Everyone wonders what’s just around the corner, but if you’re so preoccupied with it that you can’t enjoy the present, there’s a problem.

You’ll never be able to figure out what’s going to happen in the future — whether it’s a few months or a few years from now. Life happens at breakneck speed sometimes, and there are so many things we have no control over that trying to conjure up a picture of what’s to come is a pointless exercise. Here are some warning signs you’re too obsessed with trying to predict the future and need to chill out a bit.
1. You constantly check your horoscope.

Your day doesn’t start without a peek at your zodiac forecast. You end up refreshing astrology websites multiple times a day, looking for some kind of guidance from the stars for every decision. In fact, your reliance on celestial predictions has become a ritual you can’t seem to shake, influencing your mood and choices more than you’d like to admit.
2. You’ve got a collection of fortune-telling tools.

Your shelves are lined with tarot cards, crystal balls, and rune stones. You’ve invested considerable time and money into getting a hold of these divination tools, convinced that they hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of your future. The urge to consult them for even the most trivial things has become second nature.
3. You’re always looking for signs and omens.

Every black cat, broken mirror, or unexpected event becomes loaded with significance in your eyes. You find yourself constantly on high alert, interpreting everyday occurrences as cosmic messages about your future. Unfortunately, your hyperawareness of ’signs’ often leads to overthinking and unnecessary stress. Sometimes (most times!), things are just random or coincidental.
4. You’ve consulted multiple psychics.

You’ve lost count of the number of psychic readings you’ve had. Despite mixed results, you keep looking for new clairvoyants, hoping for that one definitive glimpse into your future. The money spent on these sessions is starting to add up, but you justify it as an investment in your destiny.
5. You struggle to make decisions without forecasting outcomes.

Even simple choices become paralysing as you obsess over potential consequences. You create elaborate scenarios for every option, trying to predict which path will lead to the best future. It’s a level of overthinking that often leaves you stuck, unable to move forward without feeling certain about the outcome. What if you pick the wrong thing?
6. You’re fixated on prophecies and doomsday predictions.

Ancient prophecies and modern-day doom sayers have a bizarre hold on your attention, even though your logical side knows it’s mostly rubbish. You spend hours researching end-of-the-world scenarios, convinced that understanding these predictions will somehow prepare you for what’s to come. So much fixation often leads to unnecessary anxiety about events beyond your control.
7. You’re always planning for worst-case scenarios.

Your mind constantly jumps to the most catastrophic outcomes. You’ve got contingency plans for your contingency plans, all in an attempt to safeguard against potential future disasters. While some preparation is smart, your level of worry about hypothetical situations is affecting your ability to enjoy the present.
8. You’re neglecting the present moment.

Your preoccupation with the future is causing you to miss out on what’s happening right now. For you, it’s hard to fully engage in conversations or activities because part of your mind is always elsewhere, trying to piece together clues about what’s to come. Sadly, your disconnection from the present is starting to impact your relationships and overall quality of life.
9. You obsessively track trends and make predictions.

Whether it’s stock markets, fashion, or technology, you’re constantly analysing trends and making forecasts. While staying informed is good, your need to predict every shift has become all-consuming. You spend countless hours poring over data and articles, convinced that if you just study hard enough, you’ll be able to see the future clearly.
10. You’re overly superstitious about your actions.

You’ve developed a complex set of personal superstitions, believing that certain actions will influence future outcomes. These rituals have become increasingly elaborate and time-consuming, often interfering with your daily life. The anxiety you feel when unable to perform these actions is a clear sign that your focus on controlling the future has gone too far.
11. You struggle to live in the moment.

Enjoying the present has become a challenge. Even during happy occasions, you find your mind wandering to what might happen next. The thing is, constant projection into the future robs you of the joy and fulfilment that come from fully experiencing the here and now.
12. You’ve become risk-averse due to fear of unknown outcomes.

Your desire to predict and control the future has made you overly cautious. You tend to avoid opportunities or experiences that come with uncertainties, preferring the illusion of safety that comes with sticking to the familiar. This risk aversion is limiting your personal growth and potential for new experiences.
13. You’re constantly looking for reassurance about the future.

You regularly ask friends and family for their opinions on what might happen, trying to find comfort in their predictions. Your need for constant reassurance about future outcomes is straining your relationships, especially since other people are no doubt getting tired of your repeated requests for crystal ball gazing.
14. You’ve developed analysis paralysis.

Your attempts to foresee every possible outcome have left you stuck in a cycle of endless analysis. You find it increasingly hard to take action or make decisions, as you’re always convinced there’s more information to gather or scenarios to consider. Analysis paralysis is preventing you from moving forward in various aspects of your life.
15. You’re losing sleep over future uncertainties.

Your obsession with predicting the future has started to affect your sleep. Nights are spent tossing and turning, your mind racing with ’what ifs’ and potential scenarios. What you don’t realise is that the lack of rest is taking a toll on your physical and mental health, further fuelling your anxiety about what’s to come.