If you’re worried your marriage might be over soon, it’s important to face reality rather than burying your head in the sand.

Divorce doesn’t usually come out of nowhere — there are often warning signs long before the papers are served. If you’re seeing several of the red flags on this list, it’s time to take a hard look at your relationship and make some changes before it’s too late. Ignoring these issues will only make things worse in the long run.
1. She’s stopped confiding in you about anything.

Remember when your wife used to tell you everything, from her frustrations at work to her hopes and dreams? If those heart-to-hearts have disappeared, it’s a sign she no longer trusts you with her innermost thoughts. When a woman feels emotionally safe with her partner, she naturally wants to share her life with him. If she’s keeping her feelings to herself, it means she’s withdrawing from the relationship and may be preparing to leave.
2. She’s always angry with you.

Every interaction between you seems to end in a row. Even minor disagreements blow up into full-scale arguments. She nitpicks your every move and nothing you do is ever good enough. Constant criticism and contempt are toxic to a marriage. If your wife seems perpetually angry with you, it’s often because deep resentments have taken root. When a woman has one foot out the door, she may pick fights to justify her desire to leave.
3. Your intimate life is basically non-existent these days.

Bedroom action doesn’t stay red-hot forever, but a healthy marriage still includes regular intimacy. If your wife has lost all interest in this, going months without so much as a kiss or cuddle, take it as a serious warning sign. For women, emotional connection is often a prerequisite for physical intimacy. If she’s not feeling loved and appreciated outside the bedroom, she’s unlikely to want to get between the sheets with you.
4. She keeps talking about how unhappy she is.

Your wife has started openly expressing her dissatisfaction with the marriage and her life. Everything from your living situation to your job to your behaviour is a problem for her. Maybe she wistfully mentions her single friends’ exciting lives, or talks about the opportunities she missed by getting married young. When a woman starts fantasising about how much better off she’d be without you, pay attention. Her mind may be drifting toward divorce.
5. She’s spending more and more time away from home.

Your once homebody wife now finds endless reasons to be anywhere but with you. Maybe she’s constantly out with her friends, taking solo trips, or working late nights at the office. When you are together, she’s glued to her phone texting or scrolling social media. If your wife is choosing to spend her free time away from you, she may be distancing herself in preparation for a split. Disconnecting from the relationship is often a first step towards leaving.
6. You barely spend any quality time together anymore.

Date nights, long talks, laughing at in-jokes — all the little moments that keep couples connected have vanished from your marriage. You’re like two ships passing in the night, living parallel lives under the same roof. When a woman checks out of the relationship, she stops putting effort into bonding. If she’s no longer interested in nurturing your connection, it’s a sign she’s got one foot out the door.
7. She never compromises or thinks about your needs.

A healthy marriage involves give and take, with both partners being willing to compromise. But lately, your wife refuses to meet you halfway on anything, whether it’s which program to watch on the telly or where to go on holiday. She talks over your opinions and desires, insisting on always getting her way. When a woman stops caring about her husband’s happiness, it’s often because she’s no longer invested in the relationship.
8. She’s become secretive with her phone or laptop.

Your once open book of a wife now guards her devices like classified MI5 documents. She’s changed all her passwords, keeps her phone glued to her side, and slams her laptop shut when you enter the room. If your wife is suddenly cagey about her digital life, it’s a sign she may be hiding something — like an affair or divorce plans. A woman with nothing to conceal shouldn’t need to be so secretive around her own husband.
9. You’ve been sleeping apart for months.

At first, she claimed it was because of your snoring, but now your wife completely avoids your bed. Sleeping in separate rooms every night creates physical and emotional distance between spouses. It’s often a precursor to divorce, a way of getting used to living separate lives. Unless health issues are involved, happy couples generally want to sleep together to maintain intimacy and connection.
10. She makes big financial decisions without you.

You used to decide together how to spend and save your money, but now your wife does whatever she wants financially without even consulting you. Maybe she’s made large purchases, changed investments, or even opened a secret bank account in her name. When a woman starts separating her financial life from her husband’s, it’s often in anticipation of divorce. She’s setting herself up to survive — and thrive — without you.
11. She’s stopped wearing her wedding ring.

That precious symbol of your commitment has gone conspicuously missing from her finger. If she tries to brush it off as no big deal, insisting she simply forgot to put it on, don’t be fooled. For most women, a wedding ring is a cherished item and not something they just absent-mindedly neglect to wear. When a wife stops wearing this outward sign of your union, it often mirrors her inner disconnection from the marriage.
12. She openly disrespects or belittles you.

Your wife makes mean-spirited “jokes” at your expense, putting you down in front of friends, family, even your children. No subject is off-limits, from your appearance to your sexual prowess to your earning power. Even in private, she constantly criticises and demeans you. This lack of respect is a huge red flag. When a woman loses respect for her husband, her love usually isn’t far behind. Contempt is poisonous to a marriage.
13. You no longer feel like partners.

You’ve started to feel more like flatmates than spouses. You move about your days separately, without considering each other’s needs or schedules. When you try to engage her in conversations about your relationship, she’s apathetic, insisting everything is fine even as she pulls further away. This emotional estrangement often precedes physical separation. If you feel more alone within your marriage than you would on your own, divorce may be on the horizon.