Some people come off as intimidating, but deep down, they’re a big old softie.

Whether they project this persona as a weird form of self-protection, or people just get the wrong end of the stick, they can seem unpleasant or even aggressive. In reality, they’re not so bad at all, no matter how fierce they claim to be. Here’s how you know you’re dealing with someone whose bark is way worse than their bite.
1. They overcompensate with loudness.

People who talk big often rely on volume to make their presence known. They may raise their voice or dominate a conversation, hoping it conveys confidence. In reality, it’s often a defence mechanism to mask insecurity or vulnerability. Their loudness is more about being noticed than about asserting real power.
2. They love dramatic expressions.

Hyperbolic statements like “I’ll never forgive you!” or “This is the worst thing ever!” are staples of their interactions. They lean into drama to emphasise their emotions, but they’re rarely as extreme as their words suggest. Their flair for theatrics often masks a more thoughtful and measured personality underneath.
3. They’re quick to backtrack.

After delivering a big, bold declaration, they’re often the first to soften it. “I didn’t mean it *that* way” or “I was just kidding” are common follow-ups. They bark loud in the heat of the moment but don’t enjoy long-term conflict. Their need to backpedal shows that they care about maintaining harmony more than they let on.
4. They avoid actual confrontation.

For all their tough talk, they’re not fans of real arguments or high-stakes showdowns. They might huff and puff, but when it comes to hashing things out, they prefer to keep things light. Their avoidance of direct conflict reveals their preference for peace over prolonged tension.
5. They rely on humour to defuse tension.

If a situation gets too serious, they’re quick to crack a joke or lighten the mood. Their bark might seem intimidating at first, but their playful side surfaces when things feel too heavy. They instinctively use humour as a tool to protect relationships and avoid escalation.
6. They exaggerate to make a point.

Statements like “I’ve had the worst day in history!” or “This always happens to me!” are part of their personality toolkit. Their over-the-top delivery is less about manipulation and more about expressing their feelings in the most dramatic way possible. They hope their exaggeration conveys emotion rather than factual accuracy.
7. They have a soft spot for underdogs.

For all their big talk, they’re often the first to step in when someone else is struggling. They might bark loudly to appear tough, but their actions show a compassionate and protective side. Their soft heart is often the driving force behind their seemingly tough exterior.
8. They’re emotional, not mean.

Their bark stems from strong emotions, not malice. They may yell or complain in the moment, but they’re rarely trying to hurt anyone. Once they’ve cooled down, they’re often quick to offer support or an apology to smooth things over.
9. They overthink after an outburst.

Once the dust settles, they’re likely replaying the scene in their head and wondering if they went too far. While they might appear bold and unbothered, they often worry about how their words were received. Their ability and willingness to self-reflect shows a desire to grow and learn from their interactions.
10. They’re surprisingly forgiving.

While they may threaten revenge or make bold statements like “I’m done with you,” they’re quick to let things go. Holding grudges isn’t really their style, and they prefer to move forward rather than dwell on past conflicts. Their forgiving nature demonstrates a deep appreciation for relationships over fleeting anger.
11. They’re people pleasers deep down.

Despite their tough exterior, they care a lot about what other people think of them. Their bark often masks their desire to be liked and respected. Beneath their loud words, they’re often just looking for reassurance and connection.
12. They struggle with vulnerability.

Their loud, bold persona is often a way of deflecting from their deeper feelings. Sharing their softer side feels risky, so they rely on bravado to keep people at a safe distance. When they do open up, it’s a sign of deep trust and emotional growth.
13. They value loyalty.

They might talk a big game, but they’re fiercely loyal to the people they care about. When push comes to shove, they’ll show up and stand by your side, proving their bark is far louder than their bite. Their loyalty is unwavering, even if their delivery sometimes misses the mark.
14. They’re easily embarrassed by their own words.

After a loud outburst or bold statement, they might cringe at themselves later. They’ll downplay what they said or laugh it off, showing that their bark isn’t as serious as it initially seemed. Their self-awareness makes them surprisingly relatable despite their fiery moments.
15. They’re more sensitive than they let on.

Beneath the bark lies a heart that feels deeply. They might act tough on the surface, but criticism or rejection hits them harder than they’d ever admit. Their tough exterior is more about self-protection than a true reflection of who they are.