15 Eye Roll-Worthy Signs Someone Has A Superiority Complex

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We all know someone who walks into a room and acts like they own the place. They might be a friend, a coworker, or even a family member. They think they’re better than everyone else, and it can be pretty annoying. But how can you tell if someone actually has a legitimate superiority complex? Look for these signs.

1. They constantly brag about their accomplishments.

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People with a superiority complex love to talk about themselves and their achievements. They’ll go on and on about their latest promotion, their expensive car, or their perfect family. It’s like they need constant validation from other people to feel good about themselves.

2. They belittle other people’s achievements.

Liubomyr Vorona

Not only do they brag about their own successes, but they also put down other people’s accomplishments. They might make snide comments about someone’s job, their appearance, or their lifestyle. It’s their way of trying to make themselves look better by comparison.

3. They have a hard time admitting they’re wrong.

man onlySource: Unsplash

People with a superiority complex think they’re always right, even when they’re clearly not. They’ll argue their point endlessly, even if it means twisting the facts or ignoring evidence. They simply can’t handle the thought of being wrong.

4. They’re overly critical of other people.

man standing aloneSource: Unsplash

They have a knack for finding flaws in everything and everyone. They’ll criticise your work, your clothes, your cooking, or anything else they can think of. It’s like they’re constantly looking for ways to make themselves feel superior.

5. They lack empathy for others.

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People with a superiority complex often struggle to understand or relate to other people’s feelings. They might dismiss someone’s problems or make insensitive comments without even realising it. They’re so focused on themselves that they can’t see things from another person’s perspective.

6. They have an inflated sense of entitlement.

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They believe they deserve special treatment and expect others to cater to their every whim. They might demand the best table at a restaurant, cut in line, or expect others to do their work for them. They simply don’t see why they should have to follow the same rules as everyone else.

7. They’re always trying to one-up others.

Philipp Nemenz

If you tell them about a great holiday you took, they’ll tell you about an even better one they took. If you mention a promotion you got, they’ll tell you about a bigger one they got. They always have to be the best at everything.

8. They surround themselves with people they consider inferior.

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They prefer to be around people who they feel are less intelligent, less successful, or less attractive than they are. This way, they can feel even more superior by comparison.

9. They have difficulty accepting feedback.

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They view any constructive criticism as a personal attack. Instead of using feedback as an opportunity for growth, they become defensive and dismissive. They believe their way is always the best way, and anyone who suggests otherwise is simply wrong.

10. They interrupt and talk over others.

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In conversations, they often dominate the discussion, interrupting others and talking over them to make sure their voice is heard. They believe their opinions are more valuable than anyone else’s and don’t hesitate to cut others off to express their own thoughts.

11. They name-drop and associate with high-status individuals.


They frequently mention their connections to influential people or their affiliations with prestigious organisations. They believe that associating themselves with successful individuals elevates their own status and reinforces their perceived superiority.

12. They dismiss or ignore the opinions of those they deem “lower.”

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They may openly disregard or belittle the ideas and perspectives of individuals they consider less intelligent, less experienced, or less accomplished than themselves. They believe their own judgment is infallible and that other people’s opinions are not worth considering.

13. They take credit for other people’s work or ideas.

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In team settings, they may try to claim ownership of the accomplishments of their colleagues, taking credit for work they did not contribute to. They believe their own involvement automatically makes any project a success, and fail to acknowledge what other people brought to the table.

14. They have difficulty building genuine, equal relationships.

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Their need to feel superior often hinders their ability to form meaningful connections. They struggle to relate to people on an equal level, as they constantly seek to establish themselves as the dominant figure in any relationship.

15. They have a fragile ego that is easily bruised.

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Despite their outward confidence, they often have a fragile ego that is easily threatened. Any perceived challenge to their authority or intelligence can trigger a defensive reaction, as they feel the need to protect their inflated self-image.