12 Signs You Might Be Struggling With Body Confidence

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Maybe you usually feel pretty good about your appearance, but lately, you’ve been noticing your flaws more than usual.

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Body confidence ebbs and flows throughout our lives for a variety of reasons, and it’s not always possible to feel good about the skin you’re in 24/7. However, if you find yourself doing any of the following things, your body image may truly be struggling, and it’s something you need to work on. After all, we only get one body, and we need to love it as best we can while we can.

1. You avoid looking in mirrors.

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If you find yourself dodging reflective surfaces or feeling a sense of dread when you catch sight of yourself, it might be a sign of low body confidence. This isn’t about vanity — it’s about feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. Mirrors shouldn’t be the enemy. If you’re constantly avoiding your reflection, it might be time to dig deeper into why.

2. You’re always comparing your body to other people’s.

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Caught yourself sizing up everyone in the room? Constantly checking out how you measure up to friends, strangers, or celebrities? It’s an exhausting habit, and it’s a clear sign you might be struggling with body confidence. Remember, everyone’s body is different and that’s okay. Your worth isn’t determined by how you stack up to everyone else.

3. You’re always hiding under baggy clothes.

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If your wardrobe is full of oversized clothes, and you’re using them as a shield, it might be a sign of body confidence issues. While comfort is important, constantly hiding your body shape can be a way of avoiding confronting your insecurities. Clothes should make you feel good, not like you’re trying to disappear.

4. You cancel plans because of how you look.

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Ever bailed on a night out or a beach day because you felt “too fat” or “too ugly”? If your appearance is regularly stopping you from living your life, that’s a red flag. Your body shouldn’t be a prison keeping you from experiences you want to have. Life’s too short to let these insecurities hold you back.

5. You’re overly critical of photos of yourself.

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If every photo of you becomes a scrutiny session where you pick apart every perceived flaw, you might be dealing with body image issues. It’s normal to have preferences about how you look in photos, but if you can’t stand any image of yourself, that’s not healthy. Try to see yourself through kinder eyes.

6. You’re constantly on diets or new exercise regimes.

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Jumping from one extreme diet to another or always starting new workout plans can be a sign of body dissatisfaction. While healthy eating and exercise are great, doing them out of self-hate rather than self-love isn’t sustainable. If you can’t accept your body without the promise of changing it, that’s a sign of low body confidence.

7. You apologize for your appearance.

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Catch yourself saying sorry for how you look? “Sorry, I look awful today” or “Excuse my appearance” shouldn’t be regular phrases in your vocabulary. Your appearance isn’t something you need to apologize for. If you’re constantly feeling the need to excuse how you look, it might be time to work on your self-love.

8. You can’t take compliments.


When someone says something nice about your appearance, do you immediately brush it off or argue against it? Not being able to accept compliments can be a sign of low body confidence. It’s okay to simply say “thank you” when someone pays you a compliment. You don’t have to agree, but learning to accept kind words graciously is important.

9. You’re obsessed with certain body parts.


If you find yourself fixating on specific parts of your body, constantly checking or trying to hide them, it’s clear you’re struggling to love your body. Whether it’s your stomach, thighs, arms, or anything else, obsessing over one area isn’t healthy. Your body is a whole package, not just one part.

10. You feel uncomfortable being naked.

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Feeling awkward in your birthday suit, even when you’re alone? If you can’t stand the sight of your naked body or feel the need to always be covered up, it might indicate low body confidence. Being comfortable in your own skin — literally — is important for overall self-esteem.

11. You’re always seeking reassurance about your appearance.

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Constantly asking everyone “Do I look okay?” or “Have I gained weight?” can be a sign of body insecurity. While it’s normal to want opinions sometimes, if you’re relying on other people’s approval to feel okay about your body, it’s worth addressing. Your opinion of yourself should be the one that matters most.

12. You feel guilty after eating.

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If meals are followed by waves of guilt or shame, it could be a sign of body image issues. Food shouldn’t be the enemy, and eating shouldn’t be a source of constant stress. If you’re beating yourself up over what you eat, it might be time to work on your relationship with both food and your body.