Living authentically is about showing up as your true self, without feeling the need to hide or change who you are for other people.

It sounds great, but it’s a lot easier said than done. Everyone seems to have expectations of you, and on top of the ones you have of yourself, it can be really tricky to fully embrace being you. If you’ve been craving more realness in your life — both with yourself and everyone around you — here are a few things you can do today to embrace your authenticity and let your true self shine.
1. Start by checking in with yourself.

Take a few minutes to pause and ask yourself how you’re really feeling. Are you acting out of habit, or are you honouring what truly matters to you? Reflecting on your emotions, thoughts, and motivations is the first step to understanding whether you’re living authentically. It doesn’t have to be deep — even a quick “How do I feel right now?” can help.
2. Let go of people-pleasing.

Trying to make everyone happy is exhausting, and it often means you’re putting your own needs on the back burner. Give yourself permission to say no to things that don’t align with your values or goals. Remember, being authentic isn’t about being liked by everyone; it’s about being true to yourself.
3. Speak your truth — kindly.

Being authentic doesn’t mean being harsh or blunt, but it does mean expressing your honest thoughts and feelings. Start small by sharing your opinions or preferences in situations where you might usually stay quiet. The key is to be truthful in a way that feels natural and considerate to other people.
4. Embrace your imperfections.

Your quirks, flaws, and mistakes are what make you human. Instead of trying to present a polished, perfect version of yourself, let go of the pressure to have it all together. When you embrace your imperfections, you show other people it’s okay to do the same, creating deeper, more genuine connections.
5. Take a social media reality check.

It’s easy to get caught up in projecting a certain image online, but this can pull you further away from your authentic self. If your social media doesn’t reflect who you really are, consider adjusting how you share — or taking a break altogether. Focus on living your life offline in a way that feels true to you.
6. Spend time doing what you love.

What activities make you feel like your best self? Whether it’s painting, running, gardening, or just watching your favourite TV show, carve out time today to do something you genuinely enjoy. These moments of joy and alignment remind you of who you are at your core.
7. Be honest about your boundaries.

Saying yes when you want to say no can quickly lead to frustration and burnout. Take a moment to reflect on your boundaries and practise enforcing them today. Start small — maybe it’s declining an invitation you don’t feel up for or asking for more time to complete a task. Boundaries are an act of self-respect.
8. Surround yourself with people who get you.

Authenticity thrives in environments where you feel accepted and valued. Spend time today connecting with friends, family, or colleagues who appreciate the real you. These relationships will encourage you to be yourself without fear of judgement or rejection.
9. Stop comparing yourself to other people.

It’s hard to be authentic when you’re constantly measuring yourself against someone else’s highlight reel. Catch yourself if you start comparing and remind yourself that everyone’s path is unique. Your authenticity is about embracing where you are, not where you think you should be.
10. Practise gratitude for who you are.

Take a moment to appreciate your unique qualities, even the ones you might not always love. Gratitude shifts your focus from what you think you lack to what makes you special. Celebrate something about yourself today, whether it’s your sense of humour, resilience, or creativity.
11. Acknowledge your feelings — all of them.

Authenticity means honouring all parts of yourself, including the tough emotions. If you’re feeling sad, frustrated, or anxious, allow yourself to sit with those feelings instead of brushing them aside. Validating your emotions helps you connect more deeply with yourself and everyone else.
12. Let go of perfectionism.

Perfectionism is the enemy of authenticity. Trying to meet impossible standards can make you feel like you’re never enough. Today, challenge yourself to let go of the need to be perfect — whether it’s at work, in relationships, or just in how you show up. Give yourself permission to be “good enough.”
13. Celebrate small acts of authenticity.

Living authentically doesn’t mean you need to make huge changes all at once. Celebrate the little moments when you choose to be real, whether it’s being honest in a conversation or spending five minutes doing something that makes you happy. These small acts add up to a life that feels more aligned with who you are. Being authentic is a journey, not a destination. Start with one or two of these steps today, and you’ll gradually build a life that feels more real and true to who you are.