A little self-awareness goes a long way in life.

However, some people lack the ability to recognise and accept their own behaviour, largely because they don’t care to. Instead, they go through life offending people, acting inappropriately, and generally having zero shame.
1. They constantly overshare personal details.

There’s a time and place for sharing personal stories, but some people just don’t know when to stop. Oversharing uncomfortable or inappropriate details about their life can make everyone around them feel awkward and leave you wondering why they don’t realise it’s too much. It’s hard to understand why they don’t have a sense of what’s appropriate for the situation.
2. They brag about getting away with bad behaviour.

Whether it’s cheating on a test or skipping out on responsibilities, some people take pride in their questionable actions. Instead of feeling guilty, they treat it like an achievement, as if they’re proud of doing something they know isn’t right. It’s as if they expect admiration for behaviour most people would be embarrassed about.
3. They make inappropriate comments in public.

Some people have no filter and will say things in public that leave everyone else uncomfortable. Whether it’s making rude jokes or saying things that just aren’t appropriate, they don’t seem to care how other people react or feel about it. Their lack of awareness of social norms can quickly put people on edge.
4. They refuse to apologise when they’re wrong.

We all make mistakes, but people with no shame seem completely incapable of apologising. Even when it’s obvious they’re in the wrong, they’ll double down or act like it’s no big deal, avoiding any sense of accountability. This unwillingness to admit fault can strain relationships and create lasting tension.
5. They interrupt people without a second thought.

Constantly interrupting other people shows a lack of respect, and some people don’t even realise they’re doing it. It’s not just rude; it’s a sign that they don’t care about letting other people have their say. This can make conversations feel one-sided and leave everyone else feeling dismissed.
6. They act overly familiar with people they barely know.

Some people have no problem crossing personal boundaries right away, acting like they’re best friends with people they’ve just met. It can feel invasive and inappropriate when someone gets too comfortable too quickly. It really can make people uncomfortable and unsure how to respond.
7. They always expect favours but never return them.

It’s one thing to ask for help, but when someone constantly asks for favours without ever offering to return the gesture, it shows a lack of self-awareness. They seem to think the world owes them something, without feeling the need to give back. Over time, this can make people feel used or taken advantage of.
8. They take credit for other people’s work.

One of the most off-putting behaviours is when someone takes credit for something they didn’t do. Whether it’s at work or in a group project, they’ll gladly accept praise that belongs to someone else, with no shame about it. Their lack of integrity can damage trust and respect with their peers, and for good reason!
9. They make a scene to get attention.

Some people will do whatever it takes to be the centre of attention, even if it means causing a scene. They’ll raise their voice, act out, or create drama just to make sure all eyes are on them, without caring about how it affects other people. It can make social situations uncomfortable for everyone involved, that’s for sure.
10. They jump the queue without hesitation.

Cutting in line is a clear sign someone has no regard for other people. They’ll act like they’re entitled to jump ahead, ignoring the fact that everyone else is waiting patiently. It’s an act that shows they think the rules don’t apply to them, which can frustrate those around them.
11. They don’t clean up after themselves in shared spaces.

Leaving a mess behind for other people to deal with is not only rude, but shows they have no sense of responsibility. Whether it’s at home, at work, or in public places, they act like someone else will always clean up after them. Frustratingly, their selfish behaviour can create extra work and tension for everyone else.
12. They make promises they never intend to keep.

People who have no shame will often make promises they know they won’t keep, just to keep people happy in the moment. They’ll say what other people want to hear but have no intention of following through, leaving everyone disappointed and frustrated. Over time, this makes it hard for people to trust anything they say.
13. They ignore social cues entirely.

When someone can’t take a hint or completely ignores social cues, it’s a sign they don’t care about how other people are reacting. Whether it’s overstaying their welcome or dominating the conversation, they’re oblivious to the discomfort they cause. This lack of awareness can make social interactions exhausting for those around them.
14. They have no problem asking for things they don’t deserve.

Some people shamelessly ask for things they haven’t earned, whether it’s a favour, a promotion, or special treatment. They expect everyone else to give them more than they’ve worked for, without feeling embarrassed about it at all. This entitlement can push people away and make them less willing to help in the future.