13 Most Underrated Parts Of Self-Care


We all know the usual self-care stuff: bubble baths, face masks, that sort of thing.


However, the most powerful ways to take care of yourself tend to be the ones you overlook and don’t partake in nearly often enough. However, they could just make the biggest difference to your mental, emotional, and even physical health. You deserve to feel your best, after all, so add these into your routine more often.

1. Saying “no” without the guilt trip

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Seriously, it’s okay to say no sometimes! Whether it’s an extra commitment, a social event you’re not feeling up to, or anything else that drains your energy, learning to politely decline without feeling guilty is a major self-care win. Setting boundaries is a powerful way to protect your time and energy.

2. Unfollowing and unfriending


Social media can be a fun way to connect, but it can also be a source of negativity and comparison. Take a few minutes to unfollow or unfriend accounts that make you feel bad about yourself. Your mental health will thank you, and you’ll create a more positive online space for yourself.

3. Having a good old-fashioned declutter

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Clutter isn’t just about messy rooms; it can weigh on your mind too. Spend some time decluttering your physical space – your wardrobe, that junk drawer, whatever’s bugging you. You’ll be surprised how freeing it feels, and it can even boost your focus and creativity.

4. Making your bed every morning

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Okay, this might seem small, but starting your day with a simple act of tidying up can set a positive tone for the rest of your day. Plus, crawling into a made bed at night is just so much nicer! It’s a small act of self-respect that can make a surprising difference.

5. Learning to single-task

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In our hyper-productive world, we’re always trying to do a million things at once. But focusing on one task at a time can actually boost your productivity and reduce stress. Give it a try! You might be amazed at how much more you accomplish when you’re fully present.

6. Taking yourself on a solo date

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Who says you need company to enjoy yourself? Treat yourself to a solo date – go to a museum, try a new restaurant, see a movie, or simply wander around a park. It’s a great way to reconnect with yourself and explore your own interests at your own pace.

7. Ditching the phone for an hour (or more!)

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We’re all glued to our phones these days. Make a conscious effort to disconnect for a while each day. Put your phone on silent, leave it in another room, and enjoy some screen-free time. You might rediscover the joy of being present and truly appreciate the world around you.

8. Having a good cry

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Bottling up your emotions isn’t healthy. Sometimes, a good cry is all you need to release pent-up stress and feel better. So let those tears flow! It’s a natural way to process emotions and can leave you feeling lighter and more refreshed.

9. Stretching it out

Source: Unsplash

You don’t have to be a yoga master to reap the benefits of stretching. Even a few minutes of gentle stretching each day can improve your flexibility, reduce muscle tension, and leave you feeling more relaxed. It’s a great way to connect with your body and improve your overall well-being.

10. People-watching

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Find a comfy spot in a park, café, or anywhere with interesting people, and just observe. It’s a fascinating way to connect with humanity and take a break from your own thoughts. You might even gain some new perspectives or find inspiration in the everyday moments.

11. Learning something new just for fun

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Pick up a new hobby, take a class, or delve into a subject that’s always intrigued you. Learning new things keeps your mind engaged and can bring a sense of accomplishment and joy. It’s a great way to challenge yourself and expand your horizons.

12. Daydreaming

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Give yourself permission to let your mind wander. Daydreaming can spark creativity, reduce stress, and even help you solve problems. It’s like a mini-vacation for your brain! Allow yourself to get lost in your imagination and see where it takes you.

13. Celebrating your wins (no matter how small)


We often focus on our shortcomings, but it’s important to acknowledge our accomplishments too. Celebrate your wins, big or small, and give yourself credit for all the amazing things you do! Recognising your achievements can boost your confidence and motivate you to keep striving for your goals.