14 Definite Signs You’re More Intelligent Than You Think

Seva Levytskyi

You’re probably smarter than you give yourself credit for.

Seva Levytskyi

I’m not here to blow smoke up your backside or tell you what you want to hear. This is the straight truth — intelligence comes in many forms, and a high IQ score is just one small part of the equation. If you can check off a good chunk of the items on this list, chances are you’ve got more going on upstairs than you realise. Time to start owning it.

1. You’re insanely curious.

Envato Elements

If your Google search history is an eclectic mix covering everything from ancient history to the mating habits of obscure Amazonian tree frogs, congratulations — you’re a certified intellectual genius. Truly intelligent people are endlessly fascinated by the world around them. They dive down Wikipedia rabbit holes, devour books and documentaries, and annoy friends with their relentless questions. An inquisitive mind is a powerful mind.

2. You embrace alone time rather than avoiding it.

Source: Unsplash

Flying solo isn’t just tolerable for you — it’s essential. While everyone else freaks out over a few hours without social interaction, you relish the chance to recharge, reflect, and pursue your interests uninterrupted. Intelligent people tend to be introspective and value solitude. Just don’t take it too far and become a straight-up hermit, okay? Healthy human interaction is still important.

3. You call things/people out when they’re full of it.

serious woman sitting outdoors on stepsSource: Unsplash

You’ve got a finely tuned BS detector, and you aren’t afraid to use it. When a coworker tries to pass off someone else’s idea as their own or a politician makes a wildly suspect claim, you’re the first to raise your hand and say, “yeah, that doesn’t add up.” Intelligent people think critically, question everything, and have no tolerance for lies, propaganda, or nonsense arguments.

4. You’re a night owl.

guy on his own side viewSource: Unsplash

If your best ideas arrive long after the sun’s gone down, you might just be a genius. Studies have shown that night owls tend to have higher IQs than early birds. Something about the quiet darkness sparks creativity and problem-solving abilities. Of course, you still need a solid 7–9 hours of shut-eye for optimal brain function, so don’t use this as an excuse to stay up until dawn every night.

5. You talk to yourself.

Source: Unsplash

Caught muttering under your breath again? Don’t sweat it — talking to yourself is a classic sign of intelligence. It means you’re working through problems internally, using language to better understand the world around you. Some of the greatest minds in history, from Einstein to Shakespeare, were notorious self-talkers. So the next time you’re caught conversing with yourself, just explain that you’re in excellent company.

6. You can argue both sides.

woman in coffee shop looking to the rightSource: Unsplash

Playing devil’s advocate is your idea of a good time. No matter how strongly you feel about an issue, you’re always willing (and able) to argue the opposite perspective. This mental flexibility is a key characteristic of highly intelligent people. Seeing an issue from multiple angles allows for deeper understanding and more creative problem-solving. Just don’t be a dick about it, okay?

7. You’re hyper-focused.

man looking to the sideSource: Unsplash

When you’re genuinely interested in something, you pursue it with an almost obsessive intensity. You’ll stay up all night tinkering with a coding project, spend months perfecting a painting technique, or devour every book you can find on a particular period of history. This ability to focus deeply and block out distractions is a hallmark of high intelligence. Harness it for good.

8. You geek out over word games.

Source: Unsplash

Scrabble? Bring it on. Crosswords? You’ll take two, please. If words are your jam, and you can’t resist a good pun, it’s a solid sign of verbal intelligence. The ability to manipulate language, understand nuance and meaning, and think creatively with words is not something to be underestimated. Flex that vocabulary and never apologise for your killer Bananagrams skills.

9. You overthink everything.

Envato Elements

Your brain never powers down. You’ll spend hours turning a minor decision over in your mind, examining every possible angle and outcome. You fret about how your tone came across in that email and construct elaborate worst-case scenarios before any big event. Overthinking can be your Kryptonite, but it’s also an indication that your mind is working overtime. Just remember to get out of your head sometimes.

10. You appreciate dark humour.

guy sitting in chair in gardenSource: Unsplash

Dead baby jokes? Hilarious. Comics who delve into life’s bleakest moments? Your kind of people. If you find yourself drawn to dark and twisty comedy, you may just be wicked smart. Laughing at society’s taboos requires mental agility, a deep understanding of irony and nuance, and a sprinkling of black magic. Obviously, context is key here — read the room and keep things appropriate.

11. You’re emotionally intelligent.

female pensiveSource: Unsplash

IQ is great, but EQ is just as important. If you’re highly attuned to your own emotions and the feelings of those around you, congrats on your emotional intelligence. Understanding the human condition in all its messy complexity is a serious superpower and a sign of legit smarts. Use your powers for good and always keep a tissue on hand.

12. You got only average marks in school.

serious woman looking out windowSource: Unsplash

Were you one of those kids that teachers described as “not living up to your potential?” Well, the joke’s on them because average marks are often a sign of high intelligence. You were likely just bored senseless in a system that couldn’t keep up with your speedy brain. Many of history’s greatest minds, from Winston Churchill to Richard Branson, did miserably in school. Standardised education isn’t for everyone.

13. You’re super clumsy.

young man standing outsideSource: Unsplash

Always walking into walls or knocking over your drink? It could be because your mind is working a mile a minute and can’t be bothered with trivial things like spatial awareness. Clumsiness is weirdly common among brainiacs — there’s even a scientific term for it: “high intellectual, low physical coordination.” Basically, you’re too smart to function. Own it.

14. You seek out new experiences.

guy sitting outside in woods looking thoughtfulSource: Unsplash

Intelligent people are novelty-seekers. You’re always down to try that weird new fusion restaurant, explore a foreign city without a map, or take a spontaneous road trip to the middle of nowhere. Your insatiable thirst for new experiences keeps your neural pathways poppin’ and your mind-expanding. Just remember that not everyone shares your adventurous spirit, so don’t pressure your cautious pals too hard.