. This mindset often leads them to adopt traits they think are “normal” or expected. They may ignore their preferences to meet an imagined standard. Living out of expectations rarely feels fulfilling. Acting out of “should” makes it hard to find what they genuinely enjoy.

14. They feel disconnected from their true self.

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Some people feel unsure of who they really are, so they try out different versions of themselves. While this isn’t always negative, it can lead to constant self-editing. They’re searching, but it can feel like guessing. Over time, it can make them feel like they’re drifting rather than discovering. Without a clearer sense of self, it’s easy to get lost in different personas.

15. They’re struggling with self-acceptance.

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In many cases, pretending stems from not fully accepting themselves as they are. They might feel their true self isn’t enough, so they create a “better” version. The lack of acceptance often makes them feel like they’re always falling short. Pretending becomes a way to mask those insecurities. The feeling of not being “enough” can be hard to shake without self-acceptance.