Attraction definitely isn’t just about how someone looks—it’s about how they act, how they treat people, and the kind of energy they bring into a room.

A man can be physically attractive, but if he has certain habits, it won’t take long for that appeal to fade. Whether it’s arrogance, laziness, or just an overall bad attitude, these little behaviours can make someone seem less appealing without them even realising it. If you’ve ever wondered why some men seem to push people away despite having good looks, it usually comes down to these things. Here are a few habits that can make a man instantly unattractive.
1. Acting like he’s always the smartest person in the room

Confidence is great, but constantly trying to prove you’re the smartest person in every conversation is just exhausting. Nobody likes being around someone who turns every discussion into a lecture or acts like other people’s opinions don’t matter. Real intelligence isn’t about showing off; it’s about knowing when to listen, when to contribute, and when to admit you don’t know everything. A guy who respects other perspectives is way more attractive than one who always has to be right.
2. Never taking responsibility for his mistakes

Blaming other people for your problems, making excuses, or refusing to own up to your actions is a fast way to lose people’s respect. It makes you seem immature, and it tells other people that you’re not willing to grow or learn from your mistakes. No one expects perfection, but being able to say, “Yeah, I messed up,” and actually working to fix it is what makes someone attractive. It shows maturity, self-awareness, and a willingness to be better.
3. Having no basic manners

You don’t have to be overly formal, but things like saying “please” and “thank you,” holding the door for someone, or just being polite to strangers go a long way. If a guy treats waitstaff poorly, ignores people when they talk, or doesn’t show common courtesy, it’s a sign of a bigger issue: lack of respect — and that’s one of the quickest ways to become unattractive.
4. Making everything about himself

There’s a difference between sharing your life and dominating every conversation. If a guy never asks questions, never shows interest in other people, and only ever talks about himself, it can feel like being around a human megaphone. The most attractive people are the ones who make everyone feel seen and heard. Someone who actually listens, remembers small details, and asks about your day? That’s real charm.
5. Complaining all the time

We all need to vent sometimes, but if a guy is constantly negative—always whining about work, traffic, or how “unfair” life is—it’s draining. Nobody wants to be around someone who sucks the energy out of every room. Attractive people know how to handle challenges without turning every conversation into a list of things that annoy them. A little optimism goes a long way.
6. Being unreliable

Flaking on plans, always running late, or making promises and then forgetting about them is a clear sign that someone doesn’t respect other people’s time. If a guy constantly cancels last minute, disappears for days, or never follows through on what he says, people will stop taking him seriously. Being dependable isn’t just a “nice-to-have” quality; it’s essential.
7. Bragging or showing off

Confidence is attractive. Trying too hard to prove how impressive you are? Not so much. Constantly talking about money, success, or possessions can make someone seem insecure rather than interesting. People don’t want to feel like they’re listening to a walking résumé. Genuine confidence speaks for itself—you don’t need to advertise it.
8. Shutting down emotionally

Some men act like emotions are something to be avoided or “fixed.” However, bottling everything up, shutting down, or avoiding tough conversations makes it hard to connect with people. No one expects a guy to pour his heart out 24/7, but being able to communicate feelings and be emotionally present is what makes relationships (of any kind) stronger.
9. Treating people differently based on what they can “offer”

One of the biggest red flags is when someone treats their boss with respect but talks down to a waiter. Being kind to those in “higher” positions but dismissive or rude to people says a lot about a person’s character. Attractive people treat everyone with respect, no matter their job, background, or status. It’s a simple but powerful difference.
10. Expecting effort without giving any in return

Relationships, whether romantic, friendships, or even work-related, shouldn’t be one-sided. A guy who expects everyone to always plan things, reach out first, or put in all the emotional labour is going to seem lazy and entitled. Attractiveness isn’t just about looks—it’s about showing appreciation, making an effort, and meeting people halfway.
11. Having no ambition or drive

It’s not about being rich or having a “perfect” career; it’s about caring about something. Whether it’s a hobby, a goal, or personal growth, having some level of motivation is attractive. A guy who coasts through life with no passion for anything can come across as uninspiring. People are drawn to those who have interests, goals, and things they genuinely enjoy doing.
12. Playing mind games

Being hot and cold, sending mixed signals, or trying to make someone jealous might seem like a way to gain control, but it just comes across as immature and exhausting. People respect honesty and directness far more than unnecessary games. A man who communicates clearly and doesn’t mess around with people’s feelings will always be more attractive than one who thrives on confusion.
13. Not taking care of himself

It’s not about being a gym addict or obsessing over appearance—it’s about basic self-care. Showering, dressing appropriately, and taking care of personal hygiene are the bare minimum, yet some guys still overlook them. Looking after yourself isn’t about impressing anyone—it’s about self-respect. And when a guy respects himself, it naturally makes him more attractive to other people.