14 Little Things Book Lovers Do That Drive Librarians Crazy

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You love books, but do you treat them right? That’s up for debate, according to librarians.

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They love that you want to spend hours strolling the aisles, looking for your next big literary adventure, but you might be doing some things that make their jobs a little harder, or at the very least drive them up the wall!

1. Leaving bookmarks everywhere except in the actual book


Receipts, train tickets, napkins, even that half-eaten biscuit – we’ve all been guilty of using whatever’s at hand to mark our page. The irony? We often end up losing those makeshift bookmarks, leading to a frantic search through the book, potentially damaging its delicate pages. Librarians, bless their souls, probably find a collection of these odd bookmarks tucked between the shelves every day.

2. Dog-earing pages instead of using a bookmark

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I know, I know, it’s a cardinal sin in the book world. But sometimes, in the heat of the moment, we absent-mindedly fold the corner of a page to mark our spot. Librarians, with their unwavering dedication to preserving books in pristine condition, probably shudder at the sight of those tell-tale creases.

3. Returning books way past their due date


We get so engrossed in the story that we completely lose track of time — I know I do. Weeks, sometimes even months, pass before we realise the book is overdue. The poor librarian, meanwhile, is left wondering if the book has been kidnapped, only to have it sheepishly returned with a flurry of apologies.

4. Borrowing a stack of books and only reading one

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We’re ambitious, we’ll give ourselves that. We enter the library with the best intentions, ready to conquer a mountain of literature. But then, one book catches our eye, and we end up neglecting the rest. The librarian, who carefully selected those books for us, is probably a bit disappointed to see them returned untouched.

5. Asking for recommendations and then ignoring them

Seva Levytskyi

Librarians are treasure troves of literary knowledge, always ready to offer personalised recommendations. We eagerly ask for their suggestions, only to end up browsing the shelves on our own, completely disregarding their expert advice. They must wonder why we even bothered asking in the first place.

6. Reading in the library without actually borrowing any books

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The library is a haven for bookworms, a place where we can immerse ourselves in the written word. Sometimes, we bring our own books and spend hours reading in the comfy chairs, blissfully unaware that the librarian might be eyeing us, wondering why we’re not taking advantage of their vast collection.

7. Returning books in a completely different order than they were borrowed

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We’re not the most organised bunch, are we? We borrow a neatly stacked pile of books, only to return them in a jumbled mess. The librarian, who meticulously arranged those books, is probably left scratching their head, trying to figure out how it all went so wrong.

8. Spilling coffee or tea on library books

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Accidents happen, especially when we’re so absorbed in a book that we forget about the precarious cuppa balanced on the armrest. The librarian’s heart probably skips a beat when they see that tell-tale stain on the page, knowing that it’ll take some serious effort to remove it.

9. Highlighting or underlining excessively in library books

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We’re enthusiastic annotators, aren’t we? We love highlighting passages that resonate with us or underlining quotes that strike a chord. While it’s a helpful way to engage with the text, librarians might cringe when they see a library book returned looking like a rainbow explosion.

10. Attempting DIY repairs on damaged library books


We might feel a pang of guilt when we accidentally rip a page or bend the cover of a library book. In a misguided attempt to fix the damage, we might resort to DIY repairs with sticky tape or glue. Librarians, with their professional book-mending skills, probably shake their heads at our well-intentioned but often messy efforts.

11. Leaving random objects inside library books


From pressed flowers to love letters, we’ve all been tempted to leave a little piece of ourselves within the pages of a book. While it might seem romantic, librarians probably find a bizarre assortment of items tucked between the pages, leaving them both amused and bewildered.

12. Engaging in loud conversations or phone calls in the library

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The library is a sanctuary of silence, a place where we can escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. However, sometimes we forget to keep our voices down or silence our phones, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere. Librarians, who value the quietude of their domain, probably wish they could shush us with a gentle reminder.

13. Rearranging the books on the shelves to suit our own preferences

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We might have strong opinions on how books should be organised, and sometimes we can’t resist the urge to rearrange the shelves to our liking. Librarians, who spend countless hours carefully categorising and shelving books, probably sigh in frustration when they discover their efforts have been undone.

14. Falling asleep while reading in the library

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There’s something undeniably cosy about curling up with a good book in the library. Sometimes, we get so lost in the story that we drift off to sleep, snoring softly amidst the stacks. Librarians, while understanding the allure of a literary slumber, probably have to gently wake us up before closing time.