14 Important Things To Remember If You Hate What You See In The Mirror

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It’s hard to wake up every day loving the reflection staring back at you in the mirror.

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However, while we all have things we’d love to change about our appearance, you should still be able to find plenty of things you love. If you can’t, and if you truly hate the way you look, here are some things you need to remember. You deserve to feel so much better about yourself!

1. Your mirror isn’t telling the whole story.

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That piece of glass on your wall is only showing one small part of you. Sure, it reflects your outward appearance, but it can’t capture your warmth, humour, or the way you light up when you’re with your friends. Remember, there’s so much more to you than what the mirror shows. Who you are on the inside—the way you treat people, your passions, your personality—that’s the real story.

2. Your body is not your enemy.

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It’s easy to get frustrated when your body doesn’t look the way you want it to, but think about all the incredible things it does for you every single day. It’s carrying you through life, allowing you to experience so many things. Show it some gratitude instead of focusing on what you think is “wrong.” After all, it’s on your side, keeping you alive and well.

3. Social media is a load of nonsense.

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Those “perfect” bodies you see on Instagram? They’re about as real as a CGI character. Between filters, photoshop, and the best possible lighting, what you’re seeing isn’t real life. It’s someone’s polished version of themselves. Stop comparing yourself to a digital fantasy. Real people have blemishes, stretch marks, and bad angles, and that’s perfectly okay.

4. Your worth isn’t measured in inches or kilos.

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You’re not defined by the number on the scale or the size of your jeans. Who you are—your kindness, your drive, your spirit—those are the things that really matter. Stop measuring your self-worth by your physical size because that’s just one tiny part of who you are. You’re so much more than your outer shell.

5. Change is the only constant.

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Your body is going to change, and that’s completely normal. Age, lifestyle, and experiences all leave their marks. Embrace those changes as part of your journey. Instead of fighting against time, learn to appreciate how your body evolves and what each phase of life brings to you.

6. Perfection is boring anyway.

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Let’s be real—if everyone looked “perfect,” life would be pretty dull. It’s our differences, quirks, and so-called “flaws” that make us interesting. Embrace what makes you stand out. Those things you’re insecure about are what make you memorable and unique. Perfection is overrated.

7. Your body is not a project.

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You don’t need to be constantly working on your body like it’s a renovation that needs fixing. It’s okay to simply exist in your body without trying to change it all the time. Sometimes, just appreciating it as it is, right now, can be incredibly freeing. You don’t have to be in a constant state of improvement.

8. How you feel is more important than how you look.

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Instead of obsessing over your reflection, focus on how your body feels. Are you energised? Are you healthy? Those are the things that really matter. What good is a six-pack if you’re exhausted all the time or can’t enjoy life? Take care of your health, and the rest will follow.

9. Other people aren’t thinking about your appearance as much as you are.

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That pimple you think is massive? Chances are, nobody else has even noticed it. Most people are too busy worrying about their own insecurities to spend time judging yours. You’re probably your harshest critic, so take a deep breath and give yourself a break.

10. Your negative self-talk is a right pain.

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If you wouldn’t say it to your best mate, don’t say it to yourself. That critical voice in your head telling you you’re not good enough? It’s not doing you any favours. Practice kindness, even toward yourself. You deserve compassion, especially from yourself.

11. Clothes are meant to fit you, not the other way around.

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If something doesn’t fit, it’s the clothing’s fault—not your body’s. Stop forcing yourself into uncomfortable clothes because of a label. Wear what makes you feel good, what makes you feel confident. You deserve to feel great in your skin, no matter what size you wear.

12. Your body is not a democracy.

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You don’t need anyone else’s approval when it comes to your appearance. It’s your body, your life, your choice. Don’t let other people’s comments or society’s narrow standards of beauty dictate how you feel about yourself. You’re the only one who gets a say in how you look and feel.

13. Self-love is a journey, not a destination.

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Learning to love your reflection doesn’t happen overnight, and that’s okay. It’s a process that takes time. There will be ups and downs, but with patience, you’ll get there. Celebrate small wins along the way and remind yourself that self-love is about progress, not perfection.

14. You are so much more than your appearance.

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At the end of the day, your looks are just a small piece of the puzzle. Your kindness, your intelligence, your passions—those are the things that define you. Don’t let the way you look overshadow all the incredible things that make you the person you are. You’re a lot more than just your reflection.