You don’t have to donate thousands to charity or dedicate your life to service to be a decent person.

While doing what you can to help other people is certainly a marker of goodness, it’s the subtler, everyday behaviours that come together and really make a wholesome, kind-hearted human being. You probably think you’re doing okay, but if you do these things, you’re a much better person than you give yourself credit for.
1. You listen without interrupting.

It’s easy to jump in when someone’s talking, but if you make an effort to really listen without interrupting, it shows that you respect their thoughts. Giving someone the space to speak is a small act of kindness that goes a long way. It shows that you value their voice and are genuinely interested in what they have to say.
2. You’re considerate of people’s time.

You make an effort to show up on time and respect other people’s schedules. Being punctual or letting someone know if you’re running late shows that you value their time just as much as your own. It’s a sign that you don’t take people’s efforts for granted.
3. You don’t feel the need to always be right.

Instead of insisting on proving a point, you’re okay with letting things go and understanding that everyone has their own perspective. You don’t mind backing down in a disagreement if it means keeping the peace. Being open to different viewpoints shows emotional maturity and respect for people.
4. You help out without expecting anything in return.

Whether it’s holding the door open or offering to lend a hand with something small, you don’t need a thank you or recognition for your actions. You help because it feels right, not because you expect anything back. This shows that your kindness comes from a genuine place.
5. You’re mindful of how your words affect other people.

You think before you speak, making sure not to say things that could hurt or offend someone. Even in heated moments, you try to be careful with your words. A bit of mindfulness shows you care about the impact you have on the people around you.
6. You remember small details about other people.

Whether it’s recalling someone’s favourite drink or asking about something they mentioned weeks ago, you pay attention to the little things. Remembering these details shows that you truly listen and care about the people in your life. It’s a simple way to show thoughtfulness.
7. You apologise when you’re wrong.

Admitting when you’ve made a mistake isn’t always easy, but you don’t hesitate to apologise when necessary. Owning up to your actions shows integrity and a willingness to make things right. It’s a sign of humility and strength of character.
8. You offer compliments without expecting anything back.

When you give someone a compliment, it’s genuine, and you don’t expect to be complimented in return. You simply want to make the other person feel good. Offering positive feedback just because you mean it is a sign of generosity.
9. You make an effort to include everyone.

Whether it’s at work, in a social setting, or even in conversations, you try to make sure no one feels left out. Being inclusive shows that you’re considerate of everyone’s feelings and want them to feel comfortable. It’s a small act that can make a big difference in someone’s day.
10. You’re patient when people make mistakes.

Instead of getting frustrated or annoyed when someone messes up, you’re patient and understanding. You know that everyone makes mistakes, and you offer support rather than criticism. Your patience shows kindness and empathy for other people’s struggles.
11. You’re willing to give people the benefit of the doubt.

Instead of assuming the worst in people, you’re more likely to believe they had good intentions, even if things didn’t go as planned. You prefer to think the best of people, rather than jumping to negative conclusions. This shows that you’re fair and understanding.
12. You don’t hold grudges.

Even when someone has wronged you, you’re willing to let things go and move on. Holding onto anger isn’t your style, and you’d rather forgive than dwell on past conflicts. Letting go of grudges shows emotional maturity and a genuine desire for peace.
13. You’re happy for other people’s success.

When someone else achieves something great, you’re genuinely happy for them without feeling jealous. You celebrate their wins as if they were your own. Your ability to feel joy for other people’s achievements shows that you’re confident in yourself and supportive of people.
14. You take responsibility for your actions.

When something goes wrong, you don’t look for someone else to blame. You take responsibility for your part in the situation and work to fix it. Owning your actions shows that you’re accountable and reliable, even when things don’t go as planned.
15. You give people space when they need it.

When someone is going through a tough time or just needs a moment alone, you respect that and give them space. You don’t take it personally if someone needs time to themselves. This shows emotional intelligence and a deep understanding of personal boundaries.