15 Behaviours That Immediately Reveal Your Lack of Confidence

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Confidence is like a radiant aura that draws people in, but a lack of it can be just as noticeable.

It’s not always about grand gestures or bold statements; sometimes, it’s the subtle behaviours that reveal your insecurities. Here are some common actions that might inadvertently signal a lack of confidence.

1. You apologise way too much.

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Saying “sorry” is a polite way to acknowledge mistakes, but overusing it can be a sign of low self-esteem. If you find yourself apologising for things that aren’t your fault, or even for minor inconveniences, it might indicate that you feel the need to constantly appease people and try to earn their approval. Remember, you don’t need to apologise for simply existing or expressing your needs.

2. You downplay your accomplishments.

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Have you ever received a compliment and immediately brushed it off with a self-deprecating remark? Downplaying your achievements or attributing your successes to luck or external factors can be a sign that you don’t fully believe in your own abilities. Embrace your accomplishments and own your successes, it’s okay to feel proud of what you’ve achieved!

3. You avoid eye contact.


Eye contact is a powerful form of non-verbal communication. It conveys confidence, trustworthiness, and engagement. If you tend to avoid eye contact, it might suggest that you’re feeling insecure or uncomfortable. Next time you’re interacting with someone, try to maintain steady eye contact. It might feel awkward at first, but it can significantly impact how people see you.

4. You constantly need validation from other people.

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Do you rely on external validation to feel good about yourself? If you constantly seek approval or reassurance from people, it might be a sign that you lack confidence in your own judgment and worth. Remember, your value comes from within, not from other people’s opinions. While it’s nice to receive compliments, don’t let your self-worth hinge on them.

5. You have trouble saying “no.”

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Are you a chronic people-pleaser? If you find it difficult to say “no” to requests, even when you’re feeling overwhelmed or overextended, it might be a sign that you’re afraid of disappointing people or being seen as selfish. Learning to set boundaries and prioritise your own needs is essential for building confidence and maintaining healthy relationships.

6. You slouch or have closed-off body language.

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Your posture and body language can speak volumes about your confidence level. Slouching, crossing your arms, or fidgeting can signal insecurity or discomfort. Stand tall, keep your shoulders back, and maintain open body language. Not only will this project confidence to other people, but it can also boost your own self-esteem.

7. You speak softly or hesitantly.

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The way you speak can greatly impact how people see you. If you tend to speak softly, mumble, or hesitate frequently, it might suggest a lack of confidence in your own voice and opinions. Project your voice, enunciate clearly, and speak with conviction. Even if you don’t always feel confident, speaking with authority can help you fake it ’til you make it.

8. You constantly compare yourself to other people.

Liubomyr Vorona

In the age of social media, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself to other people. But remember, everyone’s journey is different, and comparing yourself to a carefully curated highlight reel is a recipe for insecurity. Focus on your own progress, celebrate your unique strengths, and don’t let other people’s achievements diminish your own accomplishments.

9. You take things personally.

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If you tend to internalise criticism or feedback as a personal attack, it might be a sign that you lack confidence in your abilities and self-worth. Remember, not all feedback is meant to be hurtful, and even constructive criticism can be a valuable opportunity for growth. Try to separate your emotions from the situation and focus on the message, not the delivery.

10. You overthink everything.

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Do you constantly analyse every interaction, second-guess your decisions, and worry about what other people think? Overthinking can be a symptom of low self-esteem, as it often stems from a fear of making mistakes or being judged. Learn to trust your instincts, make decisions without overanalysing, and embrace the fact that nobody is perfect.

11. You’re afraid to speak up.

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Whether it’s in a meeting, a social gathering, or a one-on-one conversation, if you find yourself holding back your thoughts and opinions, it might be a sign that you lack confidence in your ideas or fear being judged. Remember, your voice matters, and sharing your perspective can enrich conversations and contribute to meaningful discussions.

12. You need constant reassurance.

Liubomyr Vorona

If you constantly need people to tell you that you’re doing a good job, that you look nice, or that you’re worthy of love and respect, it might be a sign that you lack self-assurance. While it’s nice to receive positive feedback, don’t rely on it as the sole source of your self-esteem. Learn to validate yourself and believe in your own worth, regardless of external opinions.

13. You have trouble accepting compliments.

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When someone compliments you, do you deflect, downplay, or dismiss it? If you struggle to accept compliments graciously, it might be a sign that you don’t truly believe the positive things people say about you. Remember, compliments are a gift, and accepting them with gratitude is a sign of self-respect and confidence.

14. You’re a perfectionist.

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While striving for excellence is admirable, being a perfectionist can be a sign of insecurity. If you set unrealistically high standards for yourself and fear failure or making mistakes, it can paralyse you and prevent you from taking risks or pursuing your goals. Learn to embrace imperfection, celebrate progress, and accept that mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.

15. You try to be someone you’re not.


If you constantly feel the need to change yourself to fit in or please other people, it might be a sign that you lack confidence in your own identity and worth. Embrace your unique quirks, celebrate your individuality, and don’t be afraid to let your true self shine. Remember, the most confident people are those who are comfortable in their own skin.