14 Things Straight People Can Learn From Queer People


The queer community has long been a source of inspiration, resilience, and creativity for the world, even if they don’t get credit for it.


The truth is that there’s a lot the world can learn from the LGBTQ+ community’s unique perspectives and experiences, as well as their creativity, artistry, and courageousness when it comes to being themselves. Here are 14 things straight people can pick up from their queer friends that might just make life a little more colourful and meaningful.

1. Celebrate your individuality without apology.


One of the biggest lessons the queer community offers is the value of embracing yourself fully. Queer people often go through a journey to understand and accept who they are, and they come out the other side with a strong sense of self. Straight people can take a page from this book and stop apologising for their quirks, passions, or the things that make them unique. Life’s too short to pretend to be someone else—be proud of who you are.

2. Chosen family can be just as important as biological family.


Queer people know the importance of surrounding themselves with people who genuinely love and support them. For many in the LGBTQ+ community, friends become family, providing the same (or more) support as biological families. Straight people can learn that a family isn’t just about blood—it’s about those who love you, accept you, and stand by you, no matter what. Building a strong chosen family can be incredibly fulfilling.

3. Fashion is about self-expression, not fitting in.

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The queer community has often led the way in breaking fashion norms, proving that clothes are a way to express who you are, not who society says you should be. Straight people can learn that there’s no need to dress to “fit in” or follow every trend. Instead, embrace what makes you feel authentic, comfortable, or empowered. When fashion is about self-expression, it becomes fun, and you feel more confident, too.

4. Love is love—and it’s worth celebrating in all its forms.

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The queer community has worked hard to show the world that love should be celebrated, no matter who it’s between. Straight people can embrace the idea that love is beautiful in all its variations. Seeing all types of love as equally valid opens up a world of compassion and acceptance that can enrich every relationship in life.

5. Embrace fluidity and change.

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Queer people know that identity, love, and attraction can be fluid and complex. Embracing this idea allows people to grow and change without feeling pressured to fit into a rigid box. Straight people can learn that it’s okay to evolve, to shift interests, beliefs, and even style. Life isn’t a straight line—pun intended—and the more we embrace that, the more we learn about ourselves and other people.

6. Don’t be afraid to question traditions.

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From challenging norms around marriage to redefining family structures, the queer community has shown that traditions can be reshaped to fit modern lives. Straight people can learn that it’s okay to ask questions about the “way things have always been” and to create new traditions that resonate personally. Being open to change can lead to more fulfilling experiences and relationships that feel right for who you are today.

7. Stand up for what you believe in—even if it’s uncomfortable.

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Queer people have been at the forefront of activism, often risking comfort or safety to fight for equality. Straight people can learn from this courage, remembering that standing up for what’s right is always worth it, even if it’s challenging. Speaking up and supporting other people in the face of adversity builds resilience and helps create a more just world for everyone.

8. Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury.

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Queer people understand that mental health and self-care are essential, often developing routines to protect their well-being in the face of stress or discrimination. Straight people can take note that self-care isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a necessary part of a balanced, healthy life. Taking time to recharge, process emotions, and set boundaries can make life richer and more sustainable.

9. Labels can be helpful, but they don’t define you.

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While many in the LGBTQ+ community use labels to describe themselves, there’s also a deep understanding that labels are just one part of the story. Straight people can learn that while labels can offer clarity and community, they don’t define a person entirely. Embrace the idea that people are multi-faceted, and a single label doesn’t capture the full picture of anyone’s life or identity.

10. There’s strength in vulnerability.


Queer people often have to open up about personal aspects of their lives, and this vulnerability requires a lot of courage. Straight people can learn that vulnerability is not a weakness; it’s an opportunity to connect with people and be honest with themselves. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable brings deeper, more authentic connections and helps people understand each other better.

11. Celebrate the little victories.


From the small wins in personal growth to the big strides in social progress, the queer community knows the power of celebrating victories, no matter the size. Straight people can benefit from this practice by appreciating and celebrating small achievements. Recognising progress, no matter how small, can create a positive mindset and a sense of accomplishment in everyday life.

12. Listen to people’s stories without judgment.


The LGBTQ+ community is made up of a range of unique stories and experiences, and each one is worth hearing. Straight people can learn the importance of listening with an open mind, letting people share their journeys without judgment. Being a good listener helps build empathy, creates mutual respect, and opens the door to meaningful connections.

13. Find joy in building safe spaces.


Queer people know the importance of safe spaces, where they can truly be themselves without fear or judgment. Straight people can take this concept and apply it to their lives by creating environments where everyone feels welcome and valued. Whether it’s at home, at work, or with friends, building a safe space allows everyone to thrive and feel a sense of belonging.

14. Humour can get you through just about anything.


The queer community has a wonderful sense of humour, even in tough times, and often uses laughter to cope with life’s challenges. Straight people can learn that humour is a powerful tool for resilience, helping to bring lightness to difficult situations. Finding ways to laugh, even when things are rough, can be healing and help make the journey a little bit easier.