At first glance, your boss might seem charming and supportive — but then, as you settle in, you notice the cracks.

It starts to become obvious that they have a sneaky side that leaves you wondering if they’re secretly auditioning for a role in a corporate soap opera. If you’ve ever felt like your boss is a serious Jekyll & Hyde personality, here’s how you know your suspicions are 100% right. It might be time to start sending that CV out again!
1. They praise you in private but criticise you in public.

One moment they’re telling you how valuable you are, and the next, they’re tearing you apart in a meeting for something minor. A boss who switches between cheerleader and critic depending on the audience thrives on keeping you off balance. Genuine leaders support you publicly and coach you privately—not the other way around.
2. They shift blame faster than a toddler with a crayon.

When things go wrong, it’s never their fault—somehow, the blame always falls on you or your team. A two-faced boss will happily throw you under the bus to save themselves, even if it’s their poor decisions that caused the problem. If they’re allergic to accountability, you’ve got a tyrant on your hands.
3. They promise you the world but deliver nothing.

“You’ll get that promotion soon!” or “Big raises are just around the corner!” sound exciting, but with a two-faced boss, these promises rarely materialise. They’re all talk, dangling carrots to keep you motivated without any real intention of following through. Watch for patterns—if their promises are always “next time,” it’s not you, it’s them.
4. They play favourites like it’s a sport.

If your boss has a “golden child” in the office, it’s a clear sign of favouritism. A two-faced tyrant loves to create divisions, making some employees feel untouchable while others are constantly on edge. This behaviour kills team morale faster than a poorly timed office fire drill.
5. They’re nice to higher-ups, but unbearable to their team.

Ever notice how your boss is all smiles and professionalism when their own boss is around, but as soon as they leave, the mask drops? A two-faced tyrant is a master at managing up while ruling their team with an iron fist. It’s exhausting to watch and even worse to endure.
6. They’re always “too busy” for you.

When you need guidance, they’re swamped, but somehow, they always have time for their pet projects or long lunches with favoured colleagues. A boss who constantly dodges your requests for support might not value your time—or your contributions. Priorities speak louder than words.
7. They take credit for your work.

You work hard, but when it’s time to present your accomplishments, your boss suddenly claims the spotlight. A two-faced boss will bask in the praise for your efforts while conveniently “forgetting” to mention who did the actual work. Real leaders lift their team up, not steal their thunder.
8. They criticise you for things they do themselves.

“You need to be more organised,” says the boss who can’t find their own email attachments. Hypocrisy is a signature move of a two-faced tyrant, and it’s as frustrating as it is predictable. If their words don’t match their actions, you’re dealing with a professional pretender.
9. They gossip about team members.

If your boss loves spilling office tea about other people, it’s a major red flag. Not only is it unprofessional, but it also leaves you wondering what they’re saying about you behind your back. A trustworthy leader knows how to keep things confidential—a tyrant thrives on stirring the pot.
10. They micromanage but disappear when it matters.

Your boss has no problem hovering over your shoulder to check your every move, but when a real issue arises, they’re nowhere to be found. Two-faced tyrants love the illusion of control without taking on the actual responsibilities of leadership. When the going gets tough, they’re suddenly “in a meeting.”
11. They pit employees against each other.

Whether it’s subtle competition or outright comparison, a two-faced boss knows how to create division. They’ll praise one team member while criticising another, keeping everyone on edge and too distracted to notice their own shortcomings. It’s manipulation at its finest—and most exhausting.
12. They’re quick to change the rules.

What was a priority yesterday suddenly isn’t today, and deadlines seem to shift based on their mood. A two-faced boss loves to keep you guessing because it gives them the upper hand. The constant changes aren’t about flexibility—they’re about control. Good luck keeping up with their ever-moving goalposts.
13. They don’t practise what they preach.

They talk about teamwork but hoard information. They emphasise punctuality but stroll into meetings late. Two-faced bosses are champions of double standards, and it’s exhausting trying to keep up with their “do as I say, not as I do” attitude. Real leaders lead by example; tyrants lead by contradictions.
14. They pretend to care when they don’t.

Your boss might throw out phrases like “How are you doing?” or “I’m here for you,” but their actions tell a different story. If their “concern” never translates into actual support, it’s all for show. Genuine care means following through, not just checking a box. A two-faced tyrant is great at acting, but terrible at authenticity.