12 Habits For A More Positive Vibe


If you tend to be cranky a lot and generally have a bit of a “meh” attitude, it’s time for a change.

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Not only will adopting a more positive vibe in your life make you less miserable, it’ll also make you a lot more likeable to the people around you. Life is too short to walk around with a cloud over your head all the time, so switch things up by incorporating some of these practices into your day. You might be surprised at what a big difference it makes to your overall mood.

1. Start your day with gratitude.

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Before you even get out of bed, think of three things you’re grateful for. They can be big or small — from having a roof over your head to looking forward to your morning coffee. It’s simple, doesn’t take long, and it sets a positive tone for the day ahead. It’s amazing how focusing on the good stuff can completely change your perspective. And don’t say you have nothing to be grateful for — if you have a roof over your head and food on your table, there are two things right off the bat!

2. Smile more often.

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It might sound cheesy, but smiling really can brighten your mood. Even if you don’t feel like it, try turning that frown upside down more often. Your brain doesn’t know the difference between a fake smile and a real one, so you’ll get the mood-boosting benefits either way. Plus, smiling is contagious — you might just make someone else a little happier, too.

3. Limit your social media time.

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While social media can be great for staying connected, too much of it can make you absolutely miserable. Try setting specific times for checking your accounts, and stick to them. Use the extra time to do things that truly make you feel good. Taking a digital detox can get rid of all the clutter in your brain that gets crammed there from endless scrolling through other people’s carefully curated lives.

4. Practise random acts of kindness.

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Doing something nice for other people is the definition of good vibes. It doesn’t have to be big — hold the door for someone, give a genuine compliment, or send a friend a supportive message. These small acts of kindness create positive energy that benefits both you and the other person. It’s a simple way to spread positivity while also feeling better yourself. That’s a win-win situation!

5. Move your body every day.

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Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters. You don’t need to run a marathon — a quick walk, a short yoga session, or even dancing to your favourite song definitely fit the bill. Find a form of movement you enjoy and make it a regular part of your routine. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

6. Surround yourself with positive people.

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The people we spend time with have a big impact on our mood, so try to connect more with friends and family members who lift you up and make you feel good. If you can’t avoid negative people entirely, limit your time with them. Remember, positivity is contagious, so choose your company wisely.

7. Practice mindfulness.

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Take a few minutes each day to be fully present in the moment. This could be through meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply focusing on your surroundings. Mindfulness can help reduce stress and increase your overall sense of wellness. It really does work wonders for harnessing those good vibes.

8. Set goals you can actually achieve.


Having something to work towards can give you a sense of purpose and accomplishment. Set small, realistic goals for yourself and celebrate when you achieve them. This could be anything from reading a book a month to learning a new skill. The key is to choose goals that are meaningful to you and within your reach.

9. Show yourself a bit of compassion.

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Be kind to yourself. We’re often our own harshest critics, but treating yourself with the same kindness you’d show a friend can make a big difference. When things go wrong, don’t beat yourself up. Instead, acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and use it as a learning opportunity.

10. Declutter your space.

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A tidy environment can lead to a clearer mind. Spend a few minutes each day tidying up your living or working space. Getting rid of physical clutter can help reduce mental clutter too. You don’t need to aim for perfection — even small improvements can make a difference to your mood.

11. Cultivate a growth mindset.

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Try to see challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. Embrace the idea that you can improve and develop new skills with effort and practice. Taking a more positive approach to learning and development can help you stay optimistic when times get tough.

12. End your day on a positive note.

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Before you go to sleep, reflect on the good things that happened during the day. No matter how small, there’s always something positive to focus on. This practice helps train your brain to look for the good in your daily experiences. It’s a great way to wind down and set yourself up for positive dreams.