Some people are chock-full of personality — a little too much, to be honest! — while others are sadly lacking in this department.

They don’t seem to have much about them, which seems like it should be impossible, but sadly isn’t. They stumble their way through life without ever taking the time to develop their character. So, how can you spot people like this out in the wild? They tend to give themselves away pretty quickly by doing these things.
1. They always agree with everyone.

It’s like they’re scared to have their own opinion. No matter what’s being discussed, they just nod along and say “yeah, totally.” They’re not just being nice — it’s more like they don’t want to risk standing out. Having your own thoughts and sometimes disagreeing is part of being human.
2. They have no hobbies or interests.

Ask them what they like to do for fun, and you get a blank stare. They don’t seem passionate about anything. Everyone’s got something they enjoy, even if it’s just binge-watching a TV show. If they can’t name a single thing they’re into, it’s a bit odd.
3. They mirror everyone around them.

It’s like they’re a chameleon, changing to match whoever they’re with. One minute they’re into heavy metal, the next they’re all about country music. It might seem like they’re just being versatile, but it’s more like they don’t know who they are, so they just copy other people.
4. They never initiate plans.

They’ll show up if invited, but they never suggest doing anything. It’s like they’re afraid to put themselves out there. Making plans shows you’ve got ideas and preferences. If they never take the lead, it might mean they’re not comfortable expressing what they want.
5. They can’t make decisions.

Ask them where they want to eat, and you’re stuck in an endless loop of “I don’t know, what do you want?” It’s not just about being polite. Making decisions, even small ones, is a way of expressing yourself. If they always defer to other people, it might be because they’re not sure what they actually like.
6. They don’t have strong reactions to anything.

Good news, bad news — it’s all met with a shrug. It’s like they’re emotionally flat-lining. Having feelings and showing them is part of being human. If nothing seems to excite or upset them, it might be a sign they’re not connecting with their emotions.
7. They only talk about other people.

Their conversations are all about what so-and-so did or said. They never share their own thoughts or experiences. Gossip is normal, but if that’s all they’ve got to talk about, it might mean they’re not developing their own ideas or experiences.
8. They’re always on their phone.

It’s like they’re hiding behind their screen. Instead of engaging with people or their surroundings, they’re constantly scrolling. Sure, phones are handy, but using them as a constant shield might mean they’re not comfortable just being themselves in social situations.
9. They don’t have a sense of humour.

They never crack jokes or laugh at other people’s. No one’s saying they have to be the life of the party — even quiet people have things they find funny. If they seem confused by humour or never show amusement, it might mean they’re struggling to connect with their fun side.
10. They can’t hold a conversation.

Talk to them, and it’s like pulling teeth. They give one-word answers and never ask questions back. Conversation is a two-way street. If they can’t engage in basic chat, it might be because they’re not comfortable sharing their thoughts or showing curiosity about their fellow human beings.
11. They don’t have any strong likes or dislikes.

Everything’s “fine” to them. Food, movies, music — they’re neutral about it all. Having preferences is part of what makes us unique. If they genuinely don’t care about anything, it might mean they’re not in touch with their own tastes.
12. They’re always bored.

Give them free time, and they don’t know what to do with themselves. They’re always waiting for someone else to entertain them. Being able to enjoy your own company or find ways to occupy yourself is part of having a personality. If they’re constantly bored, it might mean they haven’t developed their own interests.
13. They never share personal stories.

Ask about their weekend or their childhood, and you get vague, generic answers. Everyone’s got experiences that shaped them. If they never share anything personal, it might mean they’re not connecting their experiences to who they are as a person.
14. They’re overly focused on their image.

They’re always worried about how they look or what other people think of them. It’s normal to care about your appearance, but if that’s all they focus on, it might mean they’re substituting style for substance. True personality shines through regardless of what you’re wearing or how your hair looks.