You might have aced your GCSEs, breezed through uni, and landed a posh job, but none of that matters if you don’t have a lick of common sense.

Book smarts are all well and good, but they won’t help you navigate the gritty realities of daily life. If you’re constantly getting duped, mugged, or lost in the sauce, it’s time to face the facts: you lack street smarts. Here are 13 signs that you need to wise up and toughen up, no matter how many degrees you have.
1. You’re constantly getting lost and asking for directions.

If you can’t find your way out of a Tesco car park without Google Maps, you’re seriously lacking in spatial awareness. Street smart people have a natural sense of direction and can navigate unfamiliar areas with ease. They pay attention to landmarks, read street signs, and trust their gut. If you’re always the one trailing behind, nose buried in your phone, trying to figure out where you are, it’s time to put down the GPS and start developing your internal compass. Getting lost is not a cute look.
2. You fall for every scam and phishing email.

If you’ve ever given your bank details to a Nigerian prince or clicked on a link promising a free iPhone, you’re a prime target for scammers. Street smart people have a finely tuned BS detector and can smell a con from a mile away. They know that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. They verify sources, read the fine print, and trust their instincts. If you’re constantly getting suckered by smooth-talking salesmen and phony schemes, it’s time to wise up and guard your wallet.
3. You’re oblivious to social cues and body language.

If you can’t tell when someone is lying to your face or hitting on you shamelessly, you’re missing crucial non-verbal cues. Street smart people are masters at reading between the lines and picking up on subtle social signals. They notice shifty eyes, crossed arms, and forced smiles. They trust their gut when something feels off, even if they can’t put their finger on why. If you’re always the last one to pick up on the subtext of a conversation, it’s time to start paying attention to more than just words.
4. You trust everyone and anyone with your personal information.

If you’ll readily give your full name, date of birth, and mother’s maiden name to any randomer who asks, you’re a walking identity theft risk. Street smart people are cautious about sharing personal details, especially with strangers. They know that information is power, and that not everyone has good intentions. They’re selective about who they trust and what they reveal. If you’re an open book to everyone you meet, it’s time to start guarding your privacy a bit more closely.
5. You’re a total pushover in negotiations.

If you always pay sticker price and never ask for a discount, you’re leaving money on the table. Street smart people know how to haggle and advocate for themselves. They’re not afraid to ask for what they want, whether it’s a raise at work or a better deal on a car. They do their research, know their worth, and aren’t afraid to walk away if they don’t get a fair shake. If you’re always the one getting the raw end of a deal, it’s time to toughen up.
6. You’re completely clueless about current events and pop culture.

If you don’t know your Brexit from your Bennifer, you’re seriously out of touch. Street smart people stay informed about what’s happening in the world, even if it’s just skimming the headlines. They know that knowledge is power, and that being well-rounded makes you a better conversationalist and problem-solver. They’re not afraid to ask questions or admit when they don’t know something. If your idea of staying current is watching EastEnders reruns, it’s time to pick up a newspaper once in a while.
7. You’re always the last one to get the joke.

If you’re constantly asking “what’s so funny?” and need every punchline explained to you, you’re missing out on the social lubrication that is humour. Street smart people have a quick wit and a sharp sense of irony. They can read a room and know when to crack a joke to break the tension. They’re not afraid to laugh at themselves or find the humour in absurd situations. If you’re always the wet blanket who doesn’t get the gag, it’s time to lighten up and learn to take a joke.
8. You’re a total klutz with no situational awareness.

If you’re constantly bumping into people, knocking things over, and tripping on your own feet, you’re a hazard to yourself and others. Street smart people have a keen sense of their surroundings and can navigate crowds and obstacles with ease. They’re light on their feet and have quick reflexes. They anticipate potential mishaps and take steps to avoid them. If you’re always the one apologising for your clumsiness, it’s time to start paying more attention to your environment and your body.
9. You’re gullible and believe everything you read on the internet.

If you’ve ever shared a fake news story or fallen for an urban legend, you need to start fact-checking your sources. Street smart people have a healthy scepticism and don’t take everything at face value. They cross-reference information, consider multiple perspectives, and use logic to separate truth from fiction. They know that just because something is viral doesn’t mean it’s valid. If you’re prone to spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories, it’s time to start thinking more critically about what you consume online.
10. You have zero self-defence or survival skills.

If your idea of being prepared for an emergency is having a torch app on your phone, you’re woefully ill-equipped for real-world danger. Street smart people know how to handle themselves in a crisis. They take self-defence classes, learn basic first aid, and have a plan for worst-case scenarios. They know how to think on their feet and improvise solutions. If you’re the type who would scream and faint at the sight of a spider, it’s time to toughen up and learn some practical survival skills.
11. You’re a terrible judge of character.
If you’ve ever loaned money to a flaky mate or got involved with a sketchy partner, you need to work on your people-reading skills. Street smart individuals have a knack for sizing people up quickly and accurately. They trust their instincts about who seems genuine and who seems shady. They’re cautious about who they let into their inner circle and aren’t afraid to cut ties with toxic people. If you’re constantly getting burned by friends and lovers, it’s time to start being more discerning about the company you keep.
12. You have no common sense when it comes to money.

If you’re constantly overdrafting your account, buying things you can’t afford, and living pay cheque to pay cheque, you need a crash course in financial literacy. Street smart people know how to budget, save, and invest wisely. They live below their means, shop for deals, and have an emergency fund. They understand the difference between wants and needs. If you’re drowning in debt and have no idea where your money goes each month, it’s time to get your head out of the sand and start managing your finances like a grown-up.
13. You’re a doormat who lets people walk all over you.

If you’re always the one doing favours, loaning out money, and biting your tongue when people mistreat you, you’re a prime target for users and abusers. Street smart people have strong boundaries and aren’t afraid to stand up for themselves. They know their worth and won’t tolerate disrespect. They’re not people-pleasers who prioritise others’ needs over their own. If you’re constantly getting taken advantage of and feel like a pushover, it’s time to grow a backbone and start asserting yourself. No one respects a doormat.