13 Ways To Show Your Parents You Appreciate Them When You Find It Hard

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Your parents have sacrificed a lot to make sure you’ve been happy, healthy, and loved.

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However, no matter how grateful you are for all they’ve done for you, it can be really hard to tell them that for a number of reasons. If you’ve never been one for deep, emotional conversations, or you just don’t express yourself very well in words, here’s how to show your mum and/or dad just how much you appreciate them.

1. Ask for their advice or opinion.

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Asking for your parents’ input on a decision or problem shows that you value their wisdom and experience. It doesn’t have to be a major life choice; even asking for their thoughts on something small can make them feel appreciated and respected.

2. Write a heartfelt letter or card.

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Sometimes, it’s easier to express feelings on paper than face-to-face. Take the time to write a sincere letter or card to your parents. You don’t need to go overboard with sentimentality; even a simple “Thank you for always being there” can mean a lot.

3. Cook a meal for them.

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Prepare a meal for your parents, especially if they’re usually the ones cooking for the family. It doesn’t have to be a gourmet feast; even a simple dish made with care can convey appreciation. If cooking isn’t your strong suit, you could order their favourite takeaway instead.

4. Share an experience or activity they enjoy.

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Engage in an activity your parents love, even if it’s not your cup of tea. This could be watching their favourite TV show, joining them for a walk, or playing a board game they enjoy. Your willingness to participate in their interests demonstrates that you value spending time with them and appreciate the things that bring them joy.

5. Help with household chores without being asked.

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Actions often speak louder than words. Surprise your parents by taking care of some household tasks without prompting. This could be as simple as doing the dishes, mowing the lawn, or organising a cluttered area. Your initiative will show that you care about their well-being and want to make their lives a bit easier. It’s a practical way to say “I appreciate you” without actually saying the words.

6. Create a photo album or digital slideshow of family memories.

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Compile a collection of family photos, either in a physical album or a digital slideshow. Include pictures from different periods of your life together. Such a thoughtful gift not only shows that you cherish the memories you’ve shared but also that you’ve taken the time to curate and present them in a meaningful way.

7. Teach them something new.

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Share your knowledge or skills with your parents. This could be showing them how to use a new technology, teaching them a hobby you enjoy, or explaining a concept related to your work or studies. By doing so, you’re acknowledging their interest in your life and creating an opportunity for mutual growth and connection.

8. Give them your undivided attention.

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In our busy, device-filled world, giving someone your full attention is a valuable gift. When spending time with your parents, put away your phone and really listen to them. Engage in conversation without distractions. Giving them so much focused attention shows that you prioritise your relationship with them and value what they have to say.

9. Respect their boundaries and wishes.

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Showing appreciation doesn’t always mean grand gestures. Sometimes, it’s about respecting the boundaries and wishes your parents have set. This could mean honouring their house rules when you visit, or respecting their decisions even if you disagree.

10. Share your achievements with them.

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When you accomplish something, big or small, share it with your parents. This could be a work promotion, a personal goal you’ve reached, or even a new skill you’ve learned. By including them in your successes, you’re showing that you value their role in your life and want them to be part of your journey.

11. Forgive past mistakes.


If you’re holding on to resentment from past arguments or mistakes, consider working towards forgiveness. This doesn’t mean forgetting or excusing harmful behaviour, but rather choosing to let go of anger for your own peace. Forgiveness can be a great way of appreciating the complexity of the parent-child relationship and moving forward positively.

12. Surprise them with a small, thoughtful gift.

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A token of appreciation doesn’t need to be expensive or elaborate. Pick up their favourite treat, a book by an author they love, or a small item related to their hobby. The thought behind the gift matters more than its monetary value.

13. Simply say “thank you” more often.

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Sometimes, the simplest approach is the most effective. Make a conscious effort to say “thank you” more frequently for the things your parents do, even if they seem routine. Whether it’s for a home-cooked meal, a piece of advice, or just for being there, expressing gratitude directly can have a powerful impact on your relationship.